[MEGATHREAD] Fix Roadhog's Hook! (5 Cases, 18 Video Examples)

Then you’re wrong since you’re comparing two different things.

Genji’s Deflect needed fixing because the hitbox was as big as Rein’s Barrier.

Roadhog’s problem is his hook is too inconsistent right now because of the bugs that I’ve shown above.


I’ve just made a post with vids showing the bugs I’m hoping it gets the devs attention here are the vids i posted


Thank You My Friend!!

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Oh hey that’s my video :smiley:

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Thank you for doing this, feel free to add mine to the list.

This is extremely frustrating, they are treating this like it’s some sort of rare bug.


yah i sall it and i honestly think the devs need to see it. it a good vid showing the bugs


Will do ! More vids the better

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I honestly think they just can’t see it because of the selfish mercy mains flooding the forums because they think their character is ruined when she really is still viable.


This comes under CASE 1(Refer Original Thread)

Yeah, people just gotta learn to adapt like us hog players…from hook 1.0 to 2.0, from one shotting everything to hoping RNG bullet spread goes in your favor…I think hog got it much worse. Mercy was in the meta for like 80% of the time since launch.


Well my compilation video doesn’t exactly fit into one category, maybe the pharah mid air hook? But most of target are on the ground in that video…and they didn’t even use mobility. (I’m talking about this one - HOOK 4.0 NOW WITH RNG BUILT IN??!!? - YouTube)

I also have like 30+ clips of people using mobility to escape hook…I’m too lazy to edit them into one lol Those are so common…it’s like 1 in 5 hooks…

Maybe I’ll upload a hook switching target clip, it’s from a easy to see/obvious angle.

EDIT: I just watched the first hook switching target clip you listed, that guy’s reaction is fkin funny lul I’ve actually hooked teleporters couple times…instead of hooking the person on it :c


Here’s the hook swap clip: Hook Swap - YouTube

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I was talking about that Genji dashing out of hook clip.

Well yeah, no doubt. Not sure why you’re mentioning which category you’re putting it in lol

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20 characters

…I hadn’t even thought about it but his ult really is bad. You can’t do really anything on maps without pits to push people off of or a Zarya.


His ult is only good if he’s nano-boosted, otherwise any CC ability can shut it down.

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His own CC from the ultimate essentially shuts it down


yeah you’re right

Let’s hope some time in future anyone from the dev team might end up watching this thread, xd

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Although I wasn’t the first to post it, I’m glad at least one thread about the video is getting noticed.

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