{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

I know but I’m not paying for Overwatch again on ps4 though. Sorry I should of added that.

Those of you who have been able to do so, how does Ashe feel after this first day of her being live?

From what I’ve played in no limits. I feel her aim down scope needs some adjusting. However I haven’t looked into her settings yet if that’s possible.

She feels like a Widow who can’t one shot, has a Junkrat mine, a much better vemon mine, and can throw out Torb’s old level 3 turret for an ult.

I don’t see it talked about a lot but console has a myriad of frame rate problems. Especially with things like d.va bomb / symmetras beam / multiple turrets all active at the same time or a lot of items being destroyed simultaneously.

For instance, a d.va bomb in the dorado square will almost guaranteed lag the game (massive frame dip) because of all the pinatas exploding and particle effects.

I do think that Ashe needs some tweaking on console- I play the other sniper character that doesn’t pour in lethal damage ana, but… IDK, Ashe’s aim seems really screwy!

Anyone elses enemy outlines not appearing right after this update? I’ve messed around with the colorblind settings but for some reason my enemies aren’t really outlined.

I agree wholeheartedly about blizzard not caring about console players. When I brought overwatch brand new, their was 2 codes to unlock stuff, they even put a code in for the pc version. Why put a code for the pc version in a ps4 game box? I’ve made several complaints one was cause of early leavers, as an enemy team left the game ended and when a non enemy team leaves the game continues lol. I was told by one grandmaster it’s a bug and to report the bug in the forums (which I did) nothing was said or anything helpful. Then another told me they couldn’t do anything about it cause they needed some sort of code for consoles. And whenever you try to submit a ticket, the only options are pc or Mac. And you need to send screenshots to continue, even when you put a title in and the description, the continue button is obsolete lol. So you have to send screenshots to be able to submit a ticket. They need to sort it out, so that anyone who doesn’t use a pc/Mac can actually submit a ticket. I feel us console users aren’t heard. Why bother putting the game on console if your not gonna bother to even listen to us. I mean talk about favouritism lol.

It it just me or does linear ramp still feel weird?

While it doesn’t reference this thread specifically, I believe this video is noteworthy as it helps shed light on a few of the issues in Console-watch. Plus, it likewise sees the issues from our eyes (as the Console player-base).

It may not cover as many issues, but it certainly brings light to them.


Good video with some close to heart points! Will make sure to spread it amongst friends!
By the way: Paladins on PS4 and Switch got gyro controls implemented now. I really like how it feels, and it really makes ADAD spam easier to incorporate into my gameplay since I don’t have to rely on the right stick returning to neutral position when I wanna aim in the opposite direction.
I know it’s unrealistic that Blizz would implement it on a single system for an old game (especially when there ain’t even deadzone sliders yet, hello!?), but a man can dream :stuck_out_tongue:

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video is really on point Eternity.

Crossplay would breathe a lot of new life into it.

What would be cool is Blizzard supporting console tournaments, they don’t have to be OWL level but something to show they care about their console players.

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Unfortunately Blizzard has directly taken steps to kill outside tournaments, regardless of platform. The independent tournament rules are ridiculously restrictive, particularly concerning prize pools and tournament timing. Can’t hold anything while any official league content is live.

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Only 1 week until this thread has been around for a year now…

(Obviously this is in reference to the original thread for those unaware. The thread on the original forums was made on November 30th, 2017)

Moving this thread up…

Is it a year yet? Lot of posts in this thread…

3 days. Original thread was made on November 30th

Would it seriously kill them to give us text chat?

It is a bit perplexing why this function is missing. It’s commonly available on many console multiplayer games.

Of course I’d settle for a few new com wheel options like ‘Please join voice chat’.

And we’ve now officially hit 1 year since my creation of the original thread…! That’s quite the achievement, isn’t it?