Wait so you think diamond tanks can’t tell when they are matched up against another tank with +/- 1000 SR?
Support Junkrat confirmed?
That would be my defense if I only did 1.9k damage
Yup; there is no fair games anymore, the MM is the most broken since ow1 lauched.
I have a feeling that you’ll use that same information to backup your future arguments as well lol
Considering the complaints aren’t backed up, you don’t need anything from me.
No one needs anything from you, you have nothing of value lol
Dude, you can clearly hold a normal discussion as shown earlier in this thread. Why stoop to name-calling?
I’m not name calling, I’m just tired of hearing observations constantly being called “complaints” on here. I see is as a form of trying to discredit people.
I love how you pull up my info, like it’s something that’s gonna shut me up Haha! Like i’m supposed to be embarrassed or something lol.
Nice try.
But it does give insight. Especially when schooling me on what I was doing as support… I’m well aware of what I need to do as a support. Nor is it even relevant to the subject.
So you try to discredit people in response?
Also what “observations”? This thread is mostly just filled with whining and moaning about bad games while making wild assumptions on the matchmaker. (as often happens when rating systems meet player egos)
Yes the matchmaker seems to be of lower quality, NO they are not purposely matching you with better or worse players to force a result. That is stupid, so why do people keep suggesting that blizzactivision is purposely sabotaging their own game?
You also forget that the weekly challenges were changed.
You have to play all 3 roles now instead kf just playing 2 (dps and tank for most), you have to get 250 assists (mostly done by supports) and the team kill challenge (more controlable by dps heroes) was removed and replaced by something that is more achieveable by supports.
While it’s true that less players might play overall, there is still the possibility that the percentage of support players was raised one way or another.
The lack of transparency has been an issue for 7 years. At one point, we knew they were allowing a roughly 1000 SR gap in ranked for people to group with. Could assume match making was that wide as well at the time.
It’s changed since OW1, though, so me, and I’m sure many others, are curious as to how far that gap has widened since the release of OW2.
This is what neglecting a game look like. Balancing each season or mid season(joke so far). Having Orisa, pocketed Hitscan/ Sojourn or anything with Mercy is getting old. Bad balance is leading to terrible matchmaking with people not wanting to play this game.
Umm the one you just… nvm
This must be the universe telling me to get off the forums lol
Yeah, perhaps you should, since clearly you have nothing useful to say.
You just said the exact same t…
Sorry. I am not a conspiracy theorist or member of the echo chamber. I have my own free will have some some experience with how these systems work, added with hours of game play.
When someone criticises the match maker, for something the match maker doesn’t even do… They should be told. Their misunderstanding is what causes them to tilt unnecessarily.
When you say this I’m assuming you are implying you coded or dabbled in something like this for a video game before outside of just playing overwatch like the rest of us? I like hearing the ins and out of game coding and design.