“Oh my god here we go…”
Calm down.
I just had an instant idea which will overshadowed by other arguments and hundreds (if not millions) of other topics regarding this with way better information.
I joined OW recently.
I heard of Moth Mercy which made me be relieved I never played when that was a thing lol, but how about we put Revive as Mercy’s ultimate and switch Valkyrie to a “normal” skill with reduced buff duration but decreased cooldown?
I would allow Mercy to revive 2 people at maximum. (Though as someone who saw ONE person being revived and turning the match it still kinda frightens me)
I think both of these changes would make Mercy more “skilled”? I don’t exactly know what’s the problem people have with her, is she underpowered? Is that the problem?
The idea I get is people aren’t satisfied with her kit.
I would put Valkyrie on a 20-25 cooldown, so it would make an actual difference and make decisions matter, such as empowering your heal/buff output, rewarding Mercy players with good decision making, same for her new ultimate, not ressing people randomly if that felt bad.
Though waiting for so long to revive someone is actually bad and that is one of Mercy’s niche abilities.
What do y’all think? (Like I said, just a quick idea)
That has been tossed around many times.
I for one don’t care which button press activates Valk, it sucks regardless.
It seems you main Rein.
Doesn’t it make a difference to you?
I humbly admit im not very aware of Mercy’s kit and how impactful her whole kit feels.
Mercy doesn’t feel weak per se.
A good Mercy is a godsend, a game changer in my opinion.
Yes. Here we go again…
She doesnt need any change’s & the current Mercy is fine how she is right now.
It does, but if one slapped Valkyrie down onto Mercy’s E, it can actually be paired down into the appropriate power level for an E ability (unlike Resurrect), including its length so it takes up less of her total play time. Also with it on her E, there’s less pressure for it to actually be impressive, so the fact that it isn’t and never will be matters less.
Im just curious, and I have to disagree.
Many people seem to think she isn’t okay.
I wanted to understand WHY.
I don’t play her, although she seems fine.
A hero can be fine but her kit can feel boring loud cough Moira (to me, atleast)
I main Rein but I have more hours on Mercy than any other hero.
I stopped playing her however because of her design issues. Valk’s skill covering powers are far too excessive and they specifically clash with the player’s skill set. And it’s the longest ult in the game to boot.
I don’t reckon changing from Q to E makes any difference in that.
She’s not fine.
This idea has been tossed around a lot. It makes sense in one way because rez is where all the power in Mercy’s kit is, so that being her ult seems to make the most sense. But at the same time, a single or double rez seems somewhat underwhelming for an ultimate, while mass rez would be overpowered. That’s where the issue comes in for me at least. I just don’t know how they’d balance it.
Plus, I like Mercy as she is, so in general, I don’t want her to change.
It sounds cool, but is it really needed though?
She’s not a must pick, but I’ve found plenty of use out of her when used with teams who play S76, McCree, Junk etc.
The only real balancing issue with her is in regards to PharMercy, but any changes to Mercy to break that combo up could just lead to awful meta trends taking shape (spam, bunker).
Gotta appreciate someone trying to understand an issue instead of just dismissing it.
Here’s a topic I made on the subject awhile ago, one I think covers the gist of Valk’s issues. In hindsight there’s improvements I would make, and it’s not original by any means, these issues have been brought up ever since Valkyrie first hit the PTR.
Most of why she’s not fine stems from her rework and how that whole mess played out.
Mercy has always been fairly reliant on her teammates and not require a low mechanical skill. However, prior to her rework she did require a decent amount of strategy and planning ahead.
Her rework (in my opinion) jettisoned most of the strategy elements from her kit, made her even less mechanically demanding (chain beams), and made her even more reliant on her teammates to actually accomplish things (chain beams again, worse base heals, can’t mass resurrect so somebody will probably do something, and can’t react to teammates using burst abilities anymore just have to boost them and pray they use it).
All of that resulted in a hero who… well… never gets to feel like one. Unless one actually starts using that pocket blaster of hers. Which… is a little weird considering she formerly was the hero you picked when you wanted to go all in on team sustain. Also… in the lore she’s a pacifist… so there’s that.
I would rather Rez on ult (single, short charge like pulse bomb), and something like sleep on E. A skillshot medium power playmaking ability.
But I myself have also suggested at least just switching valk and Rez, I agree it would make both feel better.
Add to that 2-2-2 which removed a niche she (sort of) shined, healing creep (which is being addressed in all fairness), consistency buffs to other healers - which is supposed to be Mercy’s strength - damage boost change and Mercy was pushed off very far into off healer territory, far away from a main healer juggler but a second banana to DPS.
She might be a main healer again next patch though, so here’s hoping. Valk’s design issues will still remain I’m afraid.
If she becomes a main healer via the rest of the main healers getting dumpstered… that’s… not exactly a ringing endorsement. Or did I miss a buff for her on the PTR?
I’m fine with that because we did have a healing creep.
At the very least we get Mercy healing more over the course of a game than any other healer, which is what the devs themselves said she should do.
This might just be me, but I think nerfing everyone into mediocrity is like… the worst possible way to go.
Also… you know that the second Mercy becomes Meta again the forums will be flooded with people complaining about how they are forced to play as her. Just like what happened during Moth meta… but this time around she’s even more boring. And then… since the balance team doesn’t seem to be able to balance their way out of a paper sack… she’ll get nerfed again to get her out of the meta… but again not in a way that removes power that the players won’t necessarily care about… no… instead she’ll lose even more of her direct personal power.
Can’t really address healing creep by bringing in more inflation in the mix, so there’s no way around these healing nerfs. Mediocrity means average, it’s actually were most heroes should be.
I’ll pay to see Mercy in the meta at this point. It would mean devs finally have to do something with her instead of shoving their heads in the ground and saying “Ashe is a great buff to her”. Anything is better than nothing.
And they have been gutsy lately. I’m hopeful. Maybe now that Samito is yelling in their ears about skill they’ll finally realize the brutal piece of crap skill covering mess that is Valkyrie.
I am guessing the DPS queues are also fine the way they are.
The only way I think rez back on ult would be if it was single target and instant, but charged very fast (like pulse bomb.) Even then, if she did get an ability to replace it, I wouldn’t want it to be Valk. Not when superjump allows you to get high ground and while chain beams is a cool mechanic, I’d just want something better. Perhaps one of the other ideas I’ve seen: a cleanse, overheal, blind, or dual beam that temporarily damage boosts and heals.