Getting hit by either of Endothermic Blaster’s fire modes sets all movement abilities on a 1-second cooldown. Thoughts?
I’d rather it debuff mobility rather than disable it (IE if they’re 50% frozen they only go 50% as far).
I think that’s rather unfair for the mobility heroes if they’re unlucky enough to get caught by a Mei with good tracking. It essentially becomes the reason why people hate hack so much.
I prefer the idea people have suggested recently of mobility tools effectiveness being gradually reduced more & more to the point of uselessness the closer they get to freezing.
Any mobility player with an ounce of gamesense won’t put themselves in Mei’s range.
I really don’t care what anyone says. Mei can be the counter to dive that the game needs but for whatever reason, they are scared to buff her…
While Mei is freezing you and her ice is landing on you, (and if you are caught in her Blizzard) you need to be locked out of movement abilities. The second her primary fire misses, you are not locked out. Mei would actually need to aim and land her primary fire on you until you are frozen.
And not passives. Just movements. Blink, Dash, Sprint, Boosters, etc. Imo, Mei will NEVER be where she needs to be until that is a thing.
If you’re a mobility hero and you put yourself in zero-mobility Mei’s primary fire range you DESERVE to be screwed. You shouldn’t be able to jump in Mei’s primary fire, get 75% frozen and then press shift and escape. Even Mei’s icicle should disrupt movement, we need be a mobility counter. It’s not like Icicle is the Unyielding Hand of Death to begin with. I think its fire rate is greater than 1 second anyway. But there needs to be someone who can disrupt mobility, and that’s Mei’s entire flavor.
This would destroy pretty much all mobility characters, one tick of damage and they pretty much are guranteed to die?
No. If mei were to receive anymore buffs than now, she would ruin the game even worse than mercy did
Would she though.
OP is talking about debuffing movement abilities. Not shutting it down.
Mei was designed to slow down and stop enemies. This is why she doesn’t has any mobility herself.
Do you think Mei is capable of slowing down enemies right now?
Unless the enemy has no movement abilities like McCree and Ana, is Mei not a counter to mobility.
…no? They can still juke her aim, break LOS and not put themselves in Mei’s primary range to begin with. Zarya would be able to save them. Any healing support would be able to save them. Any bonus HP would save them.
You just won’t be able to solo Mei as a OT Tracer.
If you’re going to use teammates, you have to assume mei has allies too. So that means flankers still get bursted in a few seconds for something that recquires no aim. As a mei player I could just set my sensitivity high and spin my mouse around, hitting whoever is around me.
I don’t think any character should be completely, unreasonably shut down by another.
Even Tracer, your main, could take down a spinning Mei just by kiting her. You just want the ability to get right in her face, get 90% frozen, and press shift to freely escape.
Not even Tracer is completely shut down by a 1 second cooldown on her abilities, since she has her pistols and fast run speed. But Tracer is 75% mobility, that’s what makes her powerful. I get that you want to be able to be invincible by being faster and more mobile than anyone else, but there has to be a counter to that.
God forbid anyone have a counter to your main, but…
tldr we want a braindead counter to mobility
Mmmm I definitely think she slows down stand 2-2-2 comps. Having your Rein walled off, a blizzard chucked in, your Roadhog frozen, etc. Slows down an advance more than any other hero can.
But yeah, I don’t think she slows down really mobile heroes like Pharah very easily.
I’m a zen main, this is my alt since my original got permasilenced.
Even if I was super biased towards tracer, it would still cripple characters who rely on their mobility like Reaper, Moira, Winston, Lucio, and Hanzo(with his new leap).
Mei needs a buff, but this isn’t the way to do it. Your’re talking about a better version of hack on 0 cooldown.
Yes, crippling characters who rely on their mobility is the point. But the only way a mobility character is crippled by this buff, is if Mei either corners them by being clever or the mobility character jumps in front of her. If Mei corners Genji or the Genji screws up, he should die.
It’s also not Hack. Hack shuts down all abilities for 6 seconds. My change would only effect the handful of heroes that make up the current meta, and only reduce them to same status as every hero without movement abilities.
Every hero with mobility would be instantly crippled by Mei if they go within her range. How is that balanced. You are literally saying that anyone who gets near Mei should die. I shouldn’t need to explain why that’s dumb.
Tracer without mobility is not the same as a dps without mobility. This is not about Tracer; this cripples almost the entire cast.
“Cripples” in that they can’t simply press shift for a free escape from screwing up?
The only character with shorter range than Mei is Reaper.
The reason they’re afraid is because almost no one would be able to escape her. Unless they make her affect only abilities and passives, they won’t buff her too much.
People will just say she’s unfun to play against once she sees the light of viability and she’ll get nerfed especially since in her weak state currently people still reguard her as satan