Mercy being picked every game is not okay, but Ana being picked every game is

Honestly, all they have to do is increase mercys healing output to like 55 and shes ok, at 50, she cant keep up with the healing she needs to do, I who have trash aim can heal more on ana then i can do on mercy, its just impossible to keep up no matter what. Yes, ana requiers more aim and in that way more skill in a way. But i still find it silly people say stuff like that because it requiers 2 different kinds of skill, just like a reinhartd and a soldier have way different skills and requier different kind of skill.

Ive seen my friends who play stuff like winston and reinhartd or genji play mercy and they cant play her at all because they dont have that kind of skills, just like I cant play champions like widow because i dont have that kind of skill.

You guys are really trying to get Ana nerfed after she has been in the dumpster ever since season 5. Ana should be the better healer more often than not. Mercy is both less demanding of the player, has almost no cooldown management, and has a way easier time maneuvering. Ana NEEDS to be strong in her own areas because if not, you run the risk of what happened the last year or so. She needs to be able to output high healing because she requires aim to do so and having other main healers outdo her in that aspects with relative ease leaves her in the dust. Her ult was changed to provide more value which is good because her ult many times was not good enough on it’s own.

There needed to be reasons not to run Mercy and there is now. Now I don’t agree with the exact way they went about addressing these issues but if they weren’t gonna do another rework of her, then something had to give and honestly that was the easiest solution.

pickrate and winrate are the ones that will get Ana nerf in the future if it doesn’t slow down. Otherwise she will be leaving Moira in the dust.

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People are complaining about Ana, too.

People say her antinade is too strong.

No-one is ever happy.

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The difference is that Ana has a lot of counterplay options. Any shield denies her healing, he is easily taken down by flankers as she has no mobility and so on. When Mercy was a must pick, she did NOT have any counterplay. Even with discord and 2 hitscans it was almost impossible to kill this Wasp that was flying at the speed of light, while generating her health and insta-ressing allies

Which I don’t get, it’s not like the ability got any stronger. Anti-nade has been the same for almost 2 years now. People just didn’t have to deal with it before because they had Mercy 9 times outta 10 or the Ana was an instant dive deletion.

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Are… you saying Ana deleted dive? Last time I checked, she struggled with it, and that meta is what caused her to… never get picked.

Otherwise, good post.

No, I’m saying she was deleted by it. That’s why you barely saw her after season 5.

The Anti-nade was the original reason why Blizzard nerfed Ana to obscurity.

Sure they nerfed its AoE a tad, nerfed its duration a tad, cut its healing boost in half, but the nade has always been a problem even with those nerfs on it. Due to how it was designed with a healing boost, healing block, raw heal, and a sizable amount of damage. A overstuffed does too much ability. Effectively a pocket ult.

Which was why so many wanted her nade nerfed. Everyone had to have an Ana, because the only way to counter an Ana was with your own. Any other healer comp then Ana/Lucio was not viable because Ana would just anti-nade your guys and your team fell over like a tower of paper, while her own team would be a LOT harder to take down. You had to have an anti-nade of your own to even things out.

Eventually Blizzard decided to take the route they did with Mercy: nerf something unreleated that would drop the character out of being played. In Ana’s case it was a 20 damage nerf on her rifle shots. Which made Ana go from “undiveable” (due to how she could 2 shot tracer and 3 shot genji in the hands of good players on top of her sleep dart and grenade) to being useless against dive. Resulting in the natural shift from TriTank to Dive.

The ability has always been a problem. It was simply a problem shoved into the back to be dealt with later.

guys skill is not the aim why is everybosy talking about aim as a skill
skill is:
-game sense
-and more
(aim is part of skill and its not only aim)

i think mercy after the nerf mercy needs skill (not aim)
mercy players need to know how to position themselves and who to heal first ans more guys stop complaining about skill as aim only plz

Patch notes(not):

  • Healing reduced from 75 to 65
  • Ana now move 75% slower when in precision mode
  • Biotic Grenade CD changed to 30 seconds
  • Nano boost now applied only to yourself makes you to fly and increase healing by 10 for 15 seconds
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I won’t argue against the notion that nade is probably the most powerful ability in the game at it’s maximum potential. I will however say that it being overloaded is kinda necessary for Ana. For one, if it didn’t have a heal block effect, that would bring her utility way down making it (and her) essentially only good for healing and would cause ripple effects to Transcendence giving it less counterplay. If it didn’t have a raw heal, she would have no way to heal herself and lets face it, she’s not too great at that already. If it didn’t do damage then she would become even more reliant on her team to defend her then she already is. Take away the healing boost and then it’s not worth throwing at allies. You also have to take into account that the game is not the same as it was in season 3. It’s a lot faster, there is a lot more mobility in this game, more heroes are viable than pretty much any other time, and there are a lot more comps that can be run than just the triple tank of season 3. Character like Mei, Reaper, Zarya, Moira, and Tracer all have ways of getting rid of the anti-heal. Barriers, teammate, and DM can block or outright delete the projectile. And the ability still requires followup when used in an aggressive manner. It’s amazing when the team rallies around it but many times nade will see more general use at least as far as ladder goes.

It’s been more than a month since her nerf and her pickrate keeps dropping every single day

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With this mentality why is zenyatta the lowest healing output healer in the game?

Anyhow, at least me, i cant speak for everyone else cuz i cba reading every post im not asking for ana to be nerfed, its good that ana get play, im just saying that there needs to be a look at mercy as even I who cant aim at all feel more efficent on ana then mercy, when im a 500% better mercy then i am an ana, putting me on dps that requiers aim means insta lose for ur team, yet i somehow manage to outdo my mercy on ana and thats just wrong, especially when i enjoy playing mercy alot more then i do ana. Im not saying ana shouldnt be able to be played, both should be, but mercy simply cant do anything at this point and honestly the only reason i bought overwatch in beta was to play mercy xD its the soul reason i play this game :stuck_out_tongue: and im gonna keep playing her viable or not, i just feel really worthless.

and well, ana and mercy have two different kind of skills, and sure u can argue that “anyone can play mercy” yeah anyone can play mercy, anyone can play ana to, hell look at me im doing it to, and theres a difference between someone who knows how to play mercy really well and someone who just play her for the first or second time whos actually a reaper main

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The problem is the lack of main healers. You need a main healer. If it’s not Ana, it’s Mercy. Moira is only good in a few situations. Ana isn’t overpowered, she isn’t part of GOATS. She isn’t a must pick and the pros are currently enjoying the most varied comps ever. There isn’t really a single supreme reining comp this season and it’s nice. However, we need more main healers in the game. Mercy needs some slight buffs and changes so that Ana isn’t the only viable main healer. This isn’t a problem with Ana but a problem with the other main healers and lack of choices. Also just want to add Ana’s win rates are not that great relative to her pick rates. Not everyone can play her well enough to even be viable.

It’s almost as if this is the point of a hero with a gun.


Actually, in Masters and GM she kinda is - neither Moira nor Mercy has anything on her there and she reigns supreme as main healer. And she should be a dominant healer in those tiers, but not to this extent (her current numbers are basically the same as when Mercy was considered overpicked).

It’s just a mess, because Ana really isn’t that strong, and her kit certainly isn’t OP, yet she’s still more picked than both Mercy and Moira in Gold (a supposed “low tier” rank). Blizzard seem to really have issues balancing the main supports.

As a side note, Mercy is currently not the most picked healer in any tier (I know, “she was OP for so long, she deserves it” - hardly a good balance philosophy in my book as I’d rather strive for everyone to be balanced at the same time).


OP was frustrated about the perceived double-standard of Ana must being ok while Mercy isn’t and

The second poster made a sarcastic remark saying OP is right as “skill” should indeed not be rewarded.

This is saying Mercy is a no-skill hero while Ana isn’t and therefore Ana’s status as must pick is justified.

People can be insulted if you bring the “no-skill” slander in. Especially since the second poster wasn’t exactly subtle about it but his remark was rather snide.

I hope this answered your question.


Yup Ana doesn’t need any of these either. She’s pure aim

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