Mercy & Double-Standards

  • Reaper and McCree could never hide in spawn like Mercy could. They had to be out where a enemy could potentially come across them the entire time.

  • Their effects weren’t instant. The moment they press Q, you could either block/avoid their damage or outright kill them before they kill you, both preventing and wasting their ults. Mercy, on the other hand, either didn’t use her ult at all or it was too late to stop.

  • Most importantly, their “hiding” never actually took them out of the fight. They would always jump straight in before the fight was over. Mercy, however, would hide until the fight was already completely lost, at which point she would come out and try to change that.

There is no double standard. To say Reaper or McCree hid at the same level as Mercy is seriously overlooking some key details.


Why isn’t Mercy trash? In fact, why isn’t every hero as trash as Bastion? Bastion is garbage, so every hero should be garbage like him. Otherwise, double standards.

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Actually the souls would probably be a good counter to Mass Rez. If Reaper ate the soul, Mercy can’t Rez.

Purposefully being obtuse, I see. Funny. :smirk:

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No, How is that not literally the same logic that you are applying? Double standards, much?

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Why would game developers want heroes to be garbage?

Why would the devs want a main dedicated healer to hide and let her team die?


I’ve seen this idea thrown around before, but I think it’s too specific and niche an interaction. I don’t really think it’s the buff reaper needs

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I don’t mind it in the case of DPS because it’s a tradeoff for them. If they want to sacrifice some damage time to instead try to get advantageous positioning so they can then do more damage, that’s strategy. When Mercy stops healing just to let her team die and then use her ult to reverse her decision not to have healed them, it’s not strategy; It’s silly. She’s not positioning herself to do her job better. She’s undoing the fact that she didn’t do her job in the first place.

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Why would the game developers treat Damage heroes and Support heroes in the same way?

Why do off supports have better ultimates which prevent their team from dying than a main healer lol

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Makes sense since Mercy’s healing is utter garbage

Because it makes sense for the off-healers to have a high “burst heal” ultimate.

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In the sense that hiding is bad, that should be applied to all heroes. Not just certain categories.

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Then tell me each and every mistake.

Says who? As far as I am concerned, that is certainly not what Kaplan ever stated.

If that’s the case, since healing is good, then every hero, even Tracer or Genji, should be able to heal other heroes. It shouldn’t be restricted to certain categories.


Why does it? The person I’m replying to is pointing out that main healers shouldn’t let their team-mates die, yet the main healer ultimates actually have worst ultimates in terms of team survivability.

Sure. Let’s give everybody wallclimb then - if weeb brothers have it, denying it to torb is double standard.

Is the concept of different characters that alien to you? What’s allowed to Mercy isn’t automatically allowed to Ana. Reaper co.parison is even more retarded.


This thread won’t accomplish anything, and this is coming from another mercy main.
Threads as unconstructive as these are just as bad as threads like “mercy players caused the rework” or whatever.
These only serve to start more problems.

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