Mei QoL Changes and Small Buffs ❄️

Mei's Delay Change.❄️ I made this thread on May 13th, 2018 and not too many people knew it existed, let alone could care less/ wasn’t a fan of the idea.

With that being said, I gather more information and have some more great ideas for Mei also known as Everyone’s Bae. On a serious note, don’t think Mei is in a terrible spot honestly, but she could use more QoL Changes that again will help improve her as a hero, without making her deem as Overpowered. LET’S BEGIN.

Mei’s Endothermic Blaster: To me, everything about her Primary is just about fine, Nothing really need any changing her. I will say maybe the devs can play around to see about making the two interaction between Mei and Barriers interesting to say the very least. How you may ask?

Everyone knows, well should know that whenever Mei freezes any form of barrier, the barrier it self have a frozen visual effect. I think it would be interesting, to put forth and make that visual effect an actually affect. Meaning the target (Barrier) is frozen after taking 100 hits. The effect can be something minor like, Once the visual effect is display, the barrier with take x% amount of damage to it. The Frozen effect duration would last for only 1.5 seconds, then you repeat.

This idea, is not set in stone with me yet, but I want to get this idea out there to see what you guys feel about it.

Mei’s Cyro-Freeze: The only QoL Changes this ability need is the ability to re-fill her Primary Weapon. That is it. Something as simple as this, but can help improve Mei for many reasons.

I seen other ideas that was suggested saying that her Cyro-Freeze should slow down enemies, not freeze, who is within close distance from it. I don’t know how I feel about this, but again, I am putting the idea/ suggestion out there, but I already stated that all she need for this ability is for it to re-fill her ammunition. That is all.

Mei’s Ice Wall: This ability is so underrated, due to people “Trolling” with this ability, but this ability in itself is really powerful when used correctly.

I think the only changes that I propose for this, is add another pillar making it 6 pillar instead of 5 and this would increase the health from 500 to 600.

Not only that, but I think the visual should still remain like this

But instead it should display the visual, the same exact way the display is presented for Symettra’s Teleporter and Torb’s Turret. Example/


Not only that, but I feel like the whole team should be able to see the indicator as well, not just the player of the that specific hero. This applies to all three; Mei, Symmetra and Torb.

Mei's Blizzard: I feel as though this ultimate is fine, as it does have it's pros and cons. The only thing that need to be done with ultimate is that it need to refill her ammunition upon use. That is all.

Just some QoL Changes, mostly allow Mei to re-fill her Primary Weapon upon the two abilities that should have been automatically reload. Which is her Cyro-Freeze and Mei’s ultimate known as Blizzard.

Her Wall just a slight increase in health, and add one more pillar, while making the visual effect better and seen by her whole teammates.

Fix her known bugs for sure.

Maybe, add an effect to her visual effect when it comes down to barriers.

Thanks for reading, and please feel free to add your suggestion or leave constructive criticism/ feedback. Enjoy.



I’m not sure the wall needs an increase in both health and size though.


Originally, I just want to add one more pillar, but I know if Blizzard does that, then the health distribution will be off. Therefore, I suggested the health increase portion as well.


This is so important and I completely agree. It’s so easy to ACCIDENTALLY troll your own teammates as Mei. Even when you’re not trying to, you just can’t really expect to not accidentally block somebody in or out or ruin their ultimate, it’s stressful being Mei because you want to protect your team but you’re also afraid your wall will ruin something somebody is about to do.

Letting your team see where you’re thinking of putting it will prepare them for what’s about to happen and hopefully give them time to react appropriately (back up, move forward, or hold on to ultimate etc).


That is the goal my friend, I think that suggestion should one of the more important ones as it will benefit herself and the team so much.


(this is LCC) Idk, Mei is like Sombra in the aspect that they will never be meta unless they are borderline OP.
Mei needs her cryo favor shooter problems fixed for sure.
What if we made her little flurry out of her gun faster? So it doesn’t lag behind when you track someone.

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As long time Mein: I like your improvements on visual indicators of ice wall. But i don’t see reason to any other changes.

As for ammo reloads: last thing Mei needs is better ammo reload. Maybe ult refill is okay and balanced, but it’s not necessary change. Cryofreeze, however, should not reload, period. It’s already good enough as it is, and giving Mei more ammo without actually reloading is just reducing windows of counterplay against Mei. If Mei uses Cryofreeze in the middle of enemy team, she doesn’t deserve more ammo without reload to help her escape, especially because she already potentially has ice wall. I think giving Mei too much ammo makes her easily too good at every situation.

And overall, Mei is in good spot and there is at least 10+ heroes that need QoL changes like these more than her, imho.

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Hey LCC,

This. I made sure to say that all her bugs need to be fixed first.

I agree with this so much, I think that is why I main Mei as well.

This could work as well.

Having the full outline of her wall visible to both herself and her teammates before placement is brilliant. That would be immensely helpful.


Refilling her ammo across at least one instance of an ability or ultimate would be my ideal QoL. Primary fire is not as easily tracked as other ammo is and having a way to re-build ammo would cut back on reload times and awkward moments of conserving ammo.

Other than that, I think Wall is in a solid place (though I wouldn’t mind use of her Primary fire and her ult on her wall, allowing her to heal the pillars back up) and Cryo-freeze, though stationary, got the ana debuff wipe. The drop-off removal for her damage was the big one and I think that put her in a solid place, really.

Though if we’re doing ‘Wishlist’ thinking?

  • removal of the ‘favour the shooter’ element where Cryo-freeze is concerned.
  • use of wall under allies and opponents, vault’s those on top up a small height. Nothing drastic but a couple of meters would be great for more wall utility.
  • Small explosive radius on her secondary fire, icicles shattering into shrapnel for half damage at a half meter radius.

I understand where you are coming from, but can the same be applied to heroes such as Reaper, McCree etc.

Not only that, but I feel like since she is ability dependent, her counter-plays will still remain. These changes are more so like what the devs did to Reaper.


I do too.
Meisniper oP pLeAsE nErF

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This will allow so much team play, and the team can prep themselves for the Mei Wall as well.

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I already seen thread like those already… :sweat_smile:

Oh, and she should get full ammo after cryo for crying out loud.

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This is interesting. I never really thought about this.

I love these ideas!

I made sure to put that in my thread as well, I think she should get full ammunition refilled when using Cyro-Freeze and Blizzard.

Mei is much less ability dependent nowadays, though. She does very good damage at all ranges, as long as you are good at aiming her projectiles. This has been case since falloff removal.

I’m going to borrow this comment from Bloggerman, because it explains really well why she doesn’t need reload on Cryofreeze, while Reaper/McCree has them on their abilities:


I really like this. I don’t see too many mei posts, she really is in a decent place atm. This would put her firmly in B-Tier or even A-Tier.

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I understand where you are coming from with this. Bloggerman did a outstanding job explaining and breaking down why he feels as though Mei doesn’t need it for Cyro-Freeze.