[Mei-gathread] Does Mei feels balanced and underpowered at the same time?

So assuming Blizz’s definition of soon we can expect another 7 months

It took Blizz over a year to fix the Ana grenade bug from cryo, another 7 months is fool’s hope


yeah sorry i’m an optimist :c

IDK, but i hope to see it fixed ASAP.

Here is an example of a recent moment of poor utimate LoS…


I was lazy with the first shot out of cryo because I was mumbling to myself about just how far he got from the CENTER of my ultimate.

I don’t know if this is already mentioned here, but there seems to be a bug with her freezing:


A developer already replied to it:

Thanks, I passed this along to QA, apologies for the bug.


I haven’t really encountered it, but it could explain why Soldier didn’t froze in the comment above me.

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They said the same bs last time…


I didn’t encountered it ATM, but this is a pretty serious issue

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Guessing because Overwatch doesn’t do different heights very well. :frowning:

Where Snowball is hitting 76 is hitting drops below Snowball’s LoS when he jumps down the stairs. My issue with this is where is the actual origin of the LoS? If it isn’t Snowball himself, it might be somewhere lower to the ground which means less of a chance for the ult to strike him. Maybe that is why jumping works so well to buy time. The “attack” is at ground level.

Or some other bug that is going around.

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Do you guys think that Hanzo will have great synergy with Mei?

His rapid fire allows him to kill enemies pretty fast, and if an enemy is frozen or slowed down, than that means Hanzo can kill them easier.

Every time I pick Mei lately, I’m accused of throwing and demanded to switch. Seems like the Mei changes didn’t change the opinion of anyone, making her less bad is suggested.

Well, the truth is they don’t have the minimal idea of how to synergize with her, because she was so niche to be considered troll, because anyone used to play with her. You could ask: “give me a chance, i will demonstrate the opposite”

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That’s just the problem. She’s seen in such a bad light that this suggestion even comes up. Can you imagine that for a soldier, or a Genji, or a Dva? The fact that I’d have to vocally defend my choice of character says right there that she’s under powered.


Underpowered my a**, i agree with you. The fact is she’s balanced and useful but she’s in a bad light and she’s seen as a troll pick because of players that use her only to troll or due to the “Satan” or the “Mei Trump” meme. (Probably i killed the Mei Trump meme because of this montage: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/comments/7aamwp/i_found_a_purpose_for_the_green_screen_in/).
Also many OW YouTubers talk about her negatively, saying she’s underpowered and useless where in other video they say “i don’t know, i don’t play her”. If she was slightly overtuned she would be more viable IMO

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I would suggest balanced is subject to what’s around her. Paired next to Junkrat, Genji, Dva, the characters you see everywhere, she is weak. I love her, but the part where the game doesn’t allow her to do much makes her pretty weak.
Though there’s another important argument to be made: Player perception of power is more important than actual power. And the fact that this conversation about having to defend my choice of picking Mei all the time is happening. Players don’t see her as very strong.

I think that Mei’s biggest problem is her role in the game.

What is her role?

  • She was originally designed to slow down mobility and stop. So she was an anti-mobility hero.
    Except she isn’t in the game. Genji and Tracer doesn’t fear Mei.
  • The buffs she received was to make her stronger against tanks. So the developers buffed her to be a tank buster/anti tank. Mei does stop their movement but she lacks the damage to kill them as fast as Reaper and Junkrat.
  • She is mostly used to help setup teammates stall points in OWL. So she is used as a staller.

She’s a bit of everything, but in most of the times are you better of with a full tank buster or anti mobility.

Also, being a hybrid tank doesn’t help either. She can’t deal as much as damage as other DPS’ers and she lacks the health to be on par as tank.

And to be honest, I don’t think Mei will ever be as viable as Junkrat or Soldier. And maybe this is for the better. Having a hero who can slow down and stop movement in every game would not be fun for all the other players. (Can you imagine how many players would demand a nerf for Mei if she had a high pickrate?) I love playing Mei and I would love to see her pickrate higher, but I do think she is balanced.

If only her bugs were fixed…

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Since beta, I always have seen Mei more as a general tank counter, not a mobility counter.

Mobility counters in the game to me are Junkrat (because of trap), Torbjorn (autoaim turret), Symmetra (autoaim gun) and maybe roadhog (ult and hook) and McCree (flashbang and ult).

I don’t care what OWL uses her for. The game being played at OWL is a different game than the one we play on ladder.

For starters, we play a much more chaotic game, even when everyone is on voice chat. We don’t have a team captain, we don’t know how each other play, and we don’t have any common team strategy. We have to discuss everything from scratch, and that can lead to trust issues when a push or two fail, and someone think “I guess I’ll have to carry this team alone”.

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I feel like Activision had an idea on breaking the normal role trinity in the beginning, but they seemed to decide to step back from that. I guess, keeping it simple for people with damage/healer/tank is what they want to do now.

I have a ton of hours as Mei. She is my fav hero to play still… but if they had a list of which heroes could be deleted from the game, I think she’d be at the top without much outcry. For various reasons. The main one I think would be that people don’t “get her” as she isn’t quite a part of any normal trinity role.

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Still more fun than being blowed up by a braindead Trashmouse main, at least i know i was out of position, but with him feels totally unfair.

This is a big pain in the a**, waiting for bug fixes feels like waiting for Half Life 3

Another thing i found is this: Mei is a scapegoat. I’m back from a quickplay where the team comp was crap: totally nonsense Widow, bad Genji, Moira+Brigitte, Sombra and me as Mei. I asked gently to pick instead a Zarya and a Lucio (because of my playstyle, i take too much tons of damage and i need constant support). Naturally we’ve lost and all players of my team accused me. I know, i could have switched to Zarya, but i would like to play more Mei but every time i do it, i feel like every player doesn’t want it

MOBA Trinity is also different from the conventional RPG style actually. In MOBAs (or at least class PvPs) everyone is a fighter in general, which leads to “Assassin-Brawler-Support”. There’s nothing like “a support should not fight” unless it is a specially designed passive character.

As for Mei, my latest thought is that she runs into the “RPG hero in MOBA” problem. You can clearly see that how good is she in PvE but not so effective in PvP. She is not really designed as a fighter, her kit does not allow her to fight well or fight long enough. Being a DPS-Tank hybrid isn’t a problem, being a CC-oriented hero isn’t a problem. The problem is she isn’t really a fighter while not able to fill a support role.

I think everyone who plays Mei would agree that it feels like she only has her gun during a team fight because her ability doesn’t matter despite being the most powerful part of her kit. For Mei to fit better in the game they will have to change one of her abilities to allow her to fight, either fight better or fight longer.

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