Mercy being picked every game is not okay, but Ana being picked every game is

Well thanks for being a decent mercy then. That’s also how I played. But was it the norm… no not really.

This applies to any game with mirror heros. Also, just because you’re Ana is bad and theirs is good doesn’t mean you will lose. There is tons of other factors to consider.

Just say you hate Ana and want Mercy to be top dog again

Im sorry if i misunderstand you, just read your post when you said “Yes lets not have skill rewarded. Really good thread. Lets get behind this one.”

Even if i do not agree with the op post, cause I do not care if ana has a better pickratio or not or if she heals more (in fact I prefer she was buffed)… your comment made me wonder.

Im sure you refer to the skill sets that ana has that are not based in aim which, a mercy player do not need like…

And yes, overwatch is literally an fps with moba elements, and will be defined like that, same as the game is casual and has a competitive strong scene that have taken over…so lets say that …as we all know already, the vision and the original concepts were changed from the origins of the game.

Very well said. It’s a misintepretation people make when they argue Ana should be better than Mercy because of skill.

They think Ana should be achieving consistent heals, which Mercy grants easily, thus she takes more skill because it’s harder to do, but it’s not what Ana is about at all.

That goes the other way too though. Mercy shouldn’t always be best at saving teammates, like she shouldn’t be able to burst better than Ana. It’s why she has rez as an ability.

Exactly. Reaper popping out at the right moment to efficiently use their ULT to flatten a team is just about the same as Mercy popping out at the right moment to efficiently use their Rez All Ult. But when support does the same smart plays it’s a crime.

I hope people know the difference between taking cover and hiding in a game. Hiding is like running away completely and not participating. Taking cover is temporarily protecting oneself from attack, checking out your surroundings to make your next move.

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lol i get soooo much rage on both accounts for sleeping the ulting enemy 76 thats ulting

Anyway I love when the community starts rating about one or another been picked like small competitions between supports. At the end we should ask for all the characters to be enjoyable and playable…which they are not.

The game is in the worst state ever, they can buff ana they can nerf mercy they can do this or that, but at the long run a lot of changes and bad decisions on all sides were made, and we never had a roster that was fully playable. Lets be honest, I would love to see anas and other supportes been played, and also to play the character i want to play and that they are viable…but nope.

All we do is going from one extreme to another that changes the meta constantly and not for good…and increasing the troubles with every new character in the game. Blizzard is a company that even if their designs and art are awesome…never was famous for the balance in its games.

I speak on behalf of anas pickrate not mercys stop feeling so targetted. I dont think its right that mercys awful now. But i dont think its fair to nerf ana just because of power creep.

Ana really isn’t being picked every game. Her pickrate among supports across all ranks is 27%. That’s a little over half the time (assuming two supports), which is elevated, but nothing like the literal 50% (meaning every single game) that Mercy enjoyed at her peak.

The next main healer down is Moira, at 20%. So that’s not really that far off. It also suggests that comps of two main healers are quite common.

On a side note Mercy is still being picked more than any off healer.

I agree with you completely. I would like ana to be viable and not suffer from dive so much as it did in the past. And if she is now in a good spot thats awesome for the game.

Sadly Blizzard has not found the switch to make all characters playable and viable or even “fun”. We should focus on asking the devs to make all of them viable, not only a selected few that change and direct the meta till the next rework/nerf/buff.

And about the mercy buff she got with the rework…personally didnt find it fun to play or enjoyable at all, even op I was simply not having fun, thats me. Now that she is nerfed is the same thing with less impact. And when a video game starts to look…not so fun…

I don’t understand the concept of maintaining a rigid tempo if it doesn’t really benefit the team or winning play at that moment. It just makes players predictable or easier to counter.

Majority of the time it’s a judgement call to prioritize a skill to reap higher benefits. Sometimes that means taking cover/hiding to be efficient and waiting for the right moment to pop off a skill. Be it’s Mercy Rez all, Reaper Death Blossom, or Sombra’s EMP, etc.

God forbid the better team wins right?


If you don’t agree that Ana’s been powercreeped to be the most powerful support then I don’t really know what to tell you. Ana needed buffs, she didn’t need to have the equivalent of a mid-fight Rez which can save an ally from death in 99% of situations.

I mean come on, why would you pick Mercy to revive a Reinhardt if you can just make sure he never dies anyway?

I really really hope youre joking. This was literally my reply to you. Shes been powercreeped doesnt mean she needs nerfs. Other healers need buffs.

So Ana’s power level is now the standard of what supports should be?

100% It should be. She is easily countered but extremely effective.