So… Overwatch is designed around teamwork.
However… all of its incentives that exist… HEAVILY encourage players to specialize in 1 hero and play them exclusively. Here’s a list:
Time Efficiency: There’s what… 30ish heroes in the game. Most people aren’t going to have time to sink even 50 hours into each hero to master them. They just simply aren’t. However… sinking 200-300 hours into 1 hero to become absolutely insanely good on them is… still a lot, but it is doable. Also that guy who sunk 200-300 hours into one hero will probably get to a higher rank than the guy who played ~10 hours on literally every hero in the game.
Cosmetics: You get bling, you wanna show off your bling. Unless you are luck incarnate or play a ton, you probably only have really cool bling for a few heroes. So… you kinda sorta only want to play on those heroes and not that one who you only have a few of the recolors on.
Performance Based SR gains: Ohhhh once the cat was out of the bag on this one, teamwork and swapping went out the window. Again, this heavily encouraged staying on your hero no matter what because it was more reliable for gaining SR. Swapping to a hero mid match for a chance to turn a game around simply wasn’t worth it because if it worked… well… you wouldn’t have gotten the stats needed to get decent gains and if it didn’t work you wouldn’t have the stats needed to not lose a ton of SR. If your goal was SR gains, swapping in a rank where Performance Based SR gains was a thing just simply made no sense.
Ultimates: When you swap, you lose all your ult charge. You lose all your progress towards your shot at that big moment that might be awesome and might turn the game around. Also referring back to the above, using your Ult represents your chance to get a whole lot of stats in a short amount of time to bouy your SR gains regardless of how your match is going. And you’re asking players to throw all that away? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. They aren’t going to do that under most circumstances. This got even worse when they did the 2 global ult charge nerfs because Ultimates became even more precious.
Overwatch may have been team based, but its incentives sure aren’t… and that’s what players listen to.
They didn’t even do what would have been the intelligent thing to do and tap into the one well known aspect of the human psych that can override selfishness… that being herd mentality and tribalism. We still don’t have guilds/clans/whatever you want to call them, and that would have done the trick. People are much more likely to work together in a team and sacrifice for the group if they know and trust the other members of the group. Doubly so if the pride of the group is on the line and their in a clan war or whatever. Instead all we have are randomly thrown together teams that will dissolve and you’ll never see any of them again unless you either put a TON of work into your friends list or use external programs.