Mercy being picked every game is not okay, but Ana being picked every game is

Reluctant? I love playing Ana. She’s why I don’t mind playing healer forced or not.

If you think Mercy is easy to play at high level games I have some news for you…

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Not necessarily. Same is with the OWL and Pro Scrims and such… sure it shows what Overwatch is supposed to be… but more often than not, that’s not the reality of the game. Normal people might not be getting teammates working together or going in against a comp that you can somewhat predict.
Sometimes I’d even say trying to be influenced by the pros in their ideal scenarios can actually cause you quite the opposite of getting better. You see the goal… but miss the road.


Lol exactly. You get it.

That’s a nice anecdote you have there, but I’m afraid those don’t mean much without evidence. What data has brought you to the conclusion that Ana is a must-pick?

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Skill has more to do than aim.

But the problem is Mercy was perfectly balanced before the drop back to Mercy 1.0’s 50hps. What needed to happen is the other Support needed to be brought up to her level. So now the main healer is Ana followed by Moira. With Ana being the top choice because she already had the best hps. I’m not saying her buffs were unwarrented, just Mercy’s was a step too far.

Although… If the 50hps-nerf-thing leads to her getting better offensive powers and maybe even a skill to use while holding a pistol… I’ll totally love the new Mercy. She’s simple to use, but having rotations between BOTH her weapons would be truly awesome and unique, as well as make Mercys with better aim something to strive for.

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Top kek there man.

As I said during PTR, they could chill and either only nerf Mercy or only buff Nano at the time. Mercy Hps nerfed alone should be enough to boost Ana pickrate.

Nano is broken in it’s current state, most of people thinking resonably will admit that. But you don’t find them on these forums too often.

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I want to admit it, but I have this paranoia that instead of nerfing that, they’d nerf the grenade or something else instead. |:

It’s also only been two weeks?? let me enjoy my grandma darn it D:

It’s either nano or nade atm. Nade was nerfed once before, so I’d hope they go for like 150 healing on Nano. Still better than no healing but won’t top tanks instantly.

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Let’s be honest.

Right now fights are typically determined by bio-nade.

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it’s almost like this game shouldn’t have shifted metas or any metas at all

You’re acting like it’s been this way for a year though. It still hasn’t even been enough time to be sure that Mercy’s pickrates won’t rise back up.

I think the point is that this joint always seems to moan about Widow,the aim intensive “Skill” character

Actually they do, a lot of GM players have stated that it’s a widow vs widow battle that’s why Mercy was also popular because she resets the fight if one widow dies… the victorious widow will add a lot of pressure for the enemy team.

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Who says Ana is even required, you can literally force people to switch off Ana by picking Doomfist since she has no answer to Meteor Strike, why do you think the USA and Canada were running him in every match they could? It’s not as if Ana is a must pick, GOATS and quad tank is strictly better with Moira in order to protect its back line from Dive, Lucio/Brigitte/Zenyatta comps are quite popular for rush down strategies with Mercy/Zenyatta still being viable in bunker comps, dive comps and double sniper comps where Mercy’s healing doesn’t even really matter much.

At most Ana is the best solo healer right now on any map where you have the defender’s advantage, Sombra and a mega to Hack since grandma got the flash heal, if anything the buff to Nanoboost may have been too much since 300hp that puts you into yellow health and gives you 50% damage reduction is a bit much.

Theres so much more that goes into it thats a huge oversimplification

Implying that Mercy players aren’t skilled, or that Mercy takes no skills to play. Really good post.


It’s because “Ana requires skill. Mercy requires none.”

rolls eyes

Just typical double standards of most of the members of this community, lol.

Yes, Ana requires a bit more like more aim, but saying Mercy requires no skill whatsoever is just extremely ignorant.

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Exactly this, could not have said better myself

That’s still how games go mostly at least from what I heard and i remember an owl player came out and said that games are determined on whether he outperforms the enemy widow or not.

I wouldn’t say a “bit” tbh i’ll take me as an example… I play more Ana than Mercy yet when i pick Ana in diamond I struggle while my mercy does fine although I’ve poured more hours on Ana… so it’s a tad more than a “bit”.

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