Math on Genjis shuriken dps

stream dps: 60/.88=68.18 attacks per minute. 84 damage each. 68.18 x 84 = 5727 damage per minute/60 = 95.4
for the fan, using the same formula but with a recovery rate of .68 we get a dps of 123.5. this also doesnt account for projectile travel time which lengthens the ttk further.

for comparison mercys pistol is 100. baptistes is 124.1 and sombras smg is 160. widows smg is 130
genjis primary fire has a lower dps than mercys pistol, also has a much smaller projectile.
genjis fan has a lower dps than baptistes gun and widows smg. to hit all 3 shurikens with genjis fan i can be at maximum 6 or 7 meters if i aim for baptistes widest part being his arms. about half a meter more than melee so 3 meters is the maximum range for all headshots. 3 meters… reaper, hog, torb and dva have much smaller spread angles.
baptiste can do more damage from upwards of 25 meters and is hitscan and has no spread, keep in mind he isnt a DAMAGE hero.
sombra, the dps that many agree does little meaningful damage has a dps of 160. her smg has essentially double the effective range of genjis fan on top of being hitscan.
of course this isnt also including dash, deflect and melee but these are still low numbers regardless, especially for how limited the effective range is.
compared to any close range hero bar winston and brig, genjis dps is pitiful. this is AFTER the buff he got a few weeks ago.

really consider what naniowo has been saying because 1 or 2 damage on each of genjis shurikens isnt going to suddenly propel him into the meta. genji is duelist hero that cant duel well. hes made to counter hitscans but they are some of his worst matchups. hes ultimate dependant and everyone knows it. its not often i actually can blade without having to to bypass 2 other ultimates before going back to being non threatening. he also loses to each and all of the other flankers. i want to be able to compete and not be a non factor unless im cleaning up easy kills or using 2 ultimates.


To be honest… I was lost from the beginning…


The numbers, Mason, what do they mean?


Yea, Genji’s dps never been huge. Really, increasing the damage on his shurikens mostly increases forgiveness. He currently needs 8 to kill a squishie. With 29 damage he only needs 7. So it won’t increase his perfect ttk as it’s still 3 bursts, but you can miss a bit more. Lastly, he’ll be able to fan+melee a squishie to death if he land all 3 shurikens in the head. Which now leaves 2 hp.

And yea this buff was implemented before with a bunch of other ones and instantly propelled Genji onto the top, but now, with a blade nerfed and current fan fire rate, I think it might work.

P.S. I see no significant breakpoints between 29 and 30 dmg shurikens. Maybe something with some buffs will pop up or he’ll be able to kill some tank with one less or so.


Tbh genjis dps numbers aren’t really that important for balance. Even when he was busted in june his dps numbers weren’t too high. Tho I do think he needs a damage buff.


They should just buff his damages and that’s all

Ah screw you… I wanted to make that joke.


If she’s not missing any shots.

And if she’s even using her pistol.

This is a bad point to be making. All the characters you listed, with the exception of bap, all have things that limit their damage capabilities. Range, spread, ETC.


did you factor in reloading every 10 bursts with that

This post made me realize for how long I havent used Genjis primary and how trash it is. June Genji is over, his secondary recovery and damage was changed multiple times, but primary…

I dont remember last time it was changed

Probably June when it was 30 damage

The recent firerate buff was for both primary and secondary fire.

And Genji doesn’t?

This is the magic about 29 damage: it rewards critical shots while not rewarding bodyshots. 30 damage rewards bodyshot too much because it unlocks way easier combos like fan+fan melee bodyshot only which if u land all 3 shurikens u kill a 200hp squishy. 30 is too much but 29 is perfect.


yes he does,

the problem is that this person is saying that Genji has a lower DPS than these heroes, when realistically his DPS is more on par with someone like bap or sombra

this is of course without his abilities, which changes his damage numbers considerably


Yes but for dash to actually start affecting his damage numbers he needs to confirm kills.

This is the funny thing… why does a damage hero has to be on par with a support hero in terms of damage? I get Zen, but Bap? Lol. Anyway, the buff we are asking for won’t affect his overall damage at all. We just want to be rewarded for landing critical shots and if you make some calculations you can see that 29 damage doesn’t change anything compared to now unless you hit triple heashots.

because said support hero cannot be doing damage all the time, and also lacks other strengths.

Baptiste has more range than genji, for sure, but he also has less burst and less mobility. His ult isn’t as great as genji’s (but its still pretty good), and he also has a larger hitbox, making him more susceptible to snipers


Then riddle me this Batman, who would be more likely to win a 1v1 in a Mercy vs Genji matchup?

I mean, Mercy has the more consistent DPS so…

So your saying you can be a better dps than Genji if allowed to be in that role as a mercy?

Depends whether the Mercy tries to staff him to death. If she does, the Genjis a goner

Omfg I’m nearly at 1000 replies lol