Seems weird to me how many people are bashing on her leftclick. Pretty much use it whenever i get in range of any nonsquishy and it’s working out great for me
At the moment i can’t help but wonder if the reason Mei has such a low pick rate is the amount of crying that happens when you do.
Almost every time i pick her i get called a thrower, or just plain insulted. Then you get 2 other guys picking dps and we end up short a tank or a heal and i won’t generally leave us short on those to play Mei.
I think Ironicpixel’s standpoint is:
“I’m a Mei main who doesn’t want her to ever be relevant so I can continue pretending I’m one of the very few amazing Mei players, because I’m just so amazing with Mei, she is incredible, she doesn’t need anything.”
Either that or it’s a basic need to argue with everyone without ever really providing any data, stats, or proof for their counter-argument.
Just dropped in to say ‘Mei is Bae!’ Keep up the great work!
(I just looked if there was a Mei emoji…we NEED OW CHARACTER EMOJIS!!!)
Oi if anyone here is gonna claim to be an amazing mei as an argument for their thoughts then they better prove theyre better than me
I think you kind of highlighted the problem though.
Her left-click isn’t bad, it’s just situational. It’s only really useful against tanks and characters who can’t kill you before you get the freeze off (which is most of the hero roster, including every DPS and a chunk of the supports).
I’m sure that you (just like all other high rank Mei’s) kill more people with icicles without the leftclick, or with very little leftclick, than you do with a full freeze combo; the problem with that is that it’s at odds with how the devs think Mei is played.
Her recent “buffs” were centered around this idea that Mei constantly wants to get a full freeze off, when it’s only really viable against a very small portion of the roster… it’s effective against that portion of the roster, but any kind of mobility makes it unfeasible, and even heroes lacking mobility will simply kill us before the freeze happens (assuming decent aim).
It’s sticking with this theme that to be truly effective as Mei, you have to rely on the enemies making misplays, or failing aim checks.
Edit: It’s also what makes properly buffing Mei problematic, because being on the receiving end of a freeze SUCKS, Mei is effective against so few heroes in the game, and has such a low pickrate that you barely ever see one in-game, and yet you still have people coming to the forums and reddit to complain about her.
The leftclick, to me, is the problem, because it’s apparently what the devs want us to use, but using it makes people angry, so in the dev’s minds they can’t buff Mei because then more people will be angry about being frozen.
Guess i’m just good at dodging bullets then
The thing to me is, unless i can guarantee my opponent will die within 2 icicles max theres no point in going for it. And by guarantee i also mean that it has to be pretty much guaranteed that i dont miss at least 1 headshot before he even starts shooting at me.
Cant guarantee that first headshot? Always go for freeze (tracer/genji being the exception because freeze is too weak on those 2 specifically, but also depends on the specific scenario)
Edit oh and junkrat ofc. Mines kinda wont let you freeze
I’m not disagreeing with you in the slightest, I play the exact same way
But it’s still just highlighting the fundamental flaws with her kit, and the leftclick specifically, because going in for the leftclick relies on you catching the enemy really off-guard, or them just missing your giant head hitbox, it’s a crappy way to design what the devs think is her main source of eliminations, and of course, as you point out there are heroes and situations where the leftclick simply isn’t feasible at all.
But you can’t buff the leftclick, because that’s what people mean when they talk about Mei “becoming oppressive”, and it just continues in a vicious circle from there because that’s the way the devs want her to be played, but they can’t buff her to be more effective against a larger portion of the roster with her leftclick because then she becomes oppressive.
Edit: Something to think about is lining her up against other DPS.
Assuming equal skill and accuracy, the vast majority of times the other DPS player will kill the Mei before the freeze goes off, and while this is true with many other DPS hero vs DPS hero scenarios, other heroes have done significantly more damage to the enemy (leaving them susceptible to clean-up, or on a sliver of health causing them to exit the fight in search of a health pack or healer) while Mei hasn’t done much more than tickle them.
It’s just another problem with relying on a combo where the only real damage comes right at the end, leaving Mei to rely on her rightclick which is a delayed skillshot with ludicrous damage fall-off, and it’s a contributing factor to why her Average Damage stats are so poor compared to almost the entire hero roster (including tanks and supports).
That would be assumin equal accuracy though. However youre forgetting that freeze also slows while youre using it, basically making it increase your accuracy over theirs.
This is ofc also only talking about 1v1s. Give both players some heals in between and mei suddenly has the huge advantage. As soon as your enemy has to reload you win, you also have the iceblock to negate some/bait a reload
I think youre looking a bit too much at the theory and not the practice tbh. There’s even such things as the panic factor most people get once your freeze starts touching them. Unless youre going up against aim gods (talking AKM level soldiers here) youre chances are IMO always at least 70% if you both start hitting at the same time
what if her left click reached about as far as moria but the father out the longer it took to freeze. The slow effect could still be the same amount of time but the freeze could maybe happen faster the closer you are to the opponent
I mean… in practice we simply know that Mei isn’t effective based on a metric ton of data, if every Mei were freezing every enemy 70% of the time she’d be picked a hell of a lot more than she is, and she’d probably have a positive winrate, a higher on-fire rate than almost stonedead-last, and a kill-death ratio than isn’t one of the worst in the game.
In situations where the leftclick is effective, it’s REALLY effective, but those situations are relatively few and far between compared to a lot of other heroes, which is why Mei is in such a poor spot, the freeze being situationally useful doesn’t make up for the fact a team will get more use out of the majority of other heroes who have much more reliable damage and killing power in a wider-range of situations.
I tend not to look at those stats because a lot of people seem to pick her for last minute stalls, which in my experience tends to result in 20 seconds stalled, still lost. Shot maybe 1 icicle and died.
I mean everyone i know that actually plays mei rather than occasionally plays her is waaaay above those stats
I’m not sure if I’m misunderstanding you which I very well may be, what I think you are saying is that the rate of ult gain from her healing should be increased to compensate for the fact that more healers can heal her in her cryo-freeze. Please correct me if I’m misreading.
I’m pretty sure I’ve used statistics in my arguments
I’ve also used hero data in my arguments about her ammo being perfectly fine at the moment
So, your arguments seem to have no logic behind them, you just see that I’m making an opposing point and feel like you have to come up with some illogical stuff to counter argue my point. By all means disagree with me, but actually read my posts before claiming I’m not using any evidence or whatever in my arguments. Also, if you read my arguments, I’m not saying Mei is perfect by any means, I’m just saying she isn’t this useless ‘F-’ hero which loads of people seem to be making her out to be. I have an opposing view on Mei, probably because I play her very differently to a lot of people, primarily focusing on using my right clicks even at close range, whereas most people are using left click primarily, so their damage output is significantly lower (left click has a dps of 45, right click’s is 187.5 maximum dps).
I guess Mei’s kit is designed to deal with deathball style comps. Her wall can easily separate them and as a result you can get easy picks. The main problem at the moment is that mobility is so powerful that the situation where Mei is an optimal pick isn’t very frequent at the moment, and even when it is, the enemy team can just swap to dive to deal with Mei. I guess I’ve been making Mei out to be a meta pick in a lot of situations when the reality is she’s only meta when the enemy team are staying on a deathball comp on a narrow map like King’s row or a defense map with chokepoints like Hanamura. I do understand that I’m coming across as Mei being a highly competitive pick in a modest amount of situations when in fast what I should make clearer that I’m arguing about is that Mei is VIABLE in a lot of situations, just maybe not a meta choice. All I’m arguing against is that Mei isn’t an ‘F-’ tier hero like a lot of people on this thread are making her out to be. Sorry for not making that clear earlier.
Also, please tell me if I’m coming across as toxic or something. I’m certainly not intending to but I might not be using the right tone in my posts. I’m not trying to spread a negative vibe on the thread, I appreciate people trying to get Mei in a better spot, I’m just trying to offer a different viewpoint on the matter.
Jardio (considered the best Mei player in the world) has stats that are mostly topped by the average platinum soldier player.
You can see the extremes of stats, not just averages, even the best Mei players in the world don’t get close to the majority of the other DPS heroes.
Of course other dps have better stats. If again you just look at numbers
Mei’s kit is entirely based on focusing single targets down with 0 chance of them making it out. You dont do spam/trash damage. Damage you do doesnt get healed back up.
Your teammates also focus your frozen targets, ever seen what a tracer clip on a non moving target does? Youre giving your entire team 2x damage basically.
Would you rather have a widow with 10k damage on your team and headshots on every squishy or one with 20k but bodyshots that get healed up nonstop? Thats kinda the same thing that applies to mei
This is one of the main issue ATM alongside the blizzard
This could be a very useful buff, but i’m for a partial reload rather than a full reload, because having 2 more icicles we will run less times without icicles
ATM the wall feels fine but another column would make it better, because it works already well in small chokes, giving another column would make it more versatile and useful in wide areas
And this is another issue that needs to be addressed, because this cast time makes her ultimate so inconsistent and very unreliable. Also i feel it should freeze faster and give less opportunity to escape, because in this state it’s so easy to escape from
True, because will tend to bend less and will encourage to use a bit more the primary fire over the icicles. I felt very inconsistent the primary fire because it bends a lot. The primary fire having a slow down effect of 1,5s feels a bit more reliable but is not balanced yet IMO.
Comparing damage stats of soldier and Mei is irrelevant, of course soldier-76 does more damage than Mei, Mei’s kit isn’t designed to do massive amounts of damage. Just because a hero does more damage than Mei doesn’t make Mei less viable. Mei isn’t really a DPS character, just because she is in the defense category.