{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

And yeah. That’s another problem exclusively with console. I think that’s the ps4 right? Or also for xbox one?

1534 and still counting

I’m pretty sure it’s both xbox and ps4

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And here we are, now approaching 11 months since the original thread was made.

(1 week before that strikes)

Have some posts been deleted on this thread? My total number is lower, just realised it.

Ye, I flagged a couple of the posts as they derailed the point of this thread.

Ah right, anyone seen the new dev update btw?

Watching it now

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Moving this thread up…

Even moreso because the forums don’t give me an option to switch between my PC and Xbox photo. It just automatically locks it with my PC picture even though I don’t even have an hour with the game on that platform.

So can vbucks …

Yea same here I don’t even have the pink mercy icon equipped on my ps4 and it use my PC icon
Another reason the overwatch dev’s don’t care about console

Your work is amazing Eternity. Unfortunatelly, it was just a waste of your precious time. It was for nothing and a company like Blizzard which is known by the great costumer service failed us console players. It’s a completely lack of respect with us not answering to a thread filled with information and requests to improve the console gameplay. To be honest, i think you should give up on threads requesting help on console.

The game is awesome but the service is horrible. As a business student, I have to say that if i was allowed to go back in time i would never spent any money in Blizzard games just because the horrible costumer service that is provided to console players. Yes, I do understand the gaming scene is more serious in pc, but the game was also released in console and i believe i paid for the same price as the pc players.


As much as how much I want to, the fact of the matter is that the Overwatch Team is still supporting the game via updates. And as long as that is the case, I want to believe that they will respond to us at some point; no matter how faint that hope is.

Crazy as this might sound, I’d honestly be in favor of being one patch behind PC if it meant that they catered to the Console platforms more consistently.

(and yes I AM of the belief that if they’re not going to respond to our concerns or give some form of consistent catering specifically to the Console versions, that they should straight up drop the support for OW-Console).

It’s because the console industry hurts; console gamers, pc gamers, and game developers that signed their lives away with these console developers. Ever wanted to play Red dead 2 on pc? well too bad it is only on console. Ever wanted to play god of war? too bad its only on ps4…You guys want to play online? Make sure you pay us 50 a year to do it… Im glad Blizzard has not signed their lives away to these people cause these games would be watered down and would only be on 1 platform.

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To be honest, I really appreciate your work for us console players. If you have faith, keep doing what you’re doing, I just can’t understand why you’re threads are so filled with details, respectful but never answered for the devs. This makes me feel bad for you. This is a completely lack of respect from devs towards you.

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I wonder how bad it will be to try to explode Ashe’s dynamite mid air for us on console, sym turrets can a lot of times be almost impossible while stationary lol.

I wish they would make it so pressing the skill again automatically triggers the explosion consuming ofc bullets, no reason to over complicate something for the sake of artificial skill ceiling.

I have an interesting discussion, with YourOverwatch on twitter about crossplay between K&M users and pc, and he gave me a valid point. To be fair, I still think is not fair with us never had a topic answered by the devs or the lack of improvements regarding console…

Jeff mentioned Guilds being worked on as part of a Battlenet-wide system. So, where does that leave console players?

Depends on the nature of the system. You can already link your PSN/XBL account to a Blizzard account, so joining a guild might not be an issue. Most of the functionality might be on the Blizzard launcher (guild community, tournament sign up, etc.). A lot depends on what they plan on doing.