Matchmaking? Small player pool?

Clearly you don’t, because you just told the person saying this is nonsense that they “have nothing of value”.

What you want is people to agree and blame the match maker for things outside of the match makers remit.


so i stand by my previous demand–separate the queues into solo vs grouped. No other game I’ve played makes solo queue people play against stacks. If the response to this will be “well then queue timers go up” —they go up for who exactly? the stack? Then, stacking is an issue.

That’s before you reveled you knew things hand on. So I’m here willing to listen. I’ll even take back what I said lol

I see a lot of people being like “HOW U KNOW” to stuff like “its been like this for years” but a link to that isnt provided.
Jeff posted on the old forums a while ago, but … since its the old forum that old forum post is gone.
Thankfully, reddit.

Edit: Also, while i dont necessarily agree with cuthbert/doland’s opinion on the matchmaker, he has compiled dev comments on the matchmaker in this thread, which mentions SR chasing MMR in the first quote


Next to the amazingly detailed explanations in that reddit post, I think one of the more salient points in that post was this:

So while it is possible for a mismatch to result in a stomp, not every stomp is a mismatch. If every time a team dominates another team it is viewed as “the matchmaker is broken”, the problem we have is with perception and expectations. Look across all pro sports. Even matches happen every night. Stomps happen every night. It’s a reality of any competitive game. Does that make being on the receiving end sting any less – probably not.

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Uhhh what is going on? You guys dumping links on my sake?

I still want to know what you mean by this. Do you code for games? No sarcasm, genuinely curious.

I just get really frustrated when i know theres a source for information but its not provided


Oh yeah, I feel ya.

No worries.

That‘s a very strange take and a even sadder generalization of the playerbase.

Same argument actually when politicians try to counter transparency and equally wrong.

Playing a comp game, it was obvious, I just stopped and told everyone to let them win.

I don’t even care any more.

No. The problem is the matchmaker… making games on average mmr… but not balancing by role.

So you get stomps. As the 3 roles are not even remotely equal in value.

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He’s not entirely wrong though. You merely need to look higher up this thread and already you can find plenty of examples.

But even without that there are reasons why you don’t directly get to see MMR.
Biggest one being that it allows them to adjust your SR without affecting the matchmaker. Which allows that start of season rank demotion, so that you can then see it go up most of the time throughout the season.