Wow, that was so nice to read. I really like that idea.

But i’ve got a one simple question:

Will shields affect her LOSbasically, if there is a Rein between you and a dead teammate, will you still be able to revive him?

first of all:
whats up with all the negativity? its only a suggestion?

i don’t know, why would you?
and if you rez genji first (the ult goes from front to back)
then you as mercy must be overextending aswell right?

you can fix that by changing cast times.

but why would this be bad?
you might be in an unsafe position, you have the power in your own hands!

this is where the skill ceiling goes up for example.

thank you for your feedback!

i’d say no to heal/damage while ulting because the animation (that she has now)
needs to play.

and i think you should be able to ult during valkyrie!

thank you so much!

the forums wouldn’t exist if they removed everything overwatch related or criticism against their way of balancing or shaping the game.

it’s not intended and only a concept!
i will have to disagree with you about the must pick status, she was a throw pick before invul. this concept has no invul.

.7 seconds looked better for the animation to be honest :sweat_smile:
the concept can be tweaked all over the place and is not perfect as it is now.

doesn’t stop me from posting my ideas!

further destroying a hero’s identity? no thank you we had enough of that.

we had that before and all saw how that worked out. and it was not even instant (all 3 at once).

i really don’t know to be honest… should it?

Then why don’t people do that now? People did that with old mass rez mercy because the rez was instant and easy to pull off. This would make it far more risky of a play especially to rez multiple people.

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I don’t think it should, and I don’t think shields should be blocking sound barrier either for what it’s worth. It doesn’t make much sense imo

I really hope mass res will never come back. Even res as it is should be removed from the game definitly as it is too tricky to balance by nature (either OP or unfun too use ). However I wish Mercy to be a better and more useful hero in the game for the Mercy players and their team mates. In order to do that I would change Mercy this way:

  1. Res E is removed and replaced by a burst heal/Dboost cd (like 80 HPS for 6 sec with a cd of 10 sec). That would increase the global hps of Mercy and would need some intelligence to use in order to be efficient.

  2. Valk Ult is re moved/work and replaced by an Orisa ult like zone healing. Mercy would stick her staff in the soil and it would heal all allies in the zone via a beam meanwhile Mercy would be able to fly and dps in valkstyle.

Single rez

I have never claimed that everybody likes her…my stance is and has always been that you don’t have enough people from the entire community sharing in the mercy sentiment…they’re not going to change her willy nilly because SOME mercy players are unhappy with her…

They will change her when it’s a problem for the whole community…so I stand by the comment…which I think even you would have a hard time arguing is the case

I really don’t get why people hate the thought of mass rez or even Resurrect at all being in Overwatch. Most other shooters have some kind of resurrect/revive mechanic. Why, specifically, does it not belong in Overwatch? And besides, there’s always more counters you can introduce to it too: make it so that Sombra can EMP Resurrecting heroes, similarly for Ana with bio grenade.

I really do think Rez has a place in this game and I get the feeling Blizzard aren’t gonna be removing it anytime soon because of the whole “fantasy” thing which I agree with. I dunno I feel like people just don’t like it because it “erases” their hard work, totally forgetting that Mercy also has to put work in to pull it off, especially in the iterations suggested by the community.

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I think it would certainly be interesting, but re-implementing the mass resurrect would be a bit too powerful matched with the 60HP/s. It would overshadow Moira by a huge margin.

Also, I like the fact that Valkyrie is now a regular ability, but a 6 second duration is easily a bit too long. You could decrease the cooldown though.

And another thing: a huge part of Mercy is her ability to be airborne, removing Guardian Angel would take away from Mercy’s personality. Even with Valkyrie, you’d only be able to fly everytime Valkyrie’s cooldown went down.

I m playing Overwatch since open beta and it s by FAR the most frustrating thing i lived in the game. As a Mercy team mate and Mercy opponent.

Yes that s a part of it. Further res shouldnt exist beacause it allows you to do the worst error in the game and not paying the price : Dying.

My problem lies in the valkyrie being an ability. If it remains somewhat similar to the current ult movement-wise, it will become an easy escape button and will cause the playerbase to hate her all over again. Is that a ground-based ult you got there? SEE YA! (Mercy pops that E button and takes off into the sky away from your grasp).

But, as you stated in the post, it could be looked into on the PTR.

Ayeee, I saw that! :wink:

I’m not in the mood to write counterarguments from phone. And without them that wasn’t constructive.


i saw that too :wink:
thank you anyways!

A doubt:
If i’m rezzing and i die, the mates whom “revive time” is completed, will be rezzed anyway, right?

yes they will be brought back to life as soon as their OWN timer reaches 100%

this means that you will not be revived at the same time as others!

Good! Another doubt: If they die “in horizontal line”, i mean: they are at the same distance from the Mercy, they will start at the same time?
Example: if they die in a graviton they are strictly near, how works the revive’s timer?

I’ll tell you what’s up with the negativity. You need to be careful with what you’re suggesting because someone might actually implement this, since we know the devs actually don’t know what they’re doing, ending up with a trash ult and a salty playerbase.

I wasn’t actually referring to the picture you’ve made but to a hypothetical situation which by coincidence included those 2. I never overextend, I leave that to the trashcans I’m matched with.

Even with changed cast times, this would be a suicide mission if you’re going for 4 or 5. Right now, valuable ults of the game have small cast times. Why give an overnerfed ult additional cast time? Go ahead and fix the cast times.

You should know if your positioning is bad beforehand. If you’re too late to realize it, then you deserve to be dead. Cancelling a rez while some of the people are rezed means that not only you messed up but the people you rezed take the blow too. It would breed toxicity. Everyone should be solely responsible for what happens to his hero. How many times have you died because you were able to escape only to be met with an allied mei’s wall which blocked you?

Get a spine, stop being passive aggressive.