They need to rework Mei, her freeze ray is useful but if you make it freeze faster then its overwhelming, if you make it last longer its just more frustrating. They should just do away with the slow/freeze and give her a root. Something she just shoots at a target or the ground and it roots them to that spot basically think of it as being a JR trap. Then switch her ult into a giant root the size of her current ult, just like a near instant thing that just locks everyone in place for 1-2 seconds. Alternatively just swap out one of them for the root.
I’m actually a bit curious. You seems like having a lot of success with Mei, and thinks a lot of ideas around are unnecessary. What actually do you think she needs? What role do you think she fits? It might sound sarcastic but I’m in all seriousness.
The buff isn’t tiny at all. 10 shots in a clip is a MASSIVE AMOUNT OF AMMO. Mei shoots SLOWER than McCree and McCree has a 6 shot clip. McCree has a 1.5 second reload time, and hey guess what? Mei also has a 1.5 second reload time. Sorry if I’m getting annoyed now but it is ridiculous that just because Mei isn’t being picked much, people are making up loads of random stuff about her lack of viability due to such and such when some of the things people are mentioning (ammo, etc.) aren’t even a problem. Sure, her ultimate is slow to cast and would be nice if it threw instantly like graviton, sure, her cryo-freeze is only useful for dodging cc 90% of the time and has a 12 second cooldown. Ammo regen is NOT Mei’s problem. Your argument about not having much ammo because of left click makes no sense either. You use 20 ammo a second with left click, that’s 10 seconds of ammo. In comparison, Zarya has a 1.5 second reload and uses 20 ammo per second with her beam and she only has 100 ammo. Both heroes are just as useless with their cooldowns up and no ammo for 1.5 seconds each, yet Zarya’s ammo isn’t being raised as an issue in the community? Just because Mei possibly needs further buffs, doesn’t mean you should try to get every aspect of her buffed when they don’t need it.
The root idea has already been considered as a bad idea by the vast majority of people in the community. The fact the enemy can fire back means that there would be almost no point in a good Mei player ever using left click over right click. You couldn’t freeze a Rein to bring his shield down, you couldn’t freeze a hog to cancel his ultimate or his breather, you couldn’t freeze a Winston diving on your supports as effectively to stop him from killing them, etc, etc. Mei really doesn’t need a rework and her left click isn’t the main part of her kit.
Clearly we both disagree with each other, so I’m not going to continue arguing with you because honestly all I’m doing by doing so is making this thread have a negative vibe to it which isn’t great. I’m clearly not ever going to convince you with my view and you aren’t either so there’s no point in me continuing arguing with you.
A lot of people under value her ultimate because they prioritise her left click far too much which means they get her ult significantly slower than a Mei who primarily uses her right click. This means people expect her ultimate to do way more than it needs to. I’ve gone back a bit on my position in earlier posts about blizzard being a completely fine ultimate, I still think it’s a decent ultimate for how quick you get it, but I can see people’s point about it taking too long to cast the ultimate. The animations probably could get decreased a little bit. The main thing I’d like to see buffed is her cryo-freeze because it’s by far her worst ability. The healing is almost worthless in a lot of situations, you’d only really use the healing to get over a threshold to survive being 1 shot by a McCree or something (e.g. 141 health). Also, because of the cooldown starting after the ability ends, you end up having a huge cooldown on an ability that is keeping you from doing anything in the fight. I’d rather the ability was 2 seconds, with double the healing speed and maybe if you had the ability to use your wall inside of the cryo-freeze as well.
The rest of her kit is pretty good, the right clicks are one of the stronger projectiles and her left click is okay cc. Her wall does its job, but is a bit weak to dive comps, possibly a change could be made to help her a bit against dive comp, but I’m not sure if that is necessary.
Here’s a new topic. Why can not all abilities target/heal Mei in Cryo-Freeze?
On February 28, 2017 was there a QoL that allows teamamtes to target and heal Mei in her Cryo-Freeze.
Patch Notes:
I noticed not many abilities could actually targeted Mei in her Ice block.
Here’s a list of abilities that can and can’t target Mei.
Abilities that can target Mei in Cryo-Freeze:
- Lucio’s ultimate.
- Mercy’s heal beam.
- Moira’s ultimate.
- Zenyatta’s heal orbs.
- Brigitte’s Repair Packs.
- Birgitte’s ultimate.
- Soldier: 76’s Biotic Field.
Abilities that can’t target Mei in Cryo-Freeze:
- Ana’s heal darts.
- Ana’s Biotic Grenade.
- Ana’s ultimate.
- Lucio’s Crossfade (heal/speed).
- Moira’s heal spray.
- Moira’s heal orb.
- Zenyatta’s ultimate.
- Brigitte’s passive heal.
- Torbjorn’s Armor Packs.
I forgot to test Zarya’s shield.
Zarya can not bubble Mei in Cryo-Freeze.
I’m not sure if this is a bug or intended. What do you think?
this new “buff” did nothing at all to help mei to be viable at all, all her old issues persist.
I made an example before with DoomFist in his current lame state, guess if the devs add 2 pellets more to his crappy knuckle shotgun and after that they say/affirm “with this buff DF finally is going to be viable, we dont want to give him more buffs or reworks otherwise he is going to feel opressive to other players fighting him” <----- only change DF for Mei and is the problem we are facing right now.
All the bugs in mei affecting her utility kit still without fixing, they only tell us (1 year ago?) they still checking them. 1 YEAR AGO… each new patch bring more bugs, only naming a few issues:
1.-Delay in deploying ice wall favoring the shooter (heck i been killed by random spamzo’s arrows when the wall is fully erected and the arrow pass through of it like nothing) this bug is more noticeable after the Dog event update.
2.-dying while using cryo-freeze yet when all the animation shows you already were inside the ice block and the skill cooldown is activated. Sombra had the same issue with translocator and they fixed it, why not mei?
3.- 90% of cast being capable of deny/avoid her ult due slow execution, delay in use, delay in effect, easy to interrupt/deflect/matrix eat. Devs made Junkrat’s ult viable adding a little speed after being considered the worst ult of all, why mei cant get the same treatment? isnt like an instakill like JR ult…
4.-talking about the ult: snowball getting stuck on the most tiniest of the surfaces or the payload bouncing like crazy without activating the ult at all. a post, box, wall decoration? …ult wasted
only to mention a few issues… a tiny ammo buff doesnt solve/fix all those issues making Mei a trash tier char.
Hmm interesting, I always think that"single targeted abilities" all work but others can’t. By this I mean Mercy’s beam and all abilities that shows a targeting indicator, such as Zen’s orb and Zarya’s bubble. AoE and basic “attack” shouldn’t affect it, but apparently it is kind of inconsistent right now?
One slight issue that arises with allowing more people to heal Mei while she is inside of cryofreeze, is that Mei’s ult charging from self-healing will be reduced.
If she loses some of the ability to charge ultimate via cryofreeze, then they would need to adjust Mei in other ways to help keep the charge rate similar. That is why I suggested they look to tweak her damage at range if they ever made healing changes. If they allowed for more heals, then doing something to help raise her damage very slightly might help to keep her ult charge speed about where it is right now. There are other things they could do too perhaps.
Also, healing Mei in cryofreeze would boost the other heroes’ ultimate charging slightly as well. It could lead to adjustments for them as well.
Nothing major really, just some thoughts on what we might gain or lose if they did tweak what works through cryofreeze.
Edit: Oh and no it isn’t a bug. It is the way the heals are built within the game system. There is something like a tiny Mei hitbox inside of cryofreeze. Around it is a “wall”. The heals that don’t help Mei in cryo are those that have a wall/surface check. AKA no direct LOS or interaction with the box inside of cryfreeze.
They are basically “objects” that originate outside of the hero. The others are more “internal”. Nothing needs to go through the wall as the heals/armor are directly added to the healthpool… if that makes any sense.
But the rate you gain ultimate charge in cryo freeze is so slow that it’s faster to gain ult charge from actually being in the fight using the icicles. They wouldn’t need to change the amount of ult charge gained when healing.
I never said that, but I guess that is a potential change they could make.
My point is that with Mei, she is currently balanced to use a balanced mix of self-healing and DPS to gain her ultimate.
You might think that the numbers are so small it is worth giving up. I think its like 10% ult gain for full 150hp restored but I could be wrong. I personally disagree that it should be sacrificed completely without some minor tweaks to help keep up the charging potential.
But you can gain like 20% of your ultimate in 4 seconds whilst being in the fight, and keep in mind if your healers are healing you they are getting their ultimate charge which is probably more important than yours.
I’m not sure you are understanding the part where I said “balanced mix of self-healing and DPS to gain her ultimate.”. This isn’t an “either or” type of situation. Mei does both. I hope you aren’t trying to say I disagree with something I personally also suggested a few times (allowing more interactions to Mei while in cryofreeze). This isn’t an I’m on one side, you’re on the other moment. All I am saying is that there are stats and numbers that will be changed if they make such adjustments.
Slightly slower rate for Mei, slightly faster for other healers who can’t heal her currently and so on. What I am saying is there needs to be a look at what is lost, and what is gained.
Also, I agree doing damage is a faster ultimate charger. Only the thing is, that is true regardless of which hero you pick. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider what the changes may affect.
I might be taking one from Paladins here. But in that game there is a status known as Cripple in which you can’t use movement abilities. Why doesn’t Mei have something like this. Many people just dash out of a frost stream.
You are not gonna convince me about…where you got your stats from?
You are not gonna convince me about…how you want to prove/disprove ult viability with winrates while you haven’t lost a single word about that question yet?
You are not gonna convince me about…the reason behind neglecting that Mei’s opponents are gonna become more evasive the higher you go in rank? Maybe at least try to convince me? I’ve been saying this in several posts now and you haven’t even addressed it a single time.
I’m sorry, but I’m not buying the “this discussion is not gonna go anywhere because our points of view are just too different”. I don’t even know your standpoint without answering these questions.
tbh I still don’t really see your point here other than “blizzard is fine coz icicles charge it so fast” which you’ve mentioned multiple times already.
While it is not false, the core part of my question is “what is Mei’s role to you”. The core of the problem is that most people in this thread and out are still struggling to find Mei’s role in the game. Yes she is playable, I’m also finding success with her(yes, with icicles), but it is just for Mei players. It is not like average players would consider picking her to fit a certain situation like Torb, Reaper or Sombra. She is not bad, but not good enough.
So, after hopefully clearing up something, I’d like to ask again. What role do you think Mei is supposed to fill? Do you think she can fill that role now? If yes, how? If not, how would you improve her accordingly?
Oh, i’m sorry. If you want something reliable if your is a desktop pc take a Cougar VTX, an EVGA White-Bronze, B3, a BeQuiet System Power 8 or an FSP Hexa if you want something reliable but cheap; also check Johnnyguru and Falco75 for PSU reviews. BTW i think giving Mei too often the cryo wouls make her nearly invicible, i like the 2s cryo and the reload. About the healing value the situation is a bit more complex and shouls be tuned to make Mei self sufficient but not invincible
As a Mei main, I feel the following fixes will make her not only far more viable while not being oppressive to her current counters, but a potential dive counter as well:
- Cryofreeze bug fixed.
- Cryofreeze reloads endothermic blaster’s ammo.
- 1 extra column added to ice wall.
- Decrease the cast time for Blizzard.
- Endothermic blaster travel time decreased (will make it easier to freeze mobile heroes like Tracer and Genji and rewards Meis with good tracking ability. At the same time, it doesn’t change much against tanks and slower heroes Mei already counters.)
Well, what i could do to improve the thread. Is quite a lot of time i don’t update the front page. Should i do another Mei poll? But if i do that i need to make it shorter