Mercy bets, on next patch

Why would we ? she’s overpowered and we want blizzard to do something about it ,shutting up is certainly not going to help.

Rework? Not so much. Move Resurrect to Valkyrie only, and that should be fine.

Honestly, that’s really good idea.

It would make her fine for ladder play but not for pro play (No E ability means a lot of utility lost), but I guess that might be a good thing considering that mercy has been meta for a very, very long time, and I’m sure that both viewers and players would like some change.

So yeah, not so much of a rework is needed but it will still fundamentally change the character in quite a big way compared to what we are used to. No second chances will make picks important again.

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That’s still a lot of effort to make an exception for one hero. You realize how much effort that would take to reconfigure Ana’s mechanics so that her shots won’t affect anyone but team mates through a forcefield that should be stopping her shots?

Moira’s biotic healing/anti orb are one thing, they are just forms of energy.

Mercy’s is nanobots.

Zenyatta’s are some kind of energy based magic of sorts (but his requires you latch the orb on before being cut off by the barrier I believe).

Lucio’s is stopped by barriers.

Can Brigitte even heal through barriers? I never tried.

Ana’s shots are metal darts with glass. What you’re basically asking is to be able to walk through a brick wall as an exception to the laws of physics.

I understand what you’re saying. You want Ana to be better, and I agree, she needs to be put in a better place to contest with Mercy. But breaking the laws of the natural mechanics of the game is kinda asking for some favoritism. I think there are other ways we can make Ana a lot better. I want Mercy to stop being a must pick (and this is coming from someone who LOVES to play Mercy.) I want the other healers to be viable again, so you can mix up compositions.

The basic run and gun metas are getting boring and out of control. (By run and gun, I mean metas that enforce high damage to deathball effortlessly)

Right now if it’s not Zarya/Hanzo, it’s Doomfist/Genji with a Rein/Zarya and Hog/D.Va. Which is basically the same meta as last season. Ana only seems to fit in those meta’s if there’s another strong healer on the team and it’s usually Mercy.

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I guess Hanzo will be impacted more. Next patch, they’re gonna go after Rez and wreck it.

Really? I think that it would drop her pickrate in pro play. Reason why she is picked so much in pro play is because she can Resurrect right out the gates. This is why Widowmaker is so dominant up there, because Widow’s are typically in the way far back in safe location to be Rez’d, and if the enemy Widow picks off your Widow, you got yourself a nice safe Rez.
Moving Resurrect to Valkyrie is a nerf to Mercy and an indirect nerf to Widowmaker, two heroes that are practically must picks in pro play.


the dev does not understand that mercy needs more weaknesses and be reverted back to be a single target healer, also her whole kit needs a look at.

simply stopping her from dmg boosting hanzo ult is a joke.
she needs a deeper look at and proper changes

Probably pretty simple considering they already do that with friendly fullHP teammates.

Well, it obviously isn’t.

Even if Hanzo gets deleted from the game tomorrow, Mercy will just damage boost the next meta DPS’s ult and breakpoint her way into a team slot.

Creating random exceptions won’t address the issue of why damage boosting an ult is so powerful. It allows them to kill things and nullify abilities that the ults are explicitly designed to be countered by. With a base ability on no cooldown. Damage boosting a Genji ult is functionally identical to a nanoblade and it doesn’t require your to dumpster your ult economy.

And it obviously does absolutely nothing to address the elephant in the room re. Mercy’s balance. That she still has rez on a CD.

I might have not made it clear enough in my statement but by not fine I mean that she basically wouldn’t see play without a pharah cause all of the other options would be better than her.

And I’ll be honest, I’d like to see mercy play massively decrease at pro level. Much more interesting to see a pro lucio than a pro mercy.

It will not but at least people will stop with the “Switch to Mercy we need damage boost” argument.

It will become “We need rez” I guess.

A barrier shield is MEANT to stop enemy shots.

Your Ana, shooting at an ENEMY Rein shield, should not be able to penetrate it to heal their team mates.

A team mate not taking her shots when full health is a QoL change that would make no sense in real life. Granted this is a game and real life technicalities don’t count, my point remains the same.

The change was to ensure Ana got her shots to team mates that needed it in case if her full health team mates were inadvertently trolling her by being in the way.

Of course not. It’s a nerf meant for Hanzo, not Mercy.

But you can walk through a barrier.

So by it’s very nature, it’s selectively permeable.

It’s not a brick wall.

Yeah, but your body isn’t a projectile. It’s a physical entity that exists but does no damage passing through it.

So what about a Riptire?

Rip tire can pass through as it is counted as an enemy entity. It’s like having a 7th player that will soon die. It does not deal damage passing through, but just like you, it can deal damage when it attacks.

But Rip tires blast does not pass through the barrier. So I don’t understand what your point is.

Next patch Mccree, Mei, soldier and bastion will all become snipers and mercy really doesn’t like hitscan, much less 2 which can instantly counterulti her valkyrie and one which plain outdamages valk easily.

Once we see less of Hanzo and widowmaker with the buff of other dps, hopefully, mercy’s pickrate will drop as people find it easier to nuke her down too, especially if she attempts a ress. If not, mercy’s pickrate WILL drop once hanzo and widow get more nerfs in their mobilty and their pickrate drops.

But then again sniper dps might be just too powerful to heal when you have to deal with hanzo and widow both + sniper mccree/mei/soldier/bastion, so we might see mercy as top pick anyway because other healers struggle hard to heal all the damage, lel. So you gonna have to let people die in order to keep your team alive for longer.

The damage powercreep is pretty dang real, you’re gonna need reliable heals to keep up and other chars can’t ress those who are already dead from massive dmg.


I just realized, Mercy just has to damage boost the Rein instead of the Hanzo - one boosted firestrike into the clump of enemies is a nice 130 damage, enough with the dragon to finish them off. No shield can protect from that (unless there’s a Genji or D.VA) and can be done at a safe range.