love when all people can say is about skill = aim…forgetting there are moiras…aim?, symmetra turrets, bastions torbs, divas, reinharts, brigittes, junkrats, reaper , phara splash damage…
I understand you have to defend your main, that right now, congrats is pushed by blizzard which is great…but seriously are we talking about the same game?
Hiding for res in itself was rare, though.
Much more rare than other-heroes hiding and ulting.
Yet, Mercy was bashed for it, and now she literally has to hide and res.
Double standard stands.
your hiding thing is a bit prejudice taken from streamers…mercy before the rework and nerf was not hiding as there was people not so good with aiming at low ranks. At that time she was f-tier and not used in high ranks mostly. So basically she hiding was not so frecuent cause basically nobody was an aim-god alike.
There are tons of mercy players that never hide, and we didnt like the rework or the nerf, now…if you know more than those people about how mercy was played then i must be wrong.
Anyway…to all those people that start again the aim…in a gamne like overwatch and the aim prejudice…please, please stop. Mercy is already nerfed to the ground has a low winratio, is unplayable and we loved it …the work is done,
Now stop with prejudices taken from your favorite streamers, check the roster and see who really has to aim…need great skills and you will realize that not even one third of the roster really need that skill set you ask for others.
And about hiding, a lot of mercy players in a tons of posts have told you, but you still repeat it to the nausea.
There was no hide and rezz, there was no such thing as been hiding all the time, and the only place it was needed it was in high ranks, where mercy was rarely played. This rework damaged the character made it op, then nerfed to the ground and it was a faliure to all those that liked to be a support as mercy.
Something being skillful to do doesn’t actually mean that it’s justifiable for it to be better than every other alternative, especially in a game where we’re supposed to be incentivized to swap heroes yet it just seems that there’s always the strongest support hero that you would never swap off.
Ive played ana, but seriously, and this is my personal opinion …just personal, a sniper-healer is a bit…dumb.
I played widowmaker so i can aim as well as others but omg, the idea of shooting people to heal them was silly , for me!. I respect anas, they need aim and skill and her buff was needed…anyway i still beleive that it is a strange concept for me that i simply never liked. But again is subjective.
I mean if you actually read all my posts youd of seen me laugh at someone for thinking that skill means aim. And reins my main but keep assuming buddy.
Standing in cover to get a rez during the fight is hardly the same thing. Once again not a double standard since she is active before and after the rez
Are you saying she wasn’t active before and after her tempo and mass resses? Lmao.
Tempo rezes were fine… I’ve said this twice already now. Because mercy was actively healing before and after…
She was when she had mass res, too. XD
Hmm funny I remember quite a lot of hiding and few tempo rezes when I was playing when she had mass rez
Hmm funny I remember actually playing Mercy and not hiding all that often unless my team requested it.
In an FPS game Aiming should 100% be the most effective skill. If you can outplay Dive with Ana so you dont have to swap. Then fair play, you should be rewarded.
I also played mercy then. And yes people demanded I hide as well but I didnt. Lets be honest just about everyone told you to hide
It’s not an FPS game, evident by the fact there are characters that do not need to shoot to be effective at their roles.
Do you want to google “what genre is overwatch” and get back to me?
That’s a wikipedia result, Overwatch is not a traditional FPS by any means of the word and has elements from multiple genres that would make some, such as myself, believe that classifying it as such is not correct.
Its a First person shooter with elements of a MOBA. Just because you dont have to aim with some heroes youre still shooting something from a first person perspective.
Nah. If they trusted you, they usually didn’t ask you to hide. If they told me to hide, I only hung back a bit and continued healing/damage boosting.
I was always active.
So should Reinhardt, D.Va, Winston etc be as low of a pickrate as Mercy as they do not require much, if any aim to be effective?