Mercy bets, on next patch

Just means we might see more phara again like we did with triple support before hanzo’s rework.

It won’t drop her pickrate at all. Mercy’s pick rate has nothing to do with Hanzo’s pickrate. Mercy enables Hanzo, but Mercy’s nearly 100% pickrate has existed for around nine months before Hanzo’s rework. There is almost no correlation between the two besides them both being slightly overtuned and feeding into eachother (Hanzo is too strong to approach easily; Mercy sits safely with Hanzo boosting his general fire).

I’d say it would help Zenyatta’s pickrate, as his ult is the only ult that can realistically do anything against Zarya/Dragon…but wait…Zen’s pickrate is also already sky-high and has been so for months so…

She’ll have a scare period where she dips momentarily, but she’ll go right back.

This won’t even dent her.

mercy and zen are pretty immune to meta changes

Also hit scan weapons are getting buffed across the board, that’s 2 indirect nerfs towards Mercy.

In my opinion, they’re healing output itself is fine, and that’s not what needs buffs.

Honestly, I feel Moira was perfectly balanced before the needless nerf to her ability to heal through shields.

Ana needs more survivability buffs than actual damage or healing buffs (though i do feel she should deal 75 damage per shot rather than 70.)

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So how do you explain what you’re saying essentially boils down to “Mercy and Moira are both balanced when Mercy has 2x higher pickrate than Moira”.

Cause that doesn’t sound right.

and remove bunny hop.

You must remember that these two are not the only heroes in the game.

Mercy both fares well with AND against Hanzo, who is basically omnipresent at the moment.

She’s able to damage boost his already obscene amount of damage, as well as she’s the only support that has ANY way to counter his damage output (it’s so large that no healer can outheal his damage, so Rez is the only possible thing a support has to deal with it)

All Moira has is a large amount of healing, which, if not for things like the new Hanzo always being around to make healing pretty much useless, would make her good enough.

But due to the current meta making it so healing is the least of concerns, Moira is not as viable, especially considering she got an unnecessary nerf that made the one thing she WAS good at, Healing, less reliable than that of Mercy)

TLDR: Hanzo needs nerfs, and Moira needs her healing through shields back. That would put Moira and Mercy on the same level as balanced main healers.

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I kinda doubt that.

Started a whole thread about it, whether removing dragon damage boosting will change anything in Mercy pickrates.

And the general consensus is “Not really”.

or idk just add another main healer who can compete with mercy :man_shrugging: that would drop her pickrate pretty hard if we had a different option for consistent healing and good utility that wasn’t mercy.

we have moira and ana but they both get really shut down by and shields so they tend to feel more like off healers at times.

And my point still stands: it’s his Storm Arrows, (not his Dragonstrike), and the insane amount of damage they put out that is the issue, and what is causing Moira to be picked less than Mercy due to there being no real way to heal through it, and rez being the only real thing any support hero has against it.

That, and her unnecessary nerf to healing through shields. Those two things in combination are what is contributing to Mercy being so much better than Moira

My bet?

  • Rez is on a 3 minute cooldown
  • Guardian Angel is on a 7 second cooldown
  • Can only heal and damage boost from a 5m radius.
  • Have to be directly in front of the ally’s view to actually Rez
  • Moved her role to TANK
  • Mercy dies in the latest Short
  • Blizzard erases Mercy

Yup. That’s my prediction.

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Yeah, the nerf will do nothing to Mercy’s and other healers pick rates. Hell, it might not even do anything to Hanzo’s.

The only thing that would change is that Mercy would switch from damage boosting Hanzo, to damage boosting Reinhardt, Zarya or maybe a Junkra that joins the meta, since a well aimed Dragonstrike already cancels out Transcendence so only improving the follow up damage is needed.

Why take the hit and change Mercy or Zen for Ana, when just switching Damage Boost will do the trick without Ana’s disadvantages?

It may help Ana a tiny bit since now she is the only option to damage boost a hanzo ult, but in the Ana situation it makes sence since she will be using her own ultimate for that and not just pressing right click.