Possibly re-introduce Icicle falloff!

Hello there,

It’s nice and all that Mei’s leftclick got nerfed, but I still find it unfair that her icicle doesn’t have its falloff back.

Mei is designed as a brawler hero who needs to get up close, but without the icicle falloff from the old days, a good projectile player can turn her into a two-shot sniper. She basically can replace certain heroes in that regard that she shouldn’t be able to outclass on long-range engagements.

So, please take a look at it and re-introduce falloff to the icicles!


Every other projectile doesn’t have falloff so why should Mei’s be excluded?

If a mei is hitting shots at sniper ranges then she deserves that kill. I thought skill elitist liked that? Also no way mei is replacing widow and hanzo.


I’d rather they just remove headshots from it.

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  1. The fallof was removed to make it in line with other projectiles in this game. It was done for the sake of consistency.
  2. If a Mei player is able to snipe enemies nonstop from a distance despite having a cast time, travel time and a slow fire rate, do I doubt the problem lies at Mei.

I gotta agree with that. Mei icicles are pretty hard to hit past mid-range


Its a projectile.
No projectile have fall off.
If a Mei can hit those long range shots, she deserves the kill.


not just icicle fall off…ANY buff that was received to help counter goats…literally everything…

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I have mixed feelings about this. I know the icicle falloff was removed for her to be more effective against triple tank, but I quite like the icicles without falloff.

It makes a bit of sense for her to get falloff again now that triple tank is unselectable in qp or comp.

Like others have said, if the Mei is good enough to get a sexy snipe she earned that kill

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  1. No, it was done to help against Goats by increasing her poking potential on higher distances.
  2. Her kit is basically designed for close range. Giving her long-range high damage shots makes her a jack-of-all-trades, regarding the fact that the travel and casttime is not really long for a projectile that flies in a straight line.

Do you also have an issue with Hanzo’s arrows as apart from having a slight curve (which imo doesn’t really matter) function the same and do more damage I think.

Why should Mei be the only projectile hero with fall off?

I would agree with the non-falloff if she wouldn’t have a very versatile close-range kit. She has CC on a primary gun, self-healing and a map-altering ability to lock people in/out.

Players always says this, but I wonder if they knew what changes were added during goats against goats.

Let’s use Mei as an example. The only buffs she received during goats was the damage buff to her freeze and that’s about it. I’m fine with reverting this, but I get the feeling this isn’t what you meant.

So a change from before goats was a change was done to deal against goats???
(It was added close after the merge of the defense and assault class.)

And she is still a close range hero. If a Mei is being effective as a sniper despite having those drawbacks can this only means 2 things.

  1. That Mei is Pro tier, or
  2. The enemies are allowing it.

Also, what about other heroes with projectiles? Genji is a close range hero. Should it be removed by him as well? Hanzo is a midrange hero. What about him? Of we don’t care about consistency anymore, then we might as well address all heroes. Who cares if they are balanced or have average damage stats.
It doesn’t fit.


Before goats exploded onto the scene, Blizzard said they were looking for ideas to improve Mei to be more effective against the impending (inevitable) triple tank comps.


Not anymore, no. Projectile speed got nerfed which was my no. 1 concern. I still find him highly annoying, but now I can kinda deal with him. The difference is that his kit doesn’t include a CC on a primary as well as ult and self-heal. He has mobility instead, fine, but it’s okay for long-range heroes to be able to reposition. And his ult is usually easily dodgable unless enabled by a halt or grav.

July 24, 2018

Developer Comments: The goal of these changes is to slightly reduce the impact of damage falloff on mid-range weapons. While assessing falloff mechanics across the board, weapons intended primarily for close-range combat benefited too greatly from lowering their falloff restrictions. We also normalized a couple of outliers in that Mei had a long-range travel time projectile with falloff applied and Widowmaker’s automatic fire did not have any.

Minimum damage at max range increased from 30% to 50%

Removed all damage falloff from her secondary fire projectile

Minimum damage at max range increased from 30% to 50%

Now has damage falloff applied on her automatic primary fire (50% at max range)

So you just made a false statement.


The piercing freeze was, and even that was done in case of a possible tank meta. Goats wasn’t a thing yet.

Also, we’re talking about her fallof removal here and not about the piercing freeze. The fallof was removed quite shortly after the merge of the assault and defense class. There was no indication of a tank meta yet.


just for clarification i wasnt just referring to mei…any buff to ANY character to help combat goats needs to go…

Which would be not many am I afraid.

  • Reaper had his lifesteal buff and teleport buff.
  • Mei had her damage buff to her freeze.
  • McCree had changed to his RMB and LMB.

These were all added to deal with goats during goats.

I’m fine with reverting all of these, but I don’t think this is what players usually means when they speak about “goats buffs”. Also, what about the goats nerfs that tanks received?


I see someone posted the patch notes.
As you can see OP is your claim just wrong.

And again, if Mei can repeatedly snipe enemies despite having cast time, travel time and a slow fire, then I seriously doubt the problem lies at Mei.


Does that only include buffs that where specifically added to combat goats and had a developer comment to say so?

Or do we also include buffs that helped but goats wasn’t mentioned in dev comments?

What about the tank nerfs during goats to attempt to kill it?

technically yes…the armor revert was a big part of it though

the point is the purpose (or the cause of the changes) is no longer an issue…theyre no longer needed and are no longer needed…