Mei nerf has made a big difference

I have 800 hours on her. Since nerf I’m freezing probably about a third less. I also notice 'Mei is op!´ whine threads have quieted down. she is not OP , if you’re dying to her you either got outplayed or made a mistake.


People can’t accept that it’s their fault so… Expect salt anytime soon


I’m glad the whine threads are quieting down, they’re making me feel bad for playing my favourite hero.

The forums are filled with players that want Mei gutted unfortunately. Agree that many that get outplayed just use her “OP” kit as a scapegoat despite her recent nerf. I don’t have faith in the community with balancing but I will put my faith in Blizzard.


outplayed by LMB tapped with scotch tape yes.

nope forums is filled with people who would like the character to be a bit more reliant on right click and less on the “wall + multi-freeze a tank” “outplay” combo. Her ultimate is also arguably the best DPS ulti in the game because at best it’s a teamwipe that doesn’t require mechanics (unlike nanoblade) and at worst a zoning tool. Shines on 2 CP in particular and charges way too fast for how impactful it is.

And she shouldn’t contest points while in freeze form. Either freeze form should be breakable (300-400 HP) or it should heal faster and last 2-3s less.

Tl;dr: make the hero more skill-based.


Presuming you play WB from your pic. I play WB too, and he can escape from her fine.


Mei has the same reputation as Bastion, Torbjörn, Symmetra, Sombra etc. They’re really not all that oppressive, but if they die to said heroes, they have a whole fit because they were once above average in power.


Certain heroes will always be hated despite being balanced.


Yet you can’t understand the correlation between nerfing an overbuffed hero and less people complaining? Smh continue to just dismiss hard truths as whining.

A lot of the complaints come from players who have never, or virtually never used her. I feel like players who refuse to try the character in question shouldn’t be claiming how overpowered something is. It’s like if I were to start claiming “Tracer is OP. She can move around more than basically anyone else, and one clip. Plus her ult is an instant kill.” ignoring the actual demands of using her well.


Nope I’m a Tracer/Cree/Widow 3 trick since S1.

Yes. It seems like Mei has been tuned in a good direction.

Either it’s good as it is, or needs more tuning.

While I agree with her freeze needing a change, her cryo doesn’t need this change. Majority of the time she does use it on point, she’s either gonna be dead by the time she gets out or when she comes out she’ll contest for just long enough for her team to help her.

It’s a valid tactic that can change fights and there’s absolutely no reason for them to change it so that she doesn’t contest points. It just doesn’t make sense honestly.

As for making her cryo have health, I don’t agree with it either. It doesn’t need health, it’s a fairly short time that Mei is in there and if your team can’t kill her when she gets out that’s on you.

Two of those heroes don’t need to be close to mei, the third shouldn’t have too much trouble dealing with her in close range

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Nah, she’s more in the Doomfist, Sombra and Brigitte category of characters whose kit were designed entirely around their CC and drive people nuts.

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If I had to choose between these 2 then I too have more faith in Blizzard.

This community, especially on this forums, tends to get too emotional or biased to care the slightest about hero balancing or overal game balancing. I guess this is unavoidable because of maining in this game.

I still see daily some threads appear, but it’s usually from the same few players.

Probably because of the reason above.
(Those players tends to be tank mains.)

The first idea wouldn’t make much sense. It’s an invulnerability ability after all. The player is supposed to be immune to damage and cc.

I would love to have the second idea though.

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Thats where some of my words come in. I hate playing her. I barely have time on her. But I am able to play her in diamond.

And also, people arent complaining because
A. people kept complaining, and everyone said “wait a while before you complain”
B. most importantly, if any OP character gets slightly nerfed at all, a bunch of people stop playing them, because they think their “switch-to-win” character is bad.

You see it every time a character gets nerfed, people have an exodus. I’ve been seeing less Mei’s in my game, so I’m less agitated.

It’s like this, you have a game against a REALLY good Genji. no biggy, next game. next game, its a different genji, thats just as good. and then it happens over, and over, and over. thats when people say “nErF gEnJi”(this is a metaphor, please don’t nerf Genji bliz)

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Are you sure? I keep seeing posts asking the devs to put drop-off back on her icicle.

Edit: here’s a topic dedicated to it. Possibly re-introduce Icicle falloff!


The nerfs were in the right direction, but I still feel like she has no business having pierce on her freeze. If she wants to freeze someone, she should have to focus everything on freezing them and not just swing willy nilly into a group and hope she gets one of them to freeze solid.


I’ve noticed she’s definitely less BS to play against now. Thank goodness they took steps to dial her back.