I feel like it’s another dead teammate that shows that you can’t be rezzed outside of the cone

I think these changes as are would be really really bad power wise. Mercy got invul BECAUSE she would be killed when doing the ult causing a tonne of suicide rezzes. She was a troll pick because of it.

She was already too weak with an instant cast time. LOS is good but cast should remain instant and she needs something, to give her at least a chance to not instantly die after rezing and making your team one main healer down.

All that said I’d take it in a heartbeat if it meant mass rez coming back


This is so GREAT! I say bravo, This adds a sort of McCree using dead eye danger to Mercy as she has to channel and be out in the open to use it! It will allow mercy to do everything a McCree ult can do in reverse! Including game saving ults!



I should point out that mass rez charged based on healing done and you really didn’t want to waste it. Keeping track of the ult economy was vital. So it heavily heavily encouraged you to heal. Mas rez was a backup for when the healing failed. But the more you healed the less you had to rez.


Zero Eh? I guess you didn’t read the zillions of posts and threads by Mercy players over the past year and a few months. Or saw the survey.

As for the fun thing… That was literally why the devs said they got rid of mass rez. They didn’t think it was fun.

Well most of the support community and plenty of the others want Valk gone and of those mass rez is the most popular replacement. It should come back.

Still they could leave Valk in and let queue times continue to grow because the reason people want it back is the fun factor. Who’d have thought people not having fun would be important in a game :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


You say that dmg boost will be single target while on E valk, so why would you even suggest a trash chainheal?
You present a counterplay to every step of the ult with the parameters you put there such as cast time, LoS, movement reduced. Not to mention that rez will behave in a certain way by itself which in many cases might not be optimal/you take away the decision making of the player. Why would I rez the trash overextending Genji first when I can instead choose to rez the tryharding Reinhardt?
Cast time is extremely high and it guarantees that every rez atempt will be a 2 or 3 man rez at best, preventing the possibility of huge saves.
Canceling the rez is a trash idea. You either commit the ult and you get its result or you don’t. People already rezed will be free ult charge for the enemy team if you decide that the situation isn’t worth it after all. It’s better if only the mercy dies while attempting something than somewhat attempting something and then 2 rezed people die, in addition to the mercy, for example.

Your idea, overall, is trash and overnerfed. I’m actually amazed there are people agreeing with you but then again an extreme amount of the playerbase has maxed out at plat or below.

cant wait to see how fast the mods lock this chat, you cant mention mercy without “injuring the devs delicate constitutions”

Iunno. Seems like it could be pretty easily useless tbh. The thing that gets me is the order to which people are rezzed. In a typical team fight, in order to rez the tanks first, youd have to be in an awkward position that leaves you also highly vulnerable. Otherwise youd just rez some squish thatd die again easily feeding ult charge and leading to hard stagger.

Iunno. I just dont see practically how this, or really any mass rez, will be viable outside of plat and below.


She would be an instant must pick again…

Mass Rez
AoE healing
Consistent no aim healing
some of the best support mobility in the game with GA alone now coupled with Valkryrie which increased that mobility for her EVERY 20 seconds. Making her far to self sufficient at living in comparison to ANY other support.

You may not have intended this but the entire concept is STILL overpowered and makes one of the most consistent healers in the game also the most mobile and utility intensive.

No, Just no.

You know, maybe they don’t want it back.

I like your idea but I feel like the .7 second duration should get reduce by like .1 to .2 seconds. Or she could get a damage reduction. I think she would be too vulnerable in her ult and even just 2 resurrects would be too risky.
Oh yea and EMP and stuns overall would just obliterate her.

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oh im quite familiar the the zillions of posts…most of which say that shes unfun in some way shape or form…the point is they wont change her for THAT reason alone…not when shes (arguably) fine…not when the community as a whole doesnt seem to be echoing that sentiment (as i was saying the mercy community itself isnt even fully behind it)…

and im probably going to be saying this til the game actually dies…but the fun argument in this case is nothing like the fun argument that was made against it…there is a BIG difference between the whole player base saying they dont like something and a literal corner of the community arguing the same thing (with debatable reasoning as i stated earlier)…you guys (the ones who want her changed) need to stop looking at this from a “my opinion matters” viewpoint (which is true btw) and look at things through the eyes of the people in charge of making the changes:

  • issue: some players claim theres an issue
  • step 1: who is some? a portion of mercy players (lets even give you benefit of the doubt and say more than half)
  • step 2: how does the rest of the community feel? indifferent or worse…disagree that its an issue
  • step 3: what does the game itself say? shes still super popular and performs ok (again debatable but i guarantee you shes not broken)
  • step 4: what are the proposed solution? mostly go back to the previous version - the one that cause us to change her in the first place? yes…with some modifications…but yes…
  • step 5: how do we as devs feel about the character?..i cant speak for them…but its not a new issue and we’ve seen the direction theyve taken…and what theyve said about it on several occasions…
  • step 6 - so does it warrant a change?
  • conclusion - maaaaaaaaaaaybe? certainly unclear…

so basically it boils down to theres a complaint…from a select portion of the community about a character who doesnt really have a concrete issue gamewise that needs addressing?
“well, i guess that makes it a super important issue…lets dedicate hundreds of man hours towards a fix that may not actually be warranted and caused issues once before”

like thats actually what you expect to happen…

its just not…

thats not opinion…you dont change things just because…theres a thought process…and the argument just doesnt hold any water

contrast that same thinking process for something like scatter arrow (or even doomfist or brigitte)…and if you still think there isnt a big difference…then i dont have anything else to say other than i hope you find something enjoyable in game while you wait for the thing that wont happen

unfortunately they have to balance the game itself…player opinion/passion is important…but the former trumps it

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Good evening, Quest!

I took your comment as a challenge to make a version of rez that’s viable even in high ranks!

For your consideration:

AoE: 12 meters
Cast time: 1.2 seconds (no movement restrictions)
LoS restricted
Mercy can cast rez without needing dead teammates nearby

Dead allies are revived. Living allies (and Mercy) get 1.75 seconds of invulnerability.

The buff for living allies is intended to drastically change how Mercy plays when she gets rez, compared to her 1.0 version.

A Mercy with old rez had to play farther away from her team, because she needed to avoid being anywhere near enemy ults in order to save her teammates from them.

Mercy with the new rez will be able to stay in the thick of the fight at all times. If she sees an ult incoming, she can time her rez to give her team (and herself) protection from a single mighty blow.

The long cast time of the new rez makes it impractical to revive anything bigger than a tempo rez, since Mercy will often need teammates drawing aggro away from her while she casts.

At the higher levels, players would be using rez for its potential as a “scalpel-precision sound barrier.” 1.75 seconds may be vastly inferior to sound barrier’s uptime of protection, but “living rez” has the upside of protecting against all forms of cc.

Bye bye hide-n-rez, helooooo, proactive nurse!

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How about rework that doesn’t include mass rez?


That’s like asking to rework Sombra without any form of Hack in her kit.

Or asking to change Hanzo’s bow into a regular gun.

Or asking to rework Reinhardt’s personality into an angry Cloud Strife knockoff.


No i didn’t ask to remove rez i asked to not bring multi rez with any form.

Only allow her to revive 3 ppl that’s it. I think that is good enough

Okay so we have e rez, and ult rez…

We’re arguing against e rez, and you dont want to hear about ult rez.

Do you want passive rez or something?


Isn’t that double standards?

Graviton isn’t restricted to only being allowed to pull in a max of three people. Dragonblade doesn’t automatically expire after three kills.


Well when you pull off a team kill with those type of ults and such it should be rewarded but when someone comes outta nowhere with the ability to rez 5 ppl I think that it’s kinda unfair. I mean you just went through all of this stuff to just have the fight come back at you pretty much and it’s like ;w;. If it were up to me i’d Just take rez away all together pretty much