Mei is the worst hero in the whole game

Mei does need a nerf as does Reaper, Doomfist, Hanzo and Sigma …to start, locking 2-2-2 has created an imbalance of power that was buffed to stop 3-3.

And 10 months later this is still true.

Stop necroing threads,

Welcome to the forums.

Don’t revive old threads.
It’s against the rules of this forum and can lead to a temporary suspension.

With that being said, a popular idea I see posted a lot is reworking her into a tank. As much as I love her current kit can I not help but wondering how a tank version would work. I would love to give it a try.

I don’t know if you would get suspended, but it doesn’t make sense to necro a thread that is 10 months old, because no one who was “discussing” is probably still around or has the same view towards the topic anymore.

I only have a hard time with her when she is on my team… :sweat_smile:

If a map doesn’t favor wall placement her value drops by a lot. She is also extremely hard to use. Her Icicles one of the trickiest weapons to master too.

To really maximize her you need to know all the tricks. Like Cryofreeze, only noobs use it for the heal (no offense). The best Mei players use it to bait out abilities and body block damage. Since you are treated as an immortal object you can block and infinite amount of damage.

I 2-tricked Mei and Ana 5 seasons ago and they carried me to Diamond for the very first time.

People are so stuck on her freeze that they don’t realize that that it’s the weakest part of her kit.

Edit: Also less skilled Mei player have a habit of hurting their team with their poor wall placements. Few heros actively and so noticeably hinder their own team.

I wall where I want! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have yet to see someone getting suspended for doing it, but it is mentioned in the forum’s rules that it can lead to a suspension.

I know OP does.
I still see post from him regarding this topic, but that is more because of the hatred he has for the character.

Not even reading OP’s entire post. I ain’t have patience, or time for that.

But Mei is OK, or very close to OK at least. I don’t have fun playing against Torbjorn. I don’t have fun playing against Symmetra. I sure as hell don’t have fun playing against DF.

Should they all be nerfed, or deleted?

Just because one character does not suit your personal tastes, doesn’t mean they don’t have a place in the game.

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sorry guys i’ll stick to the starcraft 2 forums, you can delete my post i will never come back to these forums ever again, this place makes me feel sad and horrible thanks all

rather: allright we have so many fun heroes, lets make one that ruins them all.

She is a weapon of misery and destruction

Yes, Yes she is.

she’s my most played dps hero :joy:

OP has a Dva icon, nothing to see here.

Seriously, how do people find threads this old? It’s gotta be a skill that I’m missing in my life.

Please stop necro-ing this thread. A lot of time has passed and my hate for the character has since subsided. Plus, i don’t wanna get punished because someone else brought this thread back up. Thanks in advance.