Mercy bets, on next patch

How many imaginary internet points you wanna bet that the Hanzo Dragon nerf next patch isn’t going to drop Mercy pickrate by much?


I am going to say that her pick rates probably won’t shift the scale too much. I mean, she might not be able to boost Ultimates (soon), but she’s still a power pocket for just about everything else considering she’s still the only reliable pick when it comes to constant healing.


Well, Mercy will still be Mercy, so yes, it likely won’t influence her pickrate.
If they want to lessen her pickrate, they’ll nerf her directly.


Mercy needs another rework to remove her near must pick status at high levels.


Mercy won’t be impacted at all. Being able to make the Grav/dragon combo insanely strong isn’t the thing that kept her the main healer forever, it is her mobility, her ress, and currently, her being the only main healer that can heal through shields.

Besides, the powering line is still going to be used on Hanzo a lot. Storm arrow still exists after all.


My tip - she might dip a bit a couple a days or maybe a whole week, after which she will return to “normal”.

I bet 150 imaginary points, I feel pretty confident about this.

Mercy’s pickrate has always been high even when she was considered sub-par to Ana. I don’t think her pickrate is going to drop significantly no matter what they do. People need to stop being obsessed over pickrates, some heroes are just going to be picked more and some are going to be picked less, there’s no perfect world where every hero is picked equally.

Edit: And I’m not saying that support balance is good right now, it’s not. Ana / Lucio need changes, and Mercy / Zen might need nerfs.


She probably won’t drop at all, she’s still mostly played for the Rez anyways


You can get a lot closer to balance though.

The only impossibility is having them have the same pickrate across all skill levels.

Likely if Ana and Mercy had about the same pickrate, then Mercy would have higher low skill level pickrates, and Ana would have higher high level skill pickrates.

Salty Ana/Moira mains are salty, geez. Leave the Moth alone, dude.


Imo it would effect Hanzo more then Mercy.

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Moira is definitely not in a bad spot, in fact I think if the meta shifts towards tanks she’ll be considered better than Mercy.

Moira has trouble against barriers because it reduces the ability to gain healing resource and with tanks that have little defensive abilities and just soak damage like D.Va, Roadhog and the hamster.

I strongly doubt her pick rate will drop by much.

  • She’s the only main healer who can effectively heal through shield barriers still
  • Her resurrect, as a standard unearned ability, remains her true ultimate ability and is also too powerful to have as a standard unearned ability
  • She can damage boost most other entities
  • She has consistent healing
  • She is highly mobile

Other than resurrect, I’m not saying any of the above points are bad, just that those are the reasons she’ll likely remain a highly popular hero.

Can’t we just buff Ana? Let her shoot through barriers!

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Maybe not shoot through barriers (again, her shots are projectiles, PHYSICAL entities. Shields were meant to stop PHYSICAL entities. I mean, if we’re going to make an exception for Ana, why not make an exception for everyone else? That would make barriers useless because they won’t stop anything.)

But I am ALL for a buff to Ana.

I actually tend to primarily play:

Orisa, Winston, Rein, Soldier, Junkrat, Mercy, Zenyatta, Pharah

In that order.

I mean healing only for shooting through barriers-- she definitely shouldn’t be able to damage the enemy team through a barrier because that would defeat the purpose. Maybe even scope (hitscan) shots only so she has a choice between shield break and healing.

The thing is, the fact that mercy can heal through a barrier is inconsistent with Moira and Ana not being able to heal through a barrier. I think that either Mercy shouldn’t be able to heal through a shield, or Ana and Moira should be able to.

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I definitely think the latter would be better, not allowing any support to heal through barriers just sounds like a terrible idea to me.

I hope that wasn’t directed at me considering I main both Mercy and Ana. :joy: