Mercy is a Juggler, not a Pocket Healer

That weapon swap always feels like an eternity hey :joy:


This is very ironic. Your name is literally pocketsā€¦ Anyway, I agree.

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ā€˜Mercy is a jugglerā€™

Can she get a clown skin yet. Then i can finally have a skin for how i feel playing her instead of Lucio in most games

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I like this, I like you. Good words.

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You see the problem with that, right?

This is the only skin I would ever use.

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I said this in another thread too but just for visibility, was wondering what everyone thought about have a resurrection sickness debuff for like 8-10 seconds on a character who is resurrected that reduces healing by 25%. This would make the resurected character a priority target. If they can survive through the debuff, the rez may turn a fight but it also gives you an opportunity to try and focus that player back down.

To be fair, the name was ironic at first. I put the ā€˜sā€™ because I pocketed my whole team, not just one person. I have actually since changed it to ā€˜Jugglesā€™ (No joke) but idk why the forums doesnā€™t show it.

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You have to refresh it somehow in the client, cant remember how

Elite Mercy players have always been Jugglers with 200 IQ spatial awareness, hyper strategic mindset and game sense bordering on precognition. those Mercy players would probably make Mercy work even if she had 30hps healing.
those Mercy players are the gifted, fortunate souls, they are the 1% of Mercy mains.
the Majority of Mercy players are tunnel visioned unmotivated disgruntled proletariats that are forced to serve the bourgeoisie DPS to survive, so even if they had 70hps, the class they play in wouldnā€™t allowh tem to Juggle, because Juggling is privilige that elite mercy players arenā€™t aware off.

adding more raw healing numbers to mercy isnā€™t the only way to make her playstyle more mobile and dynamic. In practice she has the most reliable healing in the game because it requires no aiming, resource or even line of sight.

you have to consider how adding more healing in the game affects the pace and overrall feel. at 60hps, winston would not be able to outdamage her pocket. flankers would struggle to be any kind of threat, and it would further funnel value into burst damage.

what if instead mercy had a heal over time, maybe it would only kick in after healing a target to 90% or something? so she could switch to another target while they heal their remaining health up (if they dont take more damage.) this would allow her to juggle without being oppressive to play against.

iā€™m not saying Paladins is some amazing game that Overwatch should emulate, but after getting back into it recently, it really makes me wonder why the OW community in particular thinks that ā€œsupportsā€ necessarily have to be healing 100% of the time. In other games heals are on cooldowns, and you spend the rest of your time providing other kinds of utility to your team be it damage reduction, buffs, cc, or just damage. Why do we judge a support solely by their capacity to heal?

Iā€™d take 70 HPS if mercy only had 150 HP. Maybe also make her GA faster/lower cooldown.

You go and raise a lot of points after this, but they seem mostly irrelevant after this opening statement. Mercy canā€™t exist in that state with 2-2-2. You never address this point in the entirety of your original post.

ā€¦ No. Juggling only works when you can actually heal people fast enough in short bursts to keep everyone topped off/stable enough so that they donā€™t die instead of trying to pocket one person to full health. The reason 50 doesnt work and 55 or 60 does is because you actually heal fast enough.

Mercy also was the only main healer when the game first launched. The other supports were Zenyatta & Lucio.

Itā€™s also for healing the tanks faster.

The Mercy healing change will probably go live taking into consideration that Ana, Moira, Baptiste & Brigitteā€™s healing has been toned down.

No, mass res was a problem before & thatā€™ll make everyone heavily reliant on Mercy again just for the res only & nothing else.

Valkyrie is actually more like Coalescence, expect that Valkyrie is for allies.

Not really. Ana could do it back in the day too, and Moira and Bap definitely have the output to match.

Solo healing wasnā€™t that uncommon back in the day, and main healers could do it because they had the output necessary. Hell, one could argue that the whole point of a main healer is to practically solo heal while the off healer focuses more on utility, while only giving intermittent help here and there. Solo healing has never been anything special to Mercy, but sheā€™s the only one whoā€™s had that capability removed.

Besides, even if that were exclusive to Mercyā€¦ Is that still a problem? Its not like 3 DPS is inherently a bad thing, and with Open Queue officially making its place as a permanent mode soon, itā€™d be good to have someone who can be a little more flexible (though, again, she is not alone in being able to do this).


Because with 50 HPS Mercy doesnā€™t have enough healing to be a main healer and she doesnā€™t have enough utility or offense to be an off healer so she doesnā€™t fit into 2-2-2. Giving her better healing allows her to juggle and be a main healer for her whole team instead of only pocketing 1 person.


For me, Valkyrie killed Mercy, as players never group up, and if they do, they get destroyed by ults I got nothing against. If you make players group up, you should be able to defend them from downsides of grouping up, such as ult combos.

Except Valkyrie is worse, than Coalescence, because it fails to keep even 1 teammate alive, that is currently under focus fire. 140 hps, at least, require some extra effort to put player down, but 60 hps can be outdamaged with relative ease.

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mecry is a jugler. dude you got me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

When Iā€™m in the flow, and performing good, and have good teammates, and the team is coordinating, and the northwestern wind blows at a comfortable 3 knots making gliding possible but not messing up the flight and the stars align, I can feel like the team only loses a teamfight after I die. A good Mercy can make it feel like healing is always present.

Iā€™m not the best Mercy player, I like to think I am really good but Iā€™m really just average. I know and have seen numerous times what awesome power a really good healer wields.

Mercy can bring lots of value to the team, hell she could bring lots of value even with 40 hp/s, the problem is comparative power levels. Except for GAā€™s escape ability, right now Ana can do most of what Mercy does, but better, and then some more.

Anyway, youā€™re right about the playstyle. Actually, the way you have to play helps with the immersion:

This really makes it feel like you are actually in the shoes of the medic in battle, putting out fires left and right, rushing from one injured teammate to the next.