Which is it? Because this is no way fair. This is how my games end up 90% of the time. My team is either rolled and smoked, or they are the ones rolling and smoking.
The above was ranked. QP? Sure, it’s whatever. People go there to work on heroes or to try out heroes. But comp?
The enemy was trying, and even made hero changes. But man. As soon as they left their spawn, they were right back in it.
Blizzard pls.
Edit: Their tank only went Winton for the last few seconds to attempt to get to the point. They were Rein/Orisa for the entire game. Their DPS only switched to Soldier and Junkrat around the middle of the second round.
The match making took a nose dive because of the shrinking player pool. Queue times were skyrocketing, then magically dropped again, which was in sync with a massive drop in match quality. Purely coincidentally I am sure.
I genuinely don’t think it’s the matchmaker(at least in comp). It’s just super snowbally gameplay now. It’s like League, and League has been like this for YEARS.
There’s also a change that separates visual rank and mmr that is super misleading as well.
Sure is real convenient of Blizzard to hide a player’s MMR so we can never truly see how far apart the skill of some players are, at least according to their “Hidden MMR.”
I beg to differ. On launch tank and dps queue times were practically unplayable because support is such an unappealing role and was creating a bottleneck.
Did they change the support role?
Does the game have more active players now than when it launched?
Did they change the matchmaker to prioritise speed in finding a match and disregard a fair match?
I have no way of proving it, but we’re all feeling the same ‘roll or be rolled’ every game, and seeing wildly out of place rank players in our games, so all signs point to yes.
What I mean is, did they make a meaningful change to the support role itself to attract more players to the role. Adding a new support hero doesn’t coax over a dps player to play support, well, not for more than a couple of games anyway.
5v5 is more snowbally, I agree. But these games I’ve played aren’t about snowballing, it falls down to one team being objectively better than the other - aka. the matchmaker has massively deviated from finding two teams of equal skill in favour of find a match quickly.
MMR should tell you something about a player skill, whereas SR is just an indication of what rank they are at this current moment. I get that. What I’m talking about is playing my supposedly plat/low diamond games and seeing multiple masters or GM players in the lobby.
“But their MMR is the same as yours despite having a higher rank, so you are in a balanced match!” I hear you say?
I can honestly say that I am dogpoop compared to these players. They consistently outplay everyone else, they singlehandedly dismantle whole teams, they are GM in both MMR and SR. They are only in those games for queue speed, nothing to do with fair matches.
Oh yeah. This has been my experience 90% of the time too. In this case it seems like WInston jumped in 9 times and everytime Echo just coomed on them and rolled and smoked them while they were out of the reach of their supports and Orisa blocked any and all changes of their 76 following him up with any damage while Junkrat just… missed pretty much everything and died a few times without doing anything
Matchmaker is not intended to make fair matches because fair matches are too challenging and time consuming for the average user, of whom only wants to roll and smoke the other team and get PoG. The stomps are intended because that is what the average user prefers; They are just here to troll their own team and collect cosmetics.
They’d have to remove healing and add a missile launcher. Almost nobody left in this game wants the responsibility of healing or supporting a teammate.
Well, they were Winton only for the last few seconds to reach the point before the timer was up.
They were Orisa and Rein, and Orisa again. But my tank and Torb were blocking the way in (this was Nepal Sanctum). Why they didn’t go through the two other entryways is beyond me.
I don’t remember what dps they tried, I just remember a Sombra and then finally Soldier and Junkrat. Junkrat was having a tough time.
Lessen healing by a lot, give supports more utility to be able to help a team while doing damage themselves, and I think you attract a lot more players to the role.
This is my favorite (after trickling teammates); players just going middle over and over and over like the other two options may as well not even exist.
I also am finding I am coming across the same players over and over again. I think that is why they are STILL limiting us to 3 players for “avoid” slots. Since there is nothing left to the game.
When I can keep playing the game for several hours and keep on seeing the same players over and over again. I doubt there are as many players remaining in this game, like they want us to think.