Mercy has too much going on

A mercy on the enemy team instantly decreases how much I enjoy this game by 100 percent, and it’s because she doesn’t have enough weaknesses. I am in gold (hurr durr, skill issue) and as such I represent possibly the majority of the player base, and when I say a decent mercy player is nearly impossible to killm, I mean sometimes they escape games with zero deaths. They zip around the screen like a fly on amphetamines, and most of my teammates don’t even try to shoot at them.

If mercy is going to be allowed to be the gaming equivalent of a flying squirrel, she should only have 175 hp. Beyond that, rez is just a dumb ability. Complain all you want about other support abilities, but none of them have the power to undo a hard earned kill the way rez does. and good mercy’s know that they can rez from around corners and behind walls. The ability she be replaced in a rework, but barring that, the animation should be 25 percent longer, and or she should not be allowed to break line of sight from the body.


Well, you are self-aware! Good first step.


Meg, who you let you back inside.


She’s weak to flankers. That’s why she has a mobility advantage.

Know who else does?
Winston, D.Va, Doomfist, Echo, Pharah, Tracer, Genji, Sombra, Hanzo, Lucio, Moira…


175 will kill her too easily. Rez is a risky move, she has to pull it in stealth or she will be an open target.


She’s more mobile then most flankers…like did we forget she has the highest mobility ingame asidr from Tracer?


And it’s because her mobility is around being anti-flanker. But, the funny thing is that it doesn’t always work. She may be fast, but Genji can also be faster.

All else fails? Winston.


She’s like this because she doesn’t really have a super reliable way to defend herself otherwise.

Also, Lucio is essentially as mobile, so mobility clearly isn’t the issue here.


Winston/Dva/Doomfist huge hitboxes…Echo and Pharah fill a niche category that is often suppressed by hitscan(Also those fliers have less mobility and bigger hitoxes then Mercy.)

The rest are flankers. Hanzo is low mobility…wall climb does not make him faster its just a dumbed down grappling hook.

Lucio’s utility is literally positioning, via speed boost and his boops thats his thing…, then Moira. Well nl comment on Moira, I swear they wanted a dark mage theme and instantly thought teleportation was a good thing or a fade in and out existence would be neat for Moira. Cool concept but makes the hero just so annoying. Fyi Moira is my main healer but I even have to admit fade is a dumb ability for a healer.

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Yeah…I play a lot of Winston. Was diamond before in OW1…doesn’t work anymore. I think it was his health nerf or the fix to his head hitbox but monkey goes down a hella lot easier.

He used to be as bulky as his brother Hammond. Now he’s literally 200 HP less than Ball with a huge head hitbox and slower then Hamtaro.

I play Ball now.


You think a Mercy can take on a tank all by herself, either way?

It’s certainly possible, but doesn’t happen very often.

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Design flaw detected.

She doesn’t defend herself? Bro Battle Mercy memes…the amount of times I’ve been surprise killed by a Mercy is shocking.

Plus…most forget that she can Melee even when theathered. She is not without her own defense but maybe yeah shr should give up some mobility to put her in line with the other supports in what is essential a shooter and not a healbot simulator.


from the stories i hear this is more true of gm mercyes.

the cast is already like 2 sec. and the LOS requirement exist for starting the cast, also you are slowed.

you should do what i do, go sombra and just hack her. then hide. then kill her.


Yea I agree but I can also see why a lot of people wouldn’t like this post but idc rez really is too much imagine a widow pooping on the whole team and you finally manage to kill her oh too bad mercy just rez’d her from around the corner now you gotta spend all that effort into killing widow AGAIN


What role?

Tanks generally have it really hard against Mercy, cause she can almost single-handedly keep the enemy Tank in game, even if he technically should be long gone - dead or swapped. That is especially true when DPS players don’t do their jobs and ignore enemy Support players.
Last season this was unbearable and Mercy truly broke the game for me. Whether I had a Mercy and they didn’t, or they did and I didn’t. Now she is actually nerfed and a much milder nuisance.

If your a DPS then getting used to killing her is just what you should be doing. Play a flanker or a hitscan and train that aim.

If you don’t play DPS, and your DPS are dilly-dallying about instead of making short work of her, then:

If your Support - play Baptiste, Zen, Weaver or Moira against her. Bap is a decent hitscan and I find him quite good against flying heroes. Zen can make killing her easier. Moira doesn’t really need to aim and can be very aggresive and Weaver has also a decent basic attack.

If your Tank - Pick Winston and chase her with your Jump+Primary. Even if you won’t be able to kill her, you will force her to run for her life instead of helping those who need it most. Jump in the air after her and punish her some more.
Other picks are Junker Queen - one of the most decent primary fire in the Tank roster.
Doomfist - not good when she’s flying but easy to interrupt that Rez by aquainting her with the wall via Rocket Punch.

But yes, the fact that I cannot stress hard enough in this game is that if your team won’t focus Mercy whenever the enemy has one, you are inviting defeat through your front door.
It’s funny that people are quick to learn some dumb mythical rumours, like “Reaper>Winston”, that don’t hold any real value.
Meanwhile they can’t seem to learn the most VITAL points towards understanding this game - “DPS should ALWAYS focus enemy Supports”.

Smallest hitbox, hightest mobility on the lowest CD in the game ever, highest healing output with no healing down time whatsoever, a constant healing tempo with no window for counterplay. Just so many positives for literallt a one track mind playstyle of healbot.


Mercy definitely needs some nerfs, they should have just removed the bonus heal on sub 50% and stuck with her being at 45 HPS, I also don’t understand why they buffed her movement in the last patch and didn’t make any changes (nerfs) to damage boost and rez.

No! Anyway moving on.


this is a player expectations issue, not a Mercy issue

when a player signs up to play Overwatch, the player gains the right to play any - this is key, so I repeat, ANY - of the available characters. this is turn means that all of the the other players have been granted that same right. Choosing to play Overwatch is choosing to accept that this is the case

as such, if a player finds their enjoyment of the game is diminished because another player has chosen to play character x - whether x is Mercy or any character, doesn’t matter - then thie player’s expectations have gone beyond what the expectations are that are set for the player from the outset

unsaid here is that the charcter often causes on deaths for the enemy eam either

it makes perfect sense to me that a character with severely limited ability to kill would have exceptional ability to avoid being killed

I dont see this as a problem, personally. Mobility is something many of the characters in the game are granted .

it isnt confined to Mercy

You (not you personally, rather, any player) control only your own character’s actions

You do not get to control your teammates actions

If you wish to shoot the red team Mercy, you are free to do so

I dont see ho the one follows the other.

again, there are other characters with mobility enhancements, and none of them have reduced HP because of of it

given that every character is rezzed after after death as long as time doesnt run out, I dont see this bility as “dumb” in any way, shape, or form. I consider the ability to be iconic to Mercy, and would never want to see it removed

while it is a strong ability, this strength is counterbalanced by the severe limits and long cooldown imposed upon the ability

Yes, good players take advantage of terrain - true for Mercy and for all other characters as well.

said another way, this isnt a Mercy-specific thing,

nor is it a problem, imo


How would you buff her to compensate for dying easier? Devs already tried moving more of her power budget to her healing, the playerbase lost their collective minds, so they partially reverted her.