Guys I will give you a super duper tactic that we can overwhelm enemy. GO DIE ON POINT TOGETHER while I hide in the next room. I am genius right?

Evening, Sila :smiley:

In concept I think it’s a pretty good idea. I like the intention behind the invulnerability and trying to create proactive incentive and application to the ult. I can see it being really good and enjoyable in a lot of situations.

I still see a lot of potential for it to be gamed in a sense… In like gold/plat tiers, I can see hiding and rezzing still potentially being encouraged, due to the simplicity of it and the capitalization on disorganization.

The cast time and such makes me feel when it comes to pro play, it’d still largely be used to bring up Pharah. Tho the invuln does put a twist on it, the low duration makes the timing window VERY narrow. Imagine trying to time it with an enemy Junkrat tire, if they react to the voiceline then they just wait out the timer and then blow.

When rez is on a mechanic where 1 button press basically can result in anything from 1-5 people being rezzed, I feel it will be a mechanic that is attempted to be exploited. The effectiveness of it will really take place in gold/plat and such where organization, coordination, and overall game awareness are lacking.

Furthermore, when those elements are provided in spades, like pro play, that 1:1-5 mechanic may very well be useless. Especially the more conditions we apply to it. Instant rez with invuln wasn’t exactly successful.

Shifting to a rez mechanic where 1 button press = 1 person rezzed, imo, was a smart choice. However, it also removed much of the circumstantial, and revealed the overpowering strength of rez in a game like this. Thus the Moth Meta.

Imho, the 1:1-5 is just too problematic to really stay committed to. I like looking at rez in a 1:1 way, and trying to have Mercy built in a way that is fun, engaging, VIABLE, and true to her identity, around that specific rez mechanic. I feel, imho, it’s healthier for the game.

That ofc, is all just my opinion, I understand that, and we can all agree to disagree :stuck_out_tongue:

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“Oops, I forgot that the new rez doesn’t go through walls.”

“Double oops! I flew out and pressed Q, but I got killed before I could finish casting! How silly of me to forget that the new rez has a cast time!”


I wasn’t sarcastic but I didn’t get your sarcasm sorry mate.

Wait, for real?

Good sir, the reason why every suggestion for a new iteration of multirez comes with a “LoS restriction and a cast time” is because the shameful tactic of feeding your own team to the enemy is something that no one wants to see again. That includes the Mercy supporters.

If the mechanics of multirez are changed so hide n rez can’t be done anymore, the tactic will never come back. It’s a win-win!


I just find it so hard to do so, practically, without making it useless in tiers of play where coordination and focus is expected. The mechanic itself, the 1:1-5, just naturally leads to it. It’s just a matter of how uncoordinated and undisciplined the enemy team is.

Buuuuuut, couldn’t the same could be said about any other AoE ult?

For example, dvabomb on its own can only get a phat multikill on teams that are embarrassingly unaware and unprepared.

But with some coordination, you can get much more reliable value out of it. Dva can communicate with her team to stun the Reinhardt as she drops the bomb, or even combine it with a setup ult to turn it into a devastating whombo combo.

I think that a super-coordinated team could get devastating value out of the invulnerability buff, and make Mercy a viable alternative (but not replacement) to Ana. “Living Rez” could even be used in aggressive whombo combos, as an alternative to nanoboost. It would be a big help for ults that are super-vulnerable to interruption. Eee! So many possibilities!

(I admit that right now I’m very sparkly-eyed over this idea)


And you cant proof the opposite which is quite convenient for both sides.

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Upvoted for the effort and the snazzing graphic x

I’ll likely keep playing Mercy however viable she is. Not having to aim, how fun guardian angel is, and just how much I like the character is enough for me. Liked mass rezzing, I like Valkyrie. I’d probably like this too. Can’t say for if it’d be better or worse though…

I recently came up with some ideas for Mercy:

This is such a high quality post, I don’t even care if you disagree with what OP is suggesting, this should be applauded and set as an example.

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OP is open for suggestions so what do you suggest?

OP doesn’t work for blizz and even if he did, blizz doesn’t listen to feedback.
Therefore, it’s no use to provide any ideas. Since he put up this thread though, I think it’s clear that he’s open to criticism for his idea.

True, OP is open to criticism but that doesn’t mean he can’t receive feedback. It’s a good idea to help improve his post so it can satisfy everyone.

I don’t think people will ever be satisfied, the game has a lot of heroes and a lot of modes.
This means that nerfing/buffing a hero might mean that another hero is nerfed/buffed on the side.
Also means that there’s a huge perception gap of how the game should be played not only between modes but between the different ranks within comp mode as well.
This game was destined to fail because its design is trash.

True, it’s kinda why I’m enjoying Team Fortress 2 more than Overwatch.
With Mercy, she feels like a chore and everyone complains about her being either too powerful or too weak.
As for the Medic, oh boy is he fun. When you play him, its like you got the power of God in your hands and you just want to say “Screw it” to the healing and murder everyone on the enemy team.

This is just the best concept I’ve seen for a rework by far, I love the fact that rez becomes a High skill based ultimate and valk as a normal ability(because that is how it feels anyway) either way I would still nerf valk more, like remove the non-stop self healing, remove GA and Beam increased range, would make chain beams 50% weaker(30hps and 15% damage boost) and reduce the cooldown a bit (20>12seconds but it starts after valks duration ends)

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Also would like to point out that this is a total nerf to mass rez but a buff to her base kit, what is totally viable, making her base kit stronger means that less allies will die and with that less rez will be needed, what means less people complaining about how rez is annoying, also it is just healthy. This is spreading her power around and it is what blizzard should have done from the beginning, removing power from rez and putting it on her base kit.

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I’m truly overwhelmed of how perfect this is, like it is the most balanceble mercy they can have, too much healing? Nerf valk chain beams, too much tempo rezzes? Increase the time that rezzes takes, if she ends up too weak she has lots of areas to buff her. That is what I like about this version of Mercy, she has so many numbers that can be tweaked it just fits perfectly in the game.

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I love your idea and I like the infographic.

I just think the Valk ability is too strong. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a Mercy main, but I understand when people complain about Mercy having strong infinite healing that doesn’t even need healing. I’ve already seen ideas where Mercy’s staff would overheat and reduce the healing would be reduced and even like this I don’t think AoE healing should be in her kit. I like this idea, only because it gives her a higher skill ceiling. She should have a strong single target healing and that’s about it, if we want AoE healing we should use Moira. If Mercy had res and AoE healing with unlimited resource, she would kill Moira (and probably Ana, even tho Ana have utility).

Imagine this:

  • Mercy Valk’s AoE healing: 240 per character, that would be 1200 healing in 6 seconds.
  • Mercy Valk’s Single Target healing: 450 hp for one character, that’s almost a nade + nano.

While this:

  • Ana’s nade: 100 hp per character (total 500hp). Since nade have a 10 sec cooldown, she would be able to use it twice, that would be 1000hp only. I know nade have other utilities, but it’s much harder to hit 5 people (that including allies and enemies).
  • Moira’s orb: 300hp at total. 10 sec cooldown. then we have 600 hp only

That would increase too much the time to kill and all that characters that doesn’t have burst damage would be useless.

Mercy would be too powerful. I really don’t think AoE healing fit her kit, instead I think she should have a single target small anti-debuff. Like clean and prevent target from receiving debuffs (discord, antinade) and give a little bit of HP (I think 50 is ok). Or she could give like anti CC instead of the anti-debuff. I also don’t think damage reduction should be a thing.

Apart from Valk, I like the ULT concept and I agree Mercy should have 60HP/s back (or at least 55HP/s), but she doesn’t need another Healing ability, unless she have to manage resources (like the overheat staff concept I mentioned).

I don’t want to play an OP character and I don’t want to risk Mercy receiving 13 nerfs once again. If she have high utility, she won’t have good healing, so I rather see her having good healing than good utility.

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