What gets me about this is that for healing a single target, Mercy (55 Sustained Health Per Second) is outhealed by Ana (83.3 SHPS,) Baptiste (68.93 SHPS,) Kiriko (72.2 SHPS,) and Moira (who is at 70 SHPS for at least 8 seconds,) all without them having to use abilities like Biotic Grenade, Regenerative Burst, Suzu, or Biotic Orb.
Even ignoring all the utility every Support has, the raw healing numbers mean Mercy isn’t even the Top 3 Supports for being able to pump heals into a tank, particularly if the Support is being ignored by the DPS. Which just makes me ask how it’s a Mercy problem, and not a DPS priority problem?
Too bad you literally can’t do that. But please keep exaggerating her ability. It just proves that you really don’t care about balance just hate the character that more than likely outplays you.
Yeah I know of these, but numbers are numbers and life is life - you need to visualize some battle situations to understand this better.
Mercy just clicks and holds her Heal button to auto-target a non-ending supply of health. Thats the only thing she really has to do for most of the time - other healers have more utility and more useful abilities, so they don’t heal you 24/7. They use utility, DPS etc.
Mercy - for the most part - plays like a healbot, at least the closes you can get out of all the heroes. Other heroes don’t.
It all depends on a particular situation, like how far are you from your Tank or what is your aim. Ana might not always land all her shots, and Baptiste has a projectile attack which grants different HP numbers depending on how well he shoots his secondary - a direct hit grants more than hitting the floor and splash healing. Kiriko is a good heal too but she needs a direct line of sight when healing at all times or her healing projectiles might get blocked by terrain.
Mercy, as soon as she clicks you, can just stand behind a wall and not even look at you.
Let’s say Mercy is healing you constantly for 1 minute. Now let’s go with Baptiste, but suppose he needs to stay farther away and can only heal you every 1,5 seconds, as his projectile needs to travel the distance.
55 x 60 = 3 300 - Mercy
60 : 1,5 = 40/ 69 x 40 = 2 760 - Baptiste
This is significantly less, and that is to say Bap hits your body exactly each time, and not the floor for example.
Also needs to be said, that whenever most people play Support and they have a Mercy on their team, they usually don’t heal the hero that’s pocketed by Mercy, even if it’s the Tank standing up front, because they mostly feel she’s got this and even though they certainly could outheal her if they wanted to, there is no need for that.
You give a passive heal or two when they get to crit but in general it’s understandable she’s gonna be more than enough.
While far be it from me to not agree that it is mostly a DPS priority problem (i swear, this is mostly just that, DPS not doing their single job in the game), I do acknowledge that with the current Support Passive it’s extremely easy for Mercy (who has brilliant mobility potential) to just dunk behind cover or dissapear out of your sight and regen before you can land the killing blow.
It’s really either a DPS priority problem or DPS aim problem, but anyway in lower ranks a decent Mercy can dominate the match.
So? Really, what does it matter if she’s hard to kill. That’s like, the point of her kit. Is her win rate crazy? No, not even top 3 in gold. Is her pick rate crazy? Also no. Getting mad because you can’t hit a mobile character and asking for nerfs is wild. Like, man, we should get rid of Tracer she’s so hard to hit it’s annoying
just walking around healing and damage boosting sounds like the most dumbed down most boring playstyle i’ve ever heard. i would genuinely NEVER touch that hero again even if her resurrect was mega buffed
It’s not just dumb, it’s impossible if you remove her mobility or make it longer cd. How would she even be able to heal when half the roster have mobility abilities? How is she not going to end up only pocketing one character if leaving them is risky and involves the Mercy having to get to another teammate on her own? And how would any flanker not immediately dunk on her when she was designed as the ultimate prey animal of the game?
Mobility is air for her character, remove it and you might as well shelf her completely. Imagine removing speed and wall riding from Lucio, they’d both be about as efficient.
I learned after my “replace damage boost” thread to not talk about Mercy lmao
I think she’s genuinely fine rn with mobility being biggest issue for both the mercy and the one fighting her
Hey you said you play ball right? Well I could go on listing his strengths and make him seem op too!!!
Best mobility in the game without a cooldown, but has a short cool down that increases said mobility too!! Huge health pool lake that is buffed by shields. The sustain is insane!!! His damage is not bad either wow!! He has great disruption abilities and an insane ult that makes entire areas dangerous for the entire team fight!!! And it can get so many kills too!!! Just so many positives!!
He is definitely op because I listed out all his positives and ignored his negatives. Just like you did!!!
actually you can fly towards allies that are VERY far, if you think she cna only use GA at close range, you just have a weird PoV on the game and with distances on general
thats on you tough (i just hope you dont have a driver’s licence)
Not across the map as you assume unless you and like everyone else who showed “evidence”’of her evasiveness think Valk movement applied to her normal GA.
You claimed “across the whole map” and I’ve just come to notice the pattern of those who make that claim are often salty cause they just got outplayed.
Simple as that.
(Also BOO been driving since 2006 so scary-though how does me having a license apply to anything other than an ad hominem?)
Oh, I agree about that. Like they say, in theory there’s no difference between theory and practice: but in practice, there is. But the original point was about how a Mercy can keep up a tank, and I’d still argue other healers can do a lot better job of keeping one specific person up. If there’s no pressure on the Support, then Ana, Bap, and Kiriko do outheal Mercy. If there is pressure on the Support, Mercy’s only options are to weapon swap to try to glock, or to fly away, which can put her out of range of her heal target anyways and then she isn’t healing.
Ana needs to land 2/3rds of her shots to match Mercy’s HPS, but it isn’t counting that in an emergency Ana has Biotic Grenade, which is a quick heal and a boost to all healing received. Baptiste is mildly annoying to calculate (he has a 0.9 second firing time,) but consider that his direct hits heal for 70 and his indirect hits heal for 50. If he lands one direct hit for every 3 indirect hits, he’s still doing 220 healing over 4 seconds (technically 3.6,) compared to Mercy’s 220 healing over 4 seconds. He only needs to land 1 out of every 4 shots as a direct shot to get a slight edge on Mercy: if he can get every other shot than he’s pulling ahead. And again, it isn’t counting any healing from Regenerative Burst or damage prevention with Immortality Field. And all healers essentially need line of sight to heal, unless you’re talking about hitting an ally around a corner with a Biotic Grenade, Moira’s orb, Zen’s orb (for 3 seconds,) or catching someone in the explosion radius of a Suzu or Bap grenade. Mercy’s beam lasts for 1.3 seconds if she loses line of sight to her target.
As I said before, Baptiste needs to land 1 out of every 4 grenades on his target with the other 3 being splash healing to be able to beat Mercy’s HPS. There is technically travel time on a grenade, but I think you’re overcounting it: he doesn’t have to wait for his first grenade to fully fire before he can fire the next one: he can have two in the air at the same time. If he had a 1.5 second grenade travel time (which I already think is excessively long,) it would only affect the first shot: he can fire the next shot even if the first one’s still travelling.
So it wouldn’t be 69 x 40, it would be 69 x 58.5 = 4,036.5.
[Technically he could get off 4 full clips, firing his 13 rounds every 0.9 seconds then reloading for 1.5 seconds. Then he would have 7.2 seconds left in the minute, which should be another 8 shots. But if we pretend any shot fired after the 58.5 second mark wouldn’t reach and shouldn’t be counted in the one minute, it means he really only has 5.7 seconds left, which is only enough time to fire 6 more shots. So he can fire his grenades 58 times before a one minute cutoff. If 20 of those 58 shots (a little over 1 in 3) are direct hits, he equals Mercy’s HPS. If he can get over 1/3rd of his grenades to be direct hits, he’s going to beat Mercy’s HPS even with grenade travel time.]
This is also ignoring Baptiste could take shots between firing grenades without having to swap weapons, can be safer depending on the enemy comp because he doesn’t have to be within 15 meters of his heal target, and in an emergency he always has the option of running close to use Regenerative Burst. There’s nothing short of an Ult that Mercy can do to heal more than 55 HPS, and if it’s just about keeping a tank up her Ult brings her single target healing up to… 60 HPS.
I’ve actually heard a lot of Supports having issue with Mercy healing tanks, since it’s stealing Ult Charge from other Supports. Valk is the least impactful Support Ult, and quite probably the least impactful Ult in the game. Mercy’s healing is consistent, yes. But 55 HPS alone isn’t going to keep someone up that’s under constant fire for that long. If the tank knows when the fall back and take cover, I could see a Mercy keeping them up. But if they’re out trying to make space?
If a Mercy ducks behind cover for more than 1.3 seconds, she only has the Support passive to rely on: if she hasn’t taken damage in 1.5 seconds, she regenerates 15 HPS. They changed her old Regeneration to heal herself for 25% of how much she’s healing someone (so 13.75 HPS assuming her target is missing enough health to need the healing,) and if she’s dropped out of LoS of her allies she doesn’t have GA or Regeneration to fall back on, she’s just got her blaster and 15 HPS that turns off for 1.5 seconds every time she takes any damage. Not to say Mercy isn’t mobile, but her mobility is dictated by her teammates: if she’s driven away from them to try to get cover, she loses almost all of her options.
Mercy’s strengths when it comes to healing are mobility and consistency. In low ranks, when accuracy is low and people don’t know who to focus, it makes sense that a hero who can heal without relying on accuracy and can be hyper mobile would be strong. I imagine it’s why Moira is strong at low ranks, too: her spray doesn’t need to be super accurate, she can Fade out of trouble without people being able to land shots on her when she’s farther away (and that don’t know when it’s safe to chase for a kill,) and she has an emergency heal/self-heal with her orb. I agree that when DPS aren’t focusing and aren’t accurate, Mercy can slippery and 55 HPS sounds a lot higher when DPS have 15% accuracy.
But the original point was about a Tank vs. a Tank and a Mercy, right? That’s what
was about, I thought. I just think that other Supports can do a better job (and play from a safer distance) than Mercy can in that situation. To me, the issue of Mercy keeping a Tank alive against another Tank when their DPS are ignoring the Support isn’t a Mercy issue: other Supports can put out bigger numbers and offer more utility. It’s a DPS not turning the 1v2 into a 2v2 or 3v2 issue. Yes, trying to fight another Tank while you’re Tanking and seeing they have a Mercy that your DPS is ignoring is a nightmare. But wouldn’t it be the same if the enemy tank had an Ana, or a Kiriko, or a Baptiste that your DPS was ignoring as well? That was essentially my whole point.
Not even a Mercy player but trust me people do believe this-and most just exaggerate how good she is vs supports who have higher picks and wins than her regardless cause Moth PTSD is such a thing.
As a matter of fact yes. In this I agree. The difference is probably more in terms that it’s harder to hunt down a Mercy as a Tank than other main Supports.
Moira is fairly easy to punish if she gets to friendly with you. Bap’s not that difficult to hit. Kiriko staying too close to the front line is kinda asking for it. Ana can be annoying with the nade/dart, but it’s still somewhat easy to make her retreat.
Mercy on the other hand still gets most value and feels safest when attached to her Tank or a strong DPS like Pharah or Sojourn. Whenever I see that blasted yellow umbilical cord and it’t not being resolved by the DPS i roll my eyes.
Not many options probably outside of Winston, Queenie or Ram.
That’s one of the saddest moments for a Tank in OW, when you sit in the frontline sweating, trying to put out fires left and right, still you die and see that you are all alone because the DPS don’t follow up on what you are doing there.
Extend the dang beam and give her the tools to actually position properly like a backline support should be doing.
As it stands I do not want to hurt her healing…but it doing too much. So is the mobility.
My ideas for some changes is giving her a flight gauge to properly manage and remove the GA ally targeting to allow her freedom of movement.
You can add the GA effect to flying to allies as a secondary effect with tethered allies.
Having both vertical and horizontal mobility is super strong. It gives a ton more options for cover and positioning.
So…positioning isn’t really an issue with current Mercy. There’s also the concern for “expression of movement” or “hero fantasy”. Which I find just absolutely silly to tell the devs you want to keep her insane movement