Mercy is a Juggler, not a Pocket Healer

But why juggle when you can pick one of 4 other healers that can do multiple units at once, resulting in better healing output?

Mercy needs a jester skin.

Because you have to, since you got only single target healing.

Back in season 4, yeah. And she got nerfed to the ground for it, so much so we didn’t see her again till season 11.

You could argue that, and you would be wrong. Every healer that’s been capable of it, has had it nerfed out of them for good reason.

Ana could do it… when she was broken.
Mercy could do it… when she was broken.
Bap could do it… when he was broken.

Seeing a pattern here?

Yes, pattern of Blizzard fighting against their own community. Because it’s inevitable, that one healer will focus on healing and another will focus on utility.

Blizzard screwed up 2/2/2 in same fashion. Idea itself is good - 2 players at each role, specifically so you don’t need both of them to be alive for your team to progress, so you have some room to spare. What Blizzard does? That’s right - made sure, that without any of players everything starts falling apart, as their partner can’t do things in solo.

Where 4/1/1 has 2 critical targets, in 2/2/2 you got 4, and loss of any of them is going to cost you.

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That’s really not it. Like at all.

Blizzard is making the game they want. The community playing it wrong has no bearing to that fact, and only enforces measures blizzard needs to take in order to guide the community into playing the game they wanted it to be in the first place.

2/2/2 is a great example of this.

It’s a team based fps. I’m not sure why this is surprising to you. Every part of the team is supposed to be important, yeah.

Opposite: each part of the team supposed to be expendable. That’s purpose of the team - losing individual members shouldn’t stop progress of team as whole.

And community plays it how they want. Since it’s up to them, how game will actually be played. Developers can decide, how game is intended to be played, of course, but ultimate decision is in the hands of players to follow those intentions or reject them.

What are you even on about right now? Overwatch has always been team reliant. From the very beginning. They built the game specifically with heavy emphasis on team work to accomplish objectives.

That is literally not how any of this works, in reality or in terms of Overwatch.

Which is why the average player is in gold, refusing to play the game as it was meant to be played in the first place.

Emongg said it best.

Not for me, at least before Mercy rework.

Yes, that’s how it works - team goal shouldn’t be compromised by losing any member of said team. That’s why you got a team on said goal, and not just one player - to ensure, that whole team has to be taken out for objective to not be achieved.

Except when the goal is to accomplish objectives with your team.

Cleo, your personal anecdote really doesn’t matter here.

[Reads thread title]

Username checks out.

It’s not anecdote, it’s reality. I always played like that as support - boost players, that are achieving things, and sacrifice those, that do not.

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You have full on admitted that you haven’t played for like the last year+ Cleo. Who are you kidding right now?

Yet I played like that since very beginning. Like devs said, they do not want players to be kept alive indefinitely, so I get to make sacrifices.

Excessive commas aside, I’m always in favor of sacrifice.

I don’t even really play mercy that much (25-30 hours on her vs hundreds on Lucio and Ana, and 55+ on brig and Moira each.

Mercy play definitely involves amplifying greatness while not enabling trash cans to be stupid.

Of course it’s best without sacrificing anyone, but it’s in rules of the game, that players have to die. So, just make sure that unimportant players die.

Who’s even talking about sacrifices here? Your in a 6v6 against another team. You go down a member. You’re at a disadvantage but can still gain the upper hand by accomplishing your win condition before the enemy, ultimately pulling ahead in the team fight and coming out stronger with more ult economy. People are supposed to die, that doesn’t make them any less important.

It’s like you’re not even trying to play the same game.

I play it like that. And people supposed to die, without compromising team, so they aren’t important moment they were chosen to be sacrifice. Even if it’s myself, which I accept as part of the game.

You played it like that, as in past tense and quit shortly after mercy’s rework. It’s been literal years since then Cleo. And you played in sub gold to top it off, less than the average player. You really don’t have any concept of what the game is supposed to be played like from back then, and certainly not now.

I played it in gold and platinum, and I play it how I want it to be played.

In a way, Mercy nerfs helped me realize, how many players you can lose and still win.