McCree is the new ‘panic Bastion’

Because people are going to play DPS anyways, and devs should be balancing in the direction of equal popularity between roles.

No… they shouldn’t. That’s not realistic.

The devs should be balancing so each role is able to perform their job well. Not balance each role so that 33% of the population will play each role because tanks are absurdly overpowered and DPS are ineffective.

People by nature prefer different playstyles. Some like to DPS, some like to tank, some like to support. Forcing/urging someone to play a different role because balance is messed up is just about the worst thing I’ve ever heard of

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It’s not realistic to fully get there, sure.

But they can certainly head in that direction.

What’s got you upset is the idea that you might lose a few DPS players because of OP Tanks.

But somehow you imagine that doing absolutely nothing about queue times for the next year, wouldn’t lose any players.


I play all 3 roles.

I do not want balance ruined by making DPS ineffective and tanks overpowered because some people don’t want to play tank unless they’re overpowered.

You are suggesting destroying balance to pander to weak minded entitled players. If tank is unenjoyable it’s because they’re bad at it, plain and simple.

Losing DPS players is irrelevant to me. What is relevant to me is you suggesting destroying balance to cater to bad players who will only play tank if they’re OP

Like I keep saying that version of balance, is based on pre-role-queue.

There is no more boogie-man fear mongering about how there will be less than 2 DPS on a team if tanks are stronger.

That entire concept doesn’t exist anymore.

What you suggest is destroying balance to cater to players who will only play Tank if they’re overpowered. No thanks. They need to practice like everyone else and get good

Yup. Same story with Hog/Zarya in lower elo, and was like this with Moira way back where if you’re losing, switch to them to immediately start winning. It’s boring, predictable and just sucks.

The way I see it.

  • Buff tanks, and get rid of Tank annoyances = some people quit

  • Do absolutely nothing about queue times for the next year = more people quit, and a higher chance of screwing up OW2 launch

Let me rephrase it for you.

When you say “some people quit” I think you underestimate what that some means. That some means probably a good 50%

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Ah yes, so you think buffing Tanks would make it so Tanks are queued for more than DPS.

Aka. Basically lying

No Grey.

The only way to achieve your magical fixing of queue times is to buff tanks to an insane degree so that a bunch of DPS players stop playing DPS and play tank instead.

No minor buffs will change queue times. We’re talking about putting an extreme amount of power into tanks to achieve your goal. You underestimate what it would take to get there I guess :man_shrugging:


because Mei’s combo is on her primary.
McCree’s combo is on a 10s cooldown.

Mei’s combo goes through defense matrix
McCree’s combo doesn’t.

In OW2 with one tank, Mei is much more lethal to that one tank as she could pressure the tank with potential of a 1.3s stun, slow and damage.
McCree could do 300 damage but that won’t kill the tank and isn’t anything that can’t be healed or blocked much easier.

Mei could literally ruin Sigma or D.Va as they are now as a solo tank.
McCree can’t.

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So then go as far as they can in that direction, without causing problems.

But then again your point is that they can’t move in that direction at all, without going in that direction 100%.

I.e. Classic slippery slope fear mongering

Grey I feel like you’ve only half thought about what you’re saying.

If you want to “fix queue times” you would have to drastically alter balance for tanks/DPS to make the populations more equal. It will cause problems

Not some slight changes. Some absolutely game altering changes. Total reworks potentially, which we already know isn’t happening in OW1.

This is why I think what you’re suggesting is a pipe dream

Your goal is unachievable in OW1. Which again, is why I’ve said several times that the only thing that will potentially significantly lower queue times is OW2, but you don’t seem to accept that reality.

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You do know they are removing Mei freeze in OW2, right?

If you’re interested in what I had in mind.

They are going to game game altering changes soon enough. So why wait?

No shield tanks in Overwatch 2 on defence like Kings Row? - #29 by GreyFalcon-11737

I’m really not interested in reading what you have in mind. OW2 is coming and we will see how things are. Nothing that you’re suggesting is going to happen until then, and I won’t entertain the idea of taking a bulldozer to balance in the meantime

The game, likely contrary to what you think, is quite balanced right now. Taking a sledgehammer to it is the last thing I want, until OW2 comes out and 5v5 is here. Once OW2 is here, I’m down to see drastic changes, as the game will be drastically different with 1 less tank & role passives, new maps/modes/heroes etc.

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Yes I thought that’s what you were referring to.
Hers is going because the ever present threat of a long stun on a solo tank that can’t be defense matrixed.

McCree is a blockable once every 10s stun. They’ve only said it might go not it will in OW2.

I don’t think McCree’s is the same issue.

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Why are you so right like 95% of the time?

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I think you mean 105% of the time :wink: Lol.

I can’t help it! :man_shrugging:

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