Mercy & Double-Standards

I’m tired of the new Mercy. The old Mercy was fine, and she’d work in the new cast of heroes. Too much stun means that you could stop her before rezzing. It was just salty, Bronze DPS mains who don’t know a thing about target prioritization. But on to the main part of this. Mercy hid? Not most of the time. When she did, it should be ok! Reaper hides, McCree walks away onto high ground, Hanzo goes behind a wall, the list goes on and on! So WHY is this not ok for Mercy?!?! The old Mercy was not a popular pick in higher ranks, but she was so much fun!! Please fix her. Valkyrie feels USELESS and 3 second Rez is awful.


Reaper also doesn’t have invincibility frames during his ultimate.


Reaper also just drops from nowhere. At least Mercy can be stopped before it happens.


Mercy didn’t kill people with mass resurrect. If you kill 5 people, you won the fight. If you resurrect 5 people, you only get another chance to win the fight. Killing is more powerful than resurrecting.

Killing needs counterplay. Resurrect does not, because you can already counter it by winning the second fight that it produces. Though I support reworks with a cast time mass res just so people will stop whining about it, instant cast was fine.


And? Death Blossom’s damage is relatively low, especially compared to other DPS ultimates, so you won’t get oneshotted and will have plenty of time to react. And since Reaper is not invincible during the ultimate, you can just, you know, instead of staring at him, focus him down, or just stun him with the many crowd control abilities that are in the game.

There is a reason why Reaper has never been nearly as popular as Mercy 2.0, you know. Seriously, leave Reaper alone for goodness’ sake, he is one of the least played formerly Offense heroes in the game, what the heck do you want from him.


If Reaper with his loud a55 teleport, huge hitbox, and noisy footsteps can “drop from nowhere”, you might want to buy new headphones.

It also baffles me that if it’s okay for a flanky hero to hide, it should also be okay for Mercy to hide? What exactly is this logic? Can we get Reinhardt a muffled footsteps so he can hide?


Mercy’s ult was fun for Mercy, but unfun for the enemy and the game altogether


Indeed. How hard can it be to listen to your headsets? If Reaper manages to flank your entire team, despite having one of the loudest footsteps in the game, a very noticeable and loud teleport, and a yell that is basically “I AM TELEPORTING HERE, COME GET ME”, It’s absolutely your fault. Get some awareness, or quit complaining about Reaper. I don’t care.

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Wrong reply target btw

I was agreeing with what you said, and further elaborating your point.


Give Reaper’s ult no need for LOS and invulnerability, and then you can use him as an example. Mass rez was aids.

And you can repeat this as much as you like, but it’s not true. Inb4 only ‘‘bad players’’ did it.



Literally YouTube “mercy hiding”. If it didn’t proliferate the game, there wouldn’t be ten million “mercy hiding compilations”, mercy hiding guides and spots, and “found mercy hiding lol” vids. There’s absolutely NO way all of these were “bad mercys”


reapers hide in the enemy backline, mercys would hide in their own. Kind of a big difference m8


A flanker was hiding and waiting for the right time to ambush his enemies from the shadows. Big shocker.


Cast time on mass Rez wouldn’t work at all! If the enemy just got 5 kills, they’d obviously expect you. Having to stay still like that would mean that your ultimate is useless. Another double standard is that Mercy’s ult was too op. EMP? Earthshatter? Graviton Surge? They’re supposed to be OP! Why is that bad for Mercy?! Mercy’s can already keep themselves flying. Valk is useless, not op in any way!

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Pretty much every single part of this post is wrong imo


I bet you have gotten multiple quad-team kills with death blossom. It’s easy af. Rez? I never got a 5-man.

I don’t see how the fact that I am a much better player than you is meaningful in the grand scheme of things.

Whenever I get a 4-man Death Blossom, is for two reasons:

  1. The enemy team was just asking to get flanked (as I said, there are SEVERAL audio cues when Reaper tries to flank an enemy team, you just have to be aware of your surroundings, which is the most basic skill in Overwatch, and in any online game);

  2. The enemy team, somehow, didn’t have a single crowd control ability available (which is amazing, with the amount of CC that is currently in the game, just think of popular heroes like Brigitte, Doomfist, Reinhardt and Ana).


A 5 man rez would require some luck and having your entire team die,has nothing to do with “skill”.


fixed that for u