she has more mobility than flankers
she can litteraly ignore every flanker in the game XD
she has more mobility than flankers
she can litteraly ignore every flanker in the game XD
I am not a Mercy main so I don’t follow her updates that closely, and she did have them a lot.
But I remember at the end of OW1 she wasn’t that hard to nail, but now with her mobility and passive she really can give you a run for your money trying to elim her.
Resurrect needs buffed, not nerfed. Most people don’t realize that 95% of Mercy Rezzes are on 200 HP heroes. Compare 200 health in Value from a 1.75 sec cast time, 30 sec cooldown ability to abilities like Ana Nade & Moira Orb, which basically have no cast time and only have a 10 sec cooldown. Not to mention the fact that Mercy Rez can be easily canceled by enemies, or Mercy just has to choose to rarely use Rez since it would be too risky to try.
From “The DELETE Hog & Mercy Debate feat. UnsaltedSalt, Skiesti & EeveeA”, at 43:38 in, Skiesti says she only gets 3.62 Rezzes off per 10 minutes in high elo. It is obvious that Rez needs to be buffed. Resurrect’s cast time needs reduced regularly & further reduced during Valkyrie.
I don’t like DPS because they can shoot me! Just shoot her when her wings are open already. If I can kill her with Brig, I have confidence you can kill her with any DPS/tank.
that is the skill expression with a hero like mercy. almost “nil” offense power like most of the other supports so in a way she is the true support. really dependant on her teammates and escapability. if your having a problem with mercy its more of a your “team” issue
I personally don’t like Mercy, but if you’re self-aware to realize it’s a skill issue for your gold status, then you should be aware that the game doesn’t cater to golds. It’s all ranks. If you can start counter picking or even just land your shots, you’re past the Mercy threat. It’s not a “going to be allowed” kind of discussion, just a skill diff.
Have you met the Ana bionade or Kiriko cleanse lol.
I consider myself a “good Mercy” player and let me tell you this. If the Matchmaker gives my opponents equal skill level players. That one ress… will be VERY hard to pull off. Too many times have I died to ppl camping the body.
She’s also got a perfectly balanced win lose ratio, she isn’t meta, she’s closer to low tier than upper tier. She would require buffs if her mobility was nerfed further.
hell she could even heal for 100hp per second that i wouldnt care, as long as she stops going everywhere every second and rezing trough walls so she becomes killable by the characters that are meant to attack supports
you want a healer that litteraly CANT miss healing even if her target is behind her ?
fine, then she should rely on her team to protect her, and not to just be there just she can fly towards them…then upward…then backward etc…
or else make it so her laser beam stops going trough wall/behind her etc… lets see how these pro mercy mains are doing with their fast mobility if they have to aim just a bit
There it is! There’s the ego!
I can’t stand her. Always make it my personal mission to hunt her down.
skill issue
She already does, the problem is that in low elos the people that are supposed to be protecting you have tunnel vision or can’t hit the broadside of a barn, she needs something to be able to help herself. In higher elos, people CAN hit things and it doesn’t take a lot to kill her if she ISN’T hidden.
Personally I think they should stop messing around with her mobility and look into other things, like that E ability that gets you killed more often than not, or works every 3-4 times per 10 minutes. (Assuming enemy team is smart enough to camp the corpse) It’s amazing how many people kill someone and then run off for Mercy to just rez lol
nah she doesnt, as long as team mates are alive, they dont have to do anything to protect her most of the time
just by being there she clan fly to you, at very high speed and basically no other hero can keep up with her when she spams everywhere, from tanks to dps, you just cant do anything, especially if the 2nd healer starst healing her, just give up and bruteforce her healing output with snipers etc… (hence why snipers and burst damage are everywhere now)
a hero like zen, has to be truly protected by his team tough, no mobility, no way to regen by himself, and a huge and easy hitbox
sure he can kill players, but a good flanker can easily take him down in a 1v1 (tracer…sombra…genji etc…)
same goes for ana, that is basically dead if she miss her sleep on somebody attacking her
other heroes that have the choice to run away from a fight cant do it as often and as effectively.
like kiriko, yes she can tp trough walls and far away…but once and if you reach her again…she has to be protected or else she will have a hard time
mercy is basically : spam your GA everywhere, use the backward jump or upside jump just with a single button in any situation now, every 1.5s
and team mates can straight up ignoring who is attacking you since they wont be able to kill you most of the time (and if they do its at the cost of every cooldowns/ammo…meaning you are in a tough spot now)
and ofc while doing backflips in the air while healign yourself…you obviously can’t miss healing
just by healing she is giving A TON of value for her team, its her role litteraly.
now imagine if we made a dps that also can’t miss, even if your target ends up behind you
after all…same thing , its his role right ?
Only if a teammate is in range. Again people love to ignore her mobility isn’t independent like say Lucio’s who’s IS independent and has no cooldown to use it.
Thats the thing. Shes team reliant, and youre not supposed to win a 1v2. Go as a team and youll have a better chance.
Not going to lie, that completely defeats the purpose of mercy, the entire point of her is healing and high mobility, can you imagine how awful it would be to play her if she had to bounce around wildly AND aim at her team mates while doing it? She would basically be cancelled.
A lot of high level players complain about her survivability though, which I find odd.
I’m only high-plat/low-diamond. Personally, I don’t have an issue with Mercy’s survivability. Sometimes I can kill her, and sometimes I can’t. The instances where I can’t, it feels like she earned her escape fairly and deservingly. I usually just think “welp, she got away. Fair enough”.
Rez, however, I do have a problem with. I think it’s straight up unfair at least 50% of the time. There’s too many instances where Rez is just free and she doesn’t have to work for it at all.
She’s more mobile then most flankers…
Yeah cause she doesn’t do damage.
When Ana lands her sleep, the target often dies.
Moira, Brig, Kiriko and Zen can just fend for themself.
Mercy only has her mobility. And it doesn’t affect the people she’s running away from. They’re free to keep chasing her.
So, two ways before you:
1.Play Torb and it will make Mercy’s life a living hell. Play Junk and fry her in close combat.
2.Play Mercy, like a lot. To kill enemy you have to know emeny inside.
As main Mercy I dont have issues to kill Mercy as Mercy or as DPS. And I will tell you a secret – Mercy that do GA all the time even esier to kill than healslave Mercys “heal behind walls”.
P.S. Try to be nice, and if you kill Mercy say sorry to her