{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

Is it a year yet? Lot of posts in this thread…

3 days. Original thread was made on November 30th

Would it seriously kill them to give us text chat?

It is a bit perplexing why this function is missing. It’s commonly available on many console multiplayer games.

Of course I’d settle for a few new com wheel options like ‘Please join voice chat’.

And we’ve now officially hit 1 year since my creation of the original thread…! That’s quite the achievement, isn’t it?

Hell, PC players are 2nd class citizens to OWL. Since OWL doesn’t even have a presence on console I’d say console players are more like a 3rd world country.

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Happy birthday, console request thread!

It’s been an interesting year. We’ve seen some console specific improvements, like new control systems and Ana friendly aim assist, as well as some console specific blunders. Anybody remember LFG being inaccessible for nearly a month?

Some strides have been made, but we still have a way to go. We still need a few QoL improvements, so let’s keep the torch burning everyone!

Like 90% of blizzard is for PC. Whatchu mean?? This is a gaming industry problem. Not console

Changes I like to see:

Force MnK players to face other MnK players or PC Players (crossplay) -Fortnite does this already.
Remove aim assist to those who use MnK on console. Makes no sense that they still have aim assist with a mouse.


My SR sure does…
insert sly whistle sound effect

Sees this post, then goes to find a cricket

I don’t really have much else to say on this. It’s already more than annoying that we’re left in limbo since the Console-base never get responses from them to begin with…

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Maybe console stuff is one of the top secret things they can’t talk about. :smile: -

Actually, it’s just good they remembered the forums exist.

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Wow! My account decided to just open right on this topic. I GUESS that means I’m obliged to bump this?

Uhmmmm… happy new year anf may it be a great console year?

The thread lives!

We probably need to update it for 2019…

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wow what a joke of a company listen to your playerbase

RIP this post. Going strong for quite a few months. But it seems like every playerbase has a limit… even Blizzard/OW fanbois.

I want this:

Thank you.

We all do, but there seems to a limit to the controller functionality that the Overwatch engine can handle. It can’t even handle multiple button presses at the same time activating a different function.

Or at least that’s the assumption.

I’ve been following since the beginning but yeah it seems to be petering out in the end. You could blame it on a lot of things; people moving on to other games, getting fed up etc.

I’m kind of running on empty myself. Been playing since launch on PS4 and comp ain’t what it used to be-quickplay has gotten a lot worse as well. Its gotten A LOT more toxic as of late too even if I come across more people in chat than usual these days.

Highly recommend looking for a guild or discord so you can group up. Comp is good with at lest a few people to rely on, and stacked QP is a blast with a 6 stack. Queue time isn’t bad during peak hours even with 6 stack in QP.

Stop by tacticalgaming.net if you are looking for a guild with PS4 players. That’s my one plug for the thread. :slight_smile: