Not difficult to pick up:
High skill ceiling:
Strong but not op ult:
Versatile utility:
Alright, she’s a good template.
But then the template is good until someone accidental stabbed the paper, spilt the ink, and ripped it to shreds.
She is oppressive so no.
Stimulates baddies to get better:
I think you mean high skill celling not floor.
yes ty edited
Controversial opinion but Brig is too. Well rounded. But they seem to do all the wrong changes to her.
Here come the replies rip me lmao
I agree.
Especially with the last point.
She is one of the worst heroes in the roster, even in silver.
I agree with the fact that she is off to a good start.
Such as Reaper, they are a hop skip and a jump away from proper balance.
That doesn’t make her well designed.
She is one of the most annoying things to fight against in the game. I woudl even say more annoying than Brigitte.
Annoying ≠ Oppressive
If you can’t move most of the time, it is oppressive.
You’re a Dva main right?
Guess who counters Dva???
(It’s Mei.)
Brig lacks the skill ceiling. The most skill intensive thing about her is landing whipshots to refresh Inspire. I wish they’d add more skill expression in her kit.
I found a couple creative ways to solve that with this rework thread I made.
Increased her skill ceiling to her repair pack, rally, whipshot, and to some degree, shield bash.
You aren’t wrong but i’m still waiting for this bug fix…
I’ll make a post about it on the 18th since it would be 1 year since then…
I remember when I made that thread.
It’s part of one of her many bugs:
Last time when i checked she can freeze almost everyone.
As a famous streamer once said “she counters you just by existing”.
Ofc I can just play junkrat but that doesn’t change anything for the rest of the team.
Lol this means nothing.