Mercy bets, on next patch

Mercy is also the only dedicated healer who needs to be babysat by her team, hence why she needs mobility.

I’m sorry but I don’t get it. Are you trying to counter argue?
Because she still
Is the most consistent healer in the game and can respond to her team quicker than other main healers.

It’s not going to because damage boost still enables the double snipe meta with standard kills and she’s got the ability to erase single picks. Which is the one thing snipers do.

She is easy to play (and hard to master but that’s not the point). People will still use her.

Agreed ,nerfing mercy alone isn’t the way to do it ,it’s nerfing mercy AND buffing the other healers.

Dev team have stated that they don’t want people ulting for Resurrect. That’s what was happening when Resurrect gave a bonus charge and Mercy players would just save up the Resurrect for two burst instant Resurrects.

What we need is another rework that will permanently put Resurrect in an ultimate spot ON IT’S OWN. With an ability that won’t be influenced when her ultimate Resurrect is activated. We need to shift away from this transformation ultimate. What it’s doing is making Mercy have no weaknesses.

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Her Rez is the only thing a Support can do when their allies are being hit by a Hanzo, since his burst arrows, especially his storm arrows, outdamages all healing besides Transcendence.

It’s not that Mercy’s OP, or that she synergizes particularly well with him. It’s that she’s the only support who can really do anything to help her team against him. So long as Hanzo remains dominant with his Storm Arrows, and Rez remains an E ability, Mercy will be the most picked support.

Maybe if you they nerf Hanzo’s SA and revert Mercy back to MultiRez as Ult we wouldn’t have this problem situation anymore.

More like a Revert than another failure of a Rework.

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Zero. That nerf is nerf to grav dragon combo thus won’t affect mercy’s pickrate at all.

I’d be okay with a revert so long as it didn’t give her invulnerability during and after casting, along with a long cast time to prevent hide and seek minigames with mercy.

As an Ana main, I am slightly insulted. However, I do agree that Mercy is fine and does not need a nerf, it’s the other two main healers, mainly Ana, that need buffs.

Dunno, thought that with the introduction of Brigitte, healing in general might be too strong.

Buffing the heals on Moira/Ana another 50% would make for a lot of stalemate gameplay.

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Never have I ever only picked Mercy because she could damage boost Dragonstrike.
Never have I ever told someone to go Mercy because we absolutely needed that damage boost (Ana nade works fine)

I HAVE, however, asked someone to go honzo.
… for dragonstrike grav.

So I bet all of the imaginary tokens that it changes nothing for Mercy.

Because she’s not the issue lol.

Just means we might see more phara again like we did with triple support before hanzo’s rework.

It won’t drop her pickrate at all. Mercy’s pick rate has nothing to do with Hanzo’s pickrate. Mercy enables Hanzo, but Mercy’s nearly 100% pickrate has existed for around nine months before Hanzo’s rework. There is almost no correlation between the two besides them both being slightly overtuned and feeding into eachother (Hanzo is too strong to approach easily; Mercy sits safely with Hanzo boosting his general fire).

I’d say it would help Zenyatta’s pickrate, as his ult is the only ult that can realistically do anything against Zarya/Dragon…but wait…Zen’s pickrate is also already sky-high and has been so for months so…

She’ll have a scare period where she dips momentarily, but she’ll go right back.

This won’t even dent her.

mercy and zen are pretty immune to meta changes

Also hit scan weapons are getting buffed across the board, that’s 2 indirect nerfs towards Mercy.

In my opinion, they’re healing output itself is fine, and that’s not what needs buffs.

Honestly, I feel Moira was perfectly balanced before the needless nerf to her ability to heal through shields.

Ana needs more survivability buffs than actual damage or healing buffs (though i do feel she should deal 75 damage per shot rather than 70.)

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So how do you explain what you’re saying essentially boils down to “Mercy and Moira are both balanced when Mercy has 2x higher pickrate than Moira”.

Cause that doesn’t sound right.