[Mei-gathread] Does Mei feels balanced and underpowered at the same time?

After Symm rework, Mei pick rate will drop because her niche (put orisa on high ground with icewall) will be pretty much outshined by the teleporter 2.0

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Symmetra could use all the help right now.
Unlike Mei, has Symmetra no role in the game currently, and if Symmetra is going to take Mei’s ability away to help teammates setup, then I have no problem losing that. It’s not like that was a healthy role in the game anyways.

I hope by having Brigitte in competitive and owl we will see a return of more static team comps. In these kind of kind of comps is Mei better than in dive.

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It really depends. The new Symmetra could be a better DPS to counter those comps than Mei due to her ability to destroy shields. Symmetra/Reaper might be more common than Mei/Reaper, or Mei/Sym. Of course, a 3 dps with these heroes could be strong unless they have a Pharah, so we’ll have to see where Mei fits in with the new Sym, whether the improved Sym makes Mei a stronger pick, or worse.

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Well, in the forum for now seems the hate for Mei is going away:
Most of players prefer to face someone playing Mei rather than Brigitte


Is this thread still alive?
The Mei’s buff is active since time ago, how has his impression been about him???
In my case I think it’s a great buff but it’s of little use because it does not penetrate barriers, and having many heroes who have them ( or protect themselves) is something useless.
The other point is Brigitte the new “nerf” for Mei, some technique against her??
I have used all my repertoire and nothing, has counters for everything!. I even adapted to the type of game of Moira but I do not find any technique against Brigg.
The damage per second generated by Mei it’s still very little ;_;.

The Meigathread is still alive but less active. For Brigitte i still don’t understand how to beat her, but the best solution could be a 1v1, then baiting the bash and the other ability and then freeze+headshot+melee, otherwise 2v1 against Brigitte

Saw a post on FB that Blizz apparently changed Mei’s posture on the PTR in her PajaMei skin, anyone can confirm?


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You’re right. They did fixed it.


Like i said before, In my opinion Mei needs another buff, maybe small, but She Needs something i think


I think she is close to requiring some rework if we want to further improve her game play. While her abilities are powerful, they are not really PvP oriented abilities. She could potentially become out of control as her abilities affects the battlefield in a really non-standard way.

I’d say she’s fine right now, apart from the same old bugs

I have to agree with you.

I do want to see the Cryo-Freeze ability fixed, but other than that is in a good spot.
Yes her pickrate is low, but I doubt this will ever be high. She is simply just too niche as a hybrid tank with CC.

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Yeah the new buffs have been pretty good. But I’d also like some small buffs and QoL changes as well.

One really good one I saw was being able to see a see through model of the ice wall before you place it to make placing it at further distances easier. Also letting teammates see through the wall once placed would be cool too.


From the book Art of Overwatch:


I don’t think she needs a rework, the main issues for Mei right now are her fall off damage on her right click limiting her range and the heigh of her Ice Wall limiting her mobility. If you remove her fall off damage and increase the height so that she can pressure the enemy across the map and scale the high ground of Numbani first then she’d be a fairly playable hero as a more utilitarian off tank character.

She’s really not a hard character to fix, people just seem to be confused about what needs fixing. It’s also entirely possible that there’s just no place in the game for more utility leaning “DPS” characters in Overwatch, she kind of has the same problem as Sombra in the sense that her utility just isn’t worth her loss of DPS. I still think the kit is incredibly strong, it’s just handicapped in range and mobility for no really good reason.


I agree that Mei doesn’t need a rework.

About her fall-off damage. They can’t remove it. The reason why she has fall-off damage is because she could snipe with it during the beta. She became a better McCree than McCree thanks to her wall and self healing. Heck, she was even called MeiCree. So Blizzard nerfed her secondary fire by adding fall-off damage and buffed her primary in the same beta patch.

Her wall is an odd one. It can be used to protect yourself, seperate enemies and to reach higher places. I don’t think the height of it needs to improve. It’s a great ability but there should be at least some counterplay to it to make it fair for the enemies.

  • Cryo-Freeze bug where she can get hooked out of it by Roadhog.
  • Losing ultimate after she already throw it. (Latency related, but it’s still annoying to see it dissappear after you throw it.)

These are the bugs I want to see fixed.

I think her being a hybrid character is the reason why she isn’t viable.
As a hybrid defense-tank character do I think that Mei will never be on par with DPS’ers and tanks. Compared to DPS’ers lacks Mei range, damage and mobility and compared to tanks lacks Mei health. I think this is the reason she will never be viable.


I’ve never been convinced by the MeiCree argument and think it was a decision that was made before the game was understood, even if Mei is a better “sniper” than McCree at long range she’s still projectile based with a 1.2 second rate of fire compared to McCree’s being hitscan based with .5 second rate of fire per shot. Removing the fall off damage significantly increases her playability and her skill ceiling, and increasing the height of the wall gives her more map synergy. I fail to see how Ice Wall would be OP by increasing it’s height, compare Ice Wall to Concussion Mine which is mobility, knockback and a finisher that comes in 2x and Ice Wall looks practically sedate. If Mei’s core problems are a lack of range and mobility, then those are exactly the problems that need to be solved within reason.

Ice Block and Blizzard aren’t bugged, Ice Block has a low net code priority and Blizzard functions exactly the same as Pulse Bomb does. QOL changes aren’t going to make the character anymore viable, she needs more practical usage outside of a choke.


Well, it is a bug.
Even man in charge of balance has acknowledged it:

Mei could snipe Widowmaker’s, but if Mei was losing the battle, then she could spawn a wall to hide behind it. McCree had to run/roll away.
Mei could heal herself and be invulnerable. McCree not.

I’m not certain but I believe they also increased the cast time with the same patch that gave her falloff damage in the beta.

But I agree with you on this one:

She’s a hero all about crowd control. Because of this is she best used in close to midrange battles, but even then are there heroes who can deal more damage and are mobile than Mei in the same range. Junkrat being one of them.

What’s also interested is that they have tried giving Mei mobility but eventually decided to make her a counter to it:

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My reply to all that is Mei is pretty good at what she wants them to do right now.

My main problems for her are that her ultimate needs tweaking and the bugs.

Also there are so many QoL things they could do for Mei players that would make her really stand out.

Things like hud info on which direction you have your wall set on. Maybe allowing you to aim at things other than the ground/walls to place walls. Ceilings or even enemies (aim at enemy and fire, wall is placed behind them). Stuff like that. Very minor I know but in the long run they would all add up.

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My contribution:

h ttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/mei-abilities-strengths-weaknesses-comparison-snowflake/93389

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