Mei's Delay Change.❄️

I just thought about an A-Mei-Zing change to Mei’s Endothermic Blaster.

The thing with Mei, is as you not only progress in ranking, but also proceed to increase your Overwatch playtime hours in this game.

Mei primary and alt fire usage switches. Meaning, Mei can’t rely on her short-range spray too much, however, she has to rely more so on her icicle.

:snowflake: What is so frustrating to say the very least is the delay that occurs shortly after you press whichever button/ hot key you have for Mei’s Alt Fire.


As this heading stated, Mei's projectile is the only projectile that has the delay, along sides with...
  • Travel Distance
  • Cast-time
  • damage fall-out

Somvra's proposed to fix the given issue.

Instead of having it function the way it does as of right now, have it function somewhat like Hanzo cast time.

Therefore, the cast time will still remain, however, you have to hold per say the button you have assigned to Mei’s alt fire, like Hanzo and once you release the trigger, that is when the icicle will shoot out.

I feel as if this will make her over all better. :blue_heart: Now if the player do not hold the button for the full duration of the cast time, then the icicle will gradually get smaller ( Melt )

Please feel free to tell me what you guys think.


I think that would really help. Right now when you come around a corner into an unknown situation you can either hope nobody who’s a good mei counter is around the wall, get ready to freeze someone or wallblock to run away or prefire the icicle which is a crapshoot for the timing since you would have to start it as you come around the corner and whip aim before it releases. with the charge-hold you’d be able to have a reactive shot ready to instantly smack someone or put some damage into someone priming them for a freeze and shot or another icicle. As it is Mei rounding a corner has a real disadvantage since every other character in the game can put at least SOME damage instantly into someone they encounter.

Right now she has this need to tank some damage to get into it and while I think that should remain for the freeze, her icicle getting some love aside from reduced ammo use would be nice.

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Agreed. I know the frustration as it just seems like a overkill to her already existing drawbacks.

Ive been practicing my Mei, get me a buff, my friend. Yes, yes, continue.

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I have around 50+ hours on Mei and I can safely say that even I still haven’t got my hands wrapped around why she has a delay… :sweat_smile:

just spam and strafe the icycle, use the patented Hanzo Technique, someone is bound to get dinked and the base damage is excellent


I’d rather we remove luck from most peoples kits. I mean spamming stuff down a hallway works for projectile characters: junk, phara, hanzo, sym. But pretty much EVERYONE hates getting dinked by a projectile when the hero isn’t even looking at them.

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That is the thing, I don’t want to just spam it until someone gets dink. :sweat_smile:

That would be ideally.

I couldn’t(not a typo) agree less with you. But I have a funny story about not looking at someone.
Was playing junkrat and I heard a doomfist up above, used my landmine to throw on the ground so I could get up to him and start throwing some bombs at him. Noticed in the kill feed that I killed doomfist on the way up. Still have no idea how I killed him lol.


That is epic! did you record it?

I always felt the delay time was her deciding if she wanted to shoot the icicle or eat it.


I understand enjoying the randomness of junk. But a lot of frustration would be eliminated by people dying to intentional shots. I don’t doubt it’s fun though.

Mei have a lot of troubles but her problem is not the weapon, is cryo.


Mei’s biggest problem is she is a slow/freeze hero designed to counter deathball not dive. Its the inverse of what she should be.

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This just made my day.


True, however, the delay does not help at all.

So ture. I honestly laugh when people say that she counters mobility.

I don’t blame them.

It’s just that she is way better at dealing with deahtball and tanks than with mobility. She never worked as a counter to mobility because abilities aren’t affected by her slow.

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I like this, i feel that Bliz have been buffing her wrong by making her freeze stronger which is no fun to play against, rather than give her better dmg and leave the freeze as it was. This sounds like a good fix but I’d tie it to a reversion of some of her primary fire buffs.

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