Mercy & Double-Standards

It is a deceit, because you assumed that Kaplan alluded to that, when he never did. So, as far as I am concerned, Kaplan never even implied what you wrote. Call that “double standards”, I don’t care. But Kaplan never even implied that DPS heroes have to abide by Mercy’s restrictions.


What I mean is Mercy is in her teammates backline,she waits for them to die so she doesn’t have to go out in the danger (with her lame50hp/sec)waits for everyone to die,comes out,presses Q and everyone comes back at full health.
Reaper doesn’t hide,but sneaks around to get highground,and then he kills the enemmy.Zen e.g. can’t rez,he has to make sure the teammates are still alive when he pops ult.He is not allowed to stop healing.

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Both stop doing their jobs for a brief period of time. Isn’t that what Blizzard had a problem with?

Everything about the rework was lame.

The biggest hide and ulters are Soldier, Pharah and McCree. They always go into hiding, let their team die then come out to ult. Their ults cause team wipes 95% of the time.

Yet a Mercy ult which was most often a 2 person rez was bad?

People praise soldiers mccrees and pharahs for hiding and ulting yet mocked mercys for doing it when they almost never did.


Because that really does make sense, doesn’t it? :man_facepalming:

Isn’t it the whole, stop doing your job as your character part that Blizzard disliked. If not, then yeah, I guess you’re right.

Reaper hides to do his job more effectivelly.He can’t ult if he’s dead.He gives his team an advantage.
Mercy thrives from death.She waits for her team to all die,and then just evens out her mistake.


Doesn’t look low to me


Actually, hiding to use Death Blossom is just as bad as hiding to Res in terms of successfulness.

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aCSHualey deathblossom is more likely to work if the enemy doesn’t expect it.


Not only was that video from the beta, but that Reinhardt player was blind and deaf.


Actually both are likely to flop.

Mercy in such a situation will pull of said ultimate but will most likely get her team wiped again because, reasons and Reaper in such a situation will start his ultimate but will most likely get stunned, hacked, frozen, killed, blocked by shields or just get bursted down.

Besides, I wouldn’t exactly consider reaper a very good poker. Lmao it’s probably better he flanks during the poke phase rather than shoot rein’s barrier for like 5 dmg

It’s a pretty ramped ult. It still takes, like, a second or so of damage to actually 100-0 a squishy, which is quite some time to be right up in their grill and vulnerable to stuns and be very slow-moving.

And man, the souls. It was a different time then. No shield bash…



  • Remember when Mercy was given a rework based on the subjective opinion of “Mercy is hiding to rez”? And after the rework, Mercy mains still need to hide in order to res?

  • Remember when loads of people screamed how unfun Mercy’s res ultimate was to play against and was reworked for it? While in reality, just about every ult from any enemy hero is “unfun to play against?”

  • Remember when the devs said that they had no plans to Revert Mercy, and a few months after they revert her voiceline and her healing output?

  • Remember how some people justified that the reason for the rework was because “mass rez was broken and OP”, and after the rework hit live servers, Mercy became broken and OP for 5 months straight?

Funny how that all turned out.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I don’t see this as a double standard. Mercy can’t do her job while hiding and the difference between her hiding with her ult and Reaper or McCree spending time trying to get good positioning was that Mercy was explicitly waiting for her team to die so she could fly in and rez them. It’s most likely that they wouldn’t have died in the first place if she’d been there healing them during the fight that killed them. McCree and Reaper can proactively use their ults as they come out of their hiding spot at the beginning of a fight. Mercy couldn’t use mass rez proactively. It only worked when she let people die first.


His damage hasn’t been nerfed since then, has it? In fact, I’m pretty sure they buffed the ultimate to where part of the damage goes through barriers.

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I think hiding in general shouldn’t be encouraged by utlimates as it promotes a play style where you are basically a potato for a brief period of time. If one type of hiding can’t exist, I don’t see the need for other variations of hiding to exist.

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Unironically saying salty bronze dps mains when being a clueless silverplayer himself. yikes


because she steals their kills? That’s Jeff fault for create this character.

After all, mercy and reaper are literally the same hero. Muh double standarts!


It is a double standard if hiding is not allowed for one hero but is allowed for another. They don’t need to be the same heroes.