Mercy being picked every game is not okay, but Ana being picked every game is

I mean, it’s a cycle. Eventually Ana will get dumpstered and then back to Mercy. :confused:

Ana doesnt have any mobility. Her positioning matters infinitely more than mercy, who has a get out of jail free card. She is also much easier to protect. When mercy is doing a tactic, she doesnt really need to rely on aim. She just needs to execute. Ana needs to execute, be in the right position, and hit the shots required. Have the cooldowns required. Yes, ana requires aim and mercy doesnt, and yes, aim isnt the only skill, but you have to be kidding if you think ana doesnt also require more skill than mercy in every other department.


Not really. Not everyone plays widow and it depends on a lot more factors aswell

Maybe in OWL but not so much in gm

She’s also the Queen of up swings.

I support skill rewarding, but it doesn’t mean that the one with less skill requirement should be unplayable.

Why not make Brigg unplayable like mercy then? She requires a lot less skill than mercy anyways /shrug

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I had my doubts, but the Ana complaint posts are real…

One day. Hopefully…

Mercy is not unplayable. The hyperbole surrounding this character can be absurd… No wonder the devs stopped coming here.

If you keep killing the Ana that can aim, then she isn’t really much of value to the team is she?

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Because it is balanced. For the longest time Nano was just eh. But since it has a burst heal, it can actually be used to save people (and that’s just another reason why Nana’s pickrate is going up).

Although, I’d think 150hp to 200hp burst heal would be more reasonable if they DID have to nerf her.

The problem with Supports is they lack the same level of match-swaying as other characters and always have (Mercy’s Rez was TOO much of a match-sway and just straight up OP). Defensive Ults charge slower than DPS/Tank Ults… And even then it’s 1 Ult vs 2-4 possible threats. idk why Blizzard thinks that’s OK but w/e.

Zenny was the only Support who had any match swaying power because he could easily drop enemies with great aim and Discord is basically a superior Mercy dmg boost/enemy deletion tool. He lacked decent HPS, but has 300HPS as a long-charging defensive Ult.

Then Ana comes along with superior HPS (best single target) and half of Zenny’s offensive prowess as an equalizer (and 0 sustainability without utilizing her Discord-level-ability that has a 10 second cooldown lmaorip). She lacks the defensive Ult that’s on Zenny’s level, but Nano is pretty effective at being able to save one person at least now.


I was under the impression this was a troll thread, are you serious? It should have always been this way, Mercy is an easy mode hero with consistent healing, but should always be outmatched by Ana with superior burst healing capabilities.

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LAAAAL dude just kill her 5head

There will always be a better healer than another, and we haven’t seen Ana be good for ages now, and now that she’s being picked consistently people are crying out for nerfs to her -_-
Of course people see Ana as a more “skill reliant” hero because you need good aim with her in order to be used to your fullest potential, as well as watch your postitioning, manage your cooldowns, etc. All of that easy to see skill and whatever people will always think like that, and in most cases a quick huge heal to save someone from the back is going to be preferred over a death that’s then circumvented by pressing E.
Mercy at this point is now underpowered and people are rejoicing because they’re sick of the res being in every single game and we can see a slight change in the potentially good team comps.
Don’t worry, eventually not only will people get sick of Ana like they felt towards Mercy, at which pointthe Overwatch team will decide they want Moira to be good and buff her to hell while nerfing Ana to the ground, because apparently only one main healer is allowed to be good at a time, or perhaps maybe adding a new main healer or perhaps reworking someone into the role they’re supposed to be cough cough Sombra But until that point, just enjoy the lack of having your work be put to waste through one button press.


Yeah, it’s way better having a game decided by who presses M1 the longest.


Says the person with the Tracer icon.

You completely missed the point of the post. My point was that there’s a double standard here, and it seems like Mercy being in every game is a problem, but Ana being in every game isn’t, when she has the same amount of impact if played well, which isn’t that hard.


We’re talking must-pick for a year vs must-pick for a mere few weeks so far.

Give it time. They’ll hate Ana eventually, just like they did in Triple Tank

ana hasn’t been meta nor a “must-pick” in forever and no one is “forcing” you to play ana in high ranks. she is very rewarding if you’re good with her, if not then pick moira? she’s a healing BEAST and fairly easy to use

because it’s only in the highest of ranked games… not literally everywhere all the time because no other support compared to mercy. Ana’s pickrate and winrate stats are a HUGE learning curve if you look at a graph

moira and ana both have their own situations… ana brings the utility and moira brings the big heals. mercy is eHHH right now but she’s in the best spot in a while so it’s best to just leave her for a while like that and focus on more serious hero problems

IMO, mercy is an easy enough character that it was never a situation of whoever has the better mercy wins lol, but it can be like that with ana and others like widow, ik that’s just cuz they require more skill but it becomes a problem when every game is dictated like that which personally I don’t think has happened yet but after everyone fully adjusts to the nerfs and buffs it could become that situation. Ana’s pickrate in QP is insanely high so lots of people are probably still getting comfortable with her

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