It’s what caused me to take a break when season 2 hit. 1 week of spawn camping no missing high ranked pocketed players against a mix of plats, golds and as low as bronze.
The whole thing is coded like this on purpose.
Such fun…
It’s what caused me to take a break when season 2 hit. 1 week of spawn camping no missing high ranked pocketed players against a mix of plats, golds and as low as bronze.
The whole thing is coded like this on purpose.
Such fun…
Just because you don’t have a problem with the game doesn’t mean that tons of people on the forums, subreddits, streamer chats, youtube/twitter comments, etc. aren’t having problems either. Even pro players are having problems with the MM. It’s really a solid way to retain the playerbase. Why would people play the game if a game they go into, be it Quick Play, Arcade, Ranked, or whatever, is just going to be a stomp? New players won’t learn from it. Veteran players won’t want to play into it.
No, but they have, repeatedly, offered XP incentives to queue for all roles. I’d imagine a lot of players may have given up on playing dedicated roles and swapped to all so that they can have lower queues and that has brought queue times down across the board (although now tank and DPS queues are lower than support).
Frankly, you have no way of knowing that. So let’s just take that with a mountain of salt.
Nothing new.
Blizzard has hilarious regional match making it uses in all its products.
It was so bad in Diablo 2 Resurrected that they removed it.
I would log onto D2R and see like 6 games to join…
This is a very common issue with blizzard match making services… aka activision match making services… soon to be… microsoft services…
Sorry but calling this company Blizzard is just… a joke at this point… they are going to be acquired for the second time… the only part of Blizzard that is Blizzard is its IP however the direction of the IP… no longer blizzard.
Diablo Mobile anyone!!?!?!?!?
There is no ‘matchmaking’ in D2R. There’s no need to ‘matchmake’ in that game at all. It’s not a competitive game. Yes there’s PvP but nothing remotely competitive about it.
Just don’t ingest it cause it can kill you.
I saved a life today, I feel good.
If the players numbers had increased since the launch we would sure know from a blizz post celebrating it. They were quite fast to shout the “35 million players/logins/whatever”.
It has also been months since the launch and no new significant content aside from Ram has been added, it is only normal that the numbers surely fell a bit as it happens with every game. The question is how much was this fall, the MM issues coupled with the sudden decrease on queue times seem to point a clue that this fall might have been a little bigger than the norm.
Uhh… no?
Blizzard, like all companies, release news when they hit milestones, often big ones. They don’t issue a new press release every time their player count increases.
35 million is a big milestone.
Saying: “Hey, an extra 10,000 accounts were made last week, thank you!” is honestly a waste of time from Blizzard. They aren’t some random influencer on Twitter/Instagram who celebrates when they gain 100 new followers.
But does it really feel like this game has a whopping 35 million playerbase or anything close to that right now?
I mean…
My queue times are relatively short unless I try to jump into Arcade. Competitive queues being a bit longer because I expect far more people play in Quick Play, and it’s rare that I see the same person twice.
I think I can count on both hands how many times I’ve seen the same player in my games and it’s not really that bad when it happens. Most of the time we’re happy to see each other if we’re on the same team, or we make a joke of it if we’re opposed to each other after previously being on the same team.
The game is always going to ‘feel’ small because there isn’t really any mode that allows you to see a lot of players. That goes for every game though. Even when World of Warcraft had 10 million subscribers I never felt like I was playing a game with 10 million subscribers. I wouldn’t see even 1% of that on my server at any given time.
I think you quoted the wrong person, because I have no idea what you want a reply code of.
Looks like their Tank was throwing. If the Tank throws, it’s a certain GG. You cannot carry a bad / throwing tank.
Ok, next time I’ll just battle Mercy.
What’s there for me to damage when my team already eliminated everyone. Weird thing thing to focus on when it was my team who won.
Maybe your issue has to do with supports. Which has nothing to do with the subject.
We don’t have numbers so every one is just speculating atm. Feel is just subjective at this point. Also if I ran a company I’m not gonna report to the public that I’m doing bad, it’s suicide lol
See how his queue/experience varies from what others have reported on here? He’s not lying but so aren’t the ones saying the opposite. From how match making works, X players to pick from, mode and also being based on location it’s gonna vary for every player.
Everyone is just speculating and until we get official word on numbers (doubt it) then all we can do is just take everyone’s word and put it on some board that says Dying or Thriving and keep record.
MM queues are going to vary depending on your individual skill level and that’s to be expected of any competitive game.
The better you are the higher your placement and the smaller the crowd that can be pulled from.
I can tell you exactly what my ranking is in competitive for tanking right now. It’s Bronze 1. Bronze and Silver is where I expect the majority of players are, so my queue times are short. Meanwhile someone playing at Gold 1, Platinum 2 or Diamond 3 is going to have a very different experience with queues. There just aren’t as many people playing at that skill level.
And because of that, that’s why gold players are getting frustrated that they’re getting thrown in with platinum players, because Blizzard NEEDS to ensure everyone can play the game, but if there aren’t enough platinum players then they have to grab gold players to fill the void.
Yes, true.
Oh this isn’t new that MM grabs ranks from those higher/lower ranks when it pool to pick from is low, it was a thing in OW1 for years but there’s a difference now. At least from what I’ve seen and heard.
Playing comp years ago (Plat) it was very common to see 1 rank higher than the rest of my equally SR team mates and sometimes it’s 1 rank lower than the rest but (take this with a grain of salt) how they played from my experience kinda matched how the rest played.
The way the higher ranks played made it look like they “earned” that Diamond rank and are really good but was kinda obvious couldn’t keep up with “true Diamond” matches so the system brought them back to Plat games and the Golds that played were also good and I have a hunch their stats according to the system looked really well and then said ‘your skill is close enough, you’re going to Plat’.
They all “felt” like they equally and correctly matched everyone else for the most part and my experience (i’d say 90%) was fairly matched and not lopsided skill wise (team work is the deciding factor lol). The problem with OW2 MM when I played both comp and unranked was ranks were/are all over the place where I get wrecked just from basic exposer and the stats in game show the lop sided 20-30 kils avg on one side vs 0-5 on the other. This also leaked into Quick Play which made me just frustrated that no one was being placed anywhere near close to the majority of those the system picked.
I believe when people say the ranks are just all over the place (maybe for just my plat rank and around it, Bronze is another story and I can’t comment on it) cause I’ve been there. From years of having good matches in comp and QP and then moving on to OW2 til around session 2 did I notice things felt off and more reports are making me not think I’m crazy.
Just my 2 cents on the matter.
It can. They match on average MMR of the stack. Which is fine.
Still going strong with the assumptions.
Why not show each players skill-level?
This would either shut up people complaining about bad MM or show that it’s basically random to get q-times down.
Transparency would really help everyone out, but until then, the math and observations aren’t really backing up your „everything’s fine“ statements.
Not enough is being said about the Junkrat with 30 heals
It wouldn’t. You’d find something else to moan about.
Transparency is only good if people understand what they see.