McCree is the new ‘panic Bastion’

What’s the correlation between mccree and tanks being the least played role?

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Ranged tank buster, with a stun, and a 625 damage combo.

So what was the excuse for tanks pre-buffs? Because the difference betwen OP cree and dumpster fire cree happened when he got 225 hp.

Of course people won’t mention that dva fell through the cracks and she was a mccree disabler but oh well.

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Never said anything of the sort. I couldn’t care less if he was #2 or #5, but nerfing him to the point where he’s just plain bad isn’t a solution. Here’s what I said


This whole “fixing queue times” idea of yours is a fantasy. Nothing is going to magically make queue times low for DPS aside from a large influx of players, aka OW2

Nothing you have ever suggested is a viable solution to “Fixing queue times”

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Not sure what you mean by that

Pretty sure if McCree, Hanzo and Echo weren’t Tank busters, that you’d get more Tank players.

Throw in removing McCree/Mei stuns, and you’d get more.

Which also begs the question why they would need to wait to fix queue times.

I mean, tanks were already not being played before mccree became “OP” or whatever.

Most of which you had Hanzo doing 475-990 damage in 1.5sec, instead of McCree doing 625 damage in 1.7sec

There has been plenty of time between now and when 2-2-2 started without Hanzo/McCree/Echo/Mei being played in most games, and DPS queue times were still high. So dumpstering those heroes will have very little effect if when they weren’t played often didn’t change queue times much either.

Like I said, nothing you have suggested is a real solution to “fixing queue times”. The only way to “Fix” queue times is for OW2 to add a bunch of players. OW1 queue times are what they are, especially considering no major reworks are happening

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You seem to be confusing the ratio of DPS players to Tank players, for the number of players.

More players could potentially make queue times worse, because they may primarily be DPS players.

In other words, if tanks were essentially impossible to kill by conventional means and we had to take into account cc for killing them.

With 1 less tank required in OW2, that’s highly unlikely. Queue times should be pretty low for everyone

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Well yeah, better. But that’s still not gone to be enough of they don’t make sure tank has a more enjoyable playstyle.

Additionally, there’s no reason they gotta subject people to bad queue times in the meantime.

honestly I actually sorta like this idea, which is surprising because usually I don’t agree much with your balance suggestions.

Imagine not being able to play Bastion without a shield.

You aren’t thinking clearly Grey.

The only proposals I’ve heard from you are to buff tanks to stupid degrees making everyone else have a miserable time, which is not a good solution to “fixing queue times” as the game as a whole will crumble because balance is out of whack

Or to nerf DPS to unusable states, which again, is not a good solution to “Fixing queue times”, because you ruin balance & upset many players for the sake of “play tank instead!”

It’s better to balance the game properly and let queue times sort themselves out and see how OW2 helps. Gutting particular heroes or pumping them full of stats with the idea that it’ll somehow benefit the game (when it will only hurt it) is a horrendous idea

You need to understand no one is being subjected to “bad queue times”

Queue times are an unavoidable reality. If you want to play the most popular role, you are going to wait the longest amount of time for a game. That is just reality. Destroying good balance to make DPS unplayable and tanks overpowered is not a solution

While I respect your efforts, you’re just wrong.

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Almost like the idea that they need to balance DPS and Tank heroes to be equivalent to each other, is an outdated concept based on when it was possible to stack 3-4 Tanks on a team.

You ignored 99% of what I said and quoted the 1st sentence. Fantastic conversation :clap:

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I mean it’s not like quoting the rest of it would be any different.

You think they should balance the game the same way they did previous to role queue.

I think that’s outdated.

And you think gutting DPS heroes & pumping tanks full of stats is a good idea how??