I agree that Mercy has so much going for her. Beautiful, smart, elegant, gentle and a very very lovely accent. All in all, what more could you possibly want?
There are many ways to kill Mercy. As a Mercy Main myself; you can easily kill her. Sombra hurts, tracer is annoying, Moira is a pain in the butt especially now that she can fade during her ult, Soldier hurts, Winton and his monchi butt jumping into her face, Rein hammer slaps pretty well, Doom can smack her up. Either learn to aim, ask for help, or just play the game. If we cried about everyone that we disliked in the game because “they are broken” then let me cry about Sombra and the fact she hacks me while invis, or the fading ulting moira that just bounced sky high and in my face with her Kamehameha. I can indeed go on. But I won’t for the sake of the people who wanted to read this. At the end of the day, it’s just a game. If you’re stressing so hard over it; Stardew is fun
Mercy’s Weaknesses:
- Damage boost does less damage overall than any other support primary fire, and with less agency.
- She deals a flat 55hps with no backup burst heal, meaning that a strong burst DPS can plow through her healing.
- She lacks AOE so targeting multiple enemies can overwhelm her.
- Her ultimate’s healing can easily be overpowered by most offensive ults.
- She is outgunned by every hero in the game except Lifeweaver, so if you catch her out alone and die to her, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
- She has to be within range of her heal targets, meaning it’s fairly easy to cut her off from heal targets and make her unable to help them.
- If she loses LOS on her teammates, she’s a sitting duck
- Rezzes are extremely predictable–you know exactly when and where they can happen–and give you a 1.8 second opportunity to murder her.
Not to be too patronizing, but struggling with things is pretty much just what it is to be a gold player. But I’ve seen how gold Mercy players play and trust me, if you were any good at DPS you would be mopping the floor with them.
And yes, sometimes you will encounter Mercy players that you can’t kill because, uh, they’re better than you. You’re gold, a lot of players are better than you, and with matchmaking spread being what it is you’re bound to encounter those better players on a regular basis.
Actually, no…no support can ignore flankers.
Further, a few months back, in recognition of her need to defend herself better from flankers, she was given more ammo and quicker draw speed on her pistol
Shes actually quite weak at the moment after two nerfs in a row that have both imo gutted her
Not at all
I accept that you personally dont like the character, but there are many many other folks who see Mercy as their favorite character. None of the characters should be removed
Given the horrendously bad history of reworks in OW, I see this as a very bad idea for any character
Actually, no
many Mercy players are guys playing solo
And every player has the right just as you do to play any available character. Including but not limited to Mercy. Expecting anything else is unreasonable, as exceeds the expectations set for all OW players when they sign up to play
and mercys isn’t??? mercy is solely dependent on her movement, why else do you think we didn’t want it touched?? her main utilities are rez dmg boost and mobility, she NEEDS mobility to position just like lucio does
this supposed point you have is completely weird
technically every 2.25-3 seconds
welcome to the entire support/tank mains for past 3 1/2 yrs of ana meta.
she is literally the anti fun hero for everyone except the ana player.
she is free kill when alone. literally. she cant do anythign but use her gun w/o an ally nearby.
she has no 2nd healing ability…if u cant do over 55dps…that isnt a mercy’s fault ;/
thats not on equal skill lvl.
and…how is this a mercy issue when they dont try?
also GA has a predictable movement and if u even try to use tech GG with a 3sec lack of mobility…
she has no in combat self heal like every other support except Zen (and technically kiriko as i dont count her suzu heal since its so tiny)
stupid statement.
Rez does not “undo” a kill.
the kilelr got ult charge. the dead is not in match for a few seconds at least & the mercy is out of match (and and ez kill) for nearly 2sec.
also fact it is the LEAST used skill in entire game…ults are more common.
which doesnt save you from flankers or tanks liek df/ball, boops from lucio, etc etc who have no issue going around corners.
map awareness is ur friend. if enemy has a mercy…camp the bodies.
It is amazing how she has all the upsides and almost none of the downsides of other healers and is still allowed to stay in this state for years.
Its not a 1v2 if you attack the mercy when she is alone and then under a second she is with her team lmao.
There is a reason if mercy is always dying las in a fight (if she dies…since she can also use dead bodies to run fly away to her spawn…)
This hero is way too easy and way too effective at basically everything.
I play mercy from time to time when i want to disconnect my brain, and yesterday i was struggling at surviving with zen or ana…
I switched to mercy…no more deaths and their genji couldnt do sh*t to me.
Even tough my team never really protected me (after all they werent protecring me when i was zen or ana)
I just had to spam my Ga frop the tank to my backlane…
Tada…i guess i was skilled all of a sudden XD
I was with OP based on the title, and then I read the actual post. Mercy does have too much going on, but not making her OP or anything. She has a lot of buttons to manage that makes her kit weirdly clunky since she can only do one thing at a time, something that none of the other supports have to deal with.
She’s designed for a game that doesn’t exist anymore, and arguably never existed in the first place. She’s in the same boat as Symmetra, honestly.
That would quite literally gut the character, no lol
Well no, Mercy would be broken but because the start are aligned a certain way and the weather in LA is sunny, Mercy has a clear weakness, multiple of them actually so it’s a skill issue, not a Mercy problem
They already removed the bonus to healing for below half health targets.
Just call it Supportwatch.
Cause any other role is just there to fill a slot.
These posts are always funny to read. You can never tell if its bait or not as to many people actually think like this.
For his teammates…not just for himself like Mercy.
“at range” you mean the other side of the map ? XD
yet mercy relies entirely on positioning. if you remove her mobility then there’s quite literally no point in playing her and her pickrate would drop down to almost 0 (not even an over exaggeration)
Yeah but they buffed her healing back to 55 from 45, it’s too much.