I’m going to bring up a point I’ve learnt during the very first Megathread from old forums.
Damage Boost was actually more common at higher ELO’s than at Low and Mid Tier, there was a reason for this and this is due to Damage Taken and Playstyle from TEAM MATES
What makes Damage Biost of Value is your team mates ability to land shots and to finish a fight before they run out of HP.
If they deal damage and miss a lot and take more damage in their 1 on 1 fight, then you should be healing than boosting.
The reason Mercy’s play ‘Defensively’ at pre-2.0 Mercy was because at the higher ELO, DPS had sharper aim and better sense at what to do and who to kill. So Mercy played more reserve, healing more safely at a distance and doing her best to stay alive and boost from time to time as shown by the state
Mid Tier and Lower, so the majority of the playerbase in Siler, Gold and Platinum, Battle Mercy were more common. You have to ask the question WHY?
The truth of the matter is that DPS sucks, back in Open Queue, you could be on a team with a DPS that performs worse than you. So if they can’t finish a fight by themselves, Pistol Whipping was the only choice, so the Aggressive Mercy who went about Pistol Whipping were those who would play Battle Mercy.
With 50 HPS and NO MASS REVIVE, you cannot afford to do this. 50 HPS is barely able to keep up with anything, most of the time you can’t let up on healing and usually half way through the fight, you are preping your strategy on how to escape that fight alive once your team mates dies.
One benefit to Valkyrie is that Damage Boost has a bigger value their. As long as your team mates are at 75~100% HP, just swap to Damage Boost, they will start dealing damage and picks will start to happen because you’re not boosting one person but a group. That single DPS that can’t land most of their shots will now chip off HP with allies chiming in to deliver a finishing blow.