Matchmaking? Small player pool?

Someone asking the right questions. Theres alot of ppl defending blizz for no real gain. But also providing zero to prove their point. This isnt just low ranks stating theres an issue now its also the top ranks it not just a get gud excuse anymore.


Yes. They certainly prefer people complaining about stomps and imbalanced matches rather than long queue times which leads to shouts of ā€œdead gameā€.

The MM has been loosened up and its clear for everyone to see. It is no coincidence or bad programming, it is deliberate to provide faster queue times.


It does. Itā€™s copium. Blizzard loosened the matchmaker to keep Q times down and then hid ranks so people wouldnā€™t realize that theyā€™re getting placed in games that are less even.

They couldā€™ve kept the matchmaker as it was in OW1 and hidden the ranks and it wouldnā€™t be bad because the deviation of the hidden MMR was much smaller in OW1 but the Q times would be high.

But they opened it up and in order to avoid the obvious backlash they hid your actual rank. The real problem is the hidden MMR matchmaker has been loosened, but them hiding ranks was so you wouldnā€™t realize how much wider the net is being cast


This is pure copium you are huffing.

The only thing theyā€™ve done that they are now changing is moving to role matching MMR instead of overall.

And that is only really going to be sometimes possibly noticed at the very highest, and the very lowest ranks. Silver to Diamondā€¦ wonā€™t change a thing,


Hence the removal of Priority Passes.


No, they were removed because they didnā€™t actually achieve anything.

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Just chatting here.

I suspect that for many (myself included), they are thinking of MMR as an integral part of the matchmaking system. We just notice how bad the system is, but have no real insight into what the root cause is. Is it MMR? Is it a diminished player base?

Iā€™ve no clue honestly. I just know I donā€™t play half as much as I used to because my matches are just such a wreck lately, which is a shame, because I generally dig the game (mostly) otherwise.

I want a good fight. I donā€™t care really if I win on lose, as long as itā€™s close.


MMR is what the match maker uses.

Problem is, people see someone whos had their visible rank dropped and not played much in season 2 and panic. If they are in your match, their MMR is roughly the same as yours. Nothing more to it.

The dream. But even if all 10 players had exactly the same MMR, youā€™d still get stomps from time to time. People donā€™t click sometimes, a players hero pool might not mesh well, mistakes are made, someone just has a bad game, someone just pops off. But then people will still blame all that on the match maker like it is meant to be able to predict the future or something.


Ahhhh, that makes sense. I always figured your MMR was like a living breathing thing in a way. If you played anywhere and in any mode, the system was adjusting.

What was their switch? Junkrat into echo and torb? Looks like you had a 4v5 game. It happens. That person may have even been throwing. But, yeah, stupid matchmakeer!

Hero picks have nothing to do with the match maker.

Someone deciding to throw also has nothing to do with the match maker.


Thatā€™s my pointā€¦

How was the matchmaker supposed to predict that? Why is this blizzards fault?

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matchmaking already bad now input being able to queue into people 2 tiers above you and then input premades into the equation u get overwatch 2. Your pretty much forced to create premades or solo queue hell.

Solo queue is fine. Thatā€™s probably 80% of my time is solo.

I saw someone earlier who was noticeably lower rank on their profileā€¦ But theyā€™d only played 2 games this season so it was irrelevant. Previous season they were same rank as me. So our MMRā€™s were clearly similar.

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I dont believe it has much to do with priority passes, its really just a simple problem of few players to actually to a fast queue time. Veterans and new players, low rank and high ranks, solo and premades, all cobbled up together to generate faster queue times.

In programming layman sight it is s probably something like this:

*player queues up
*check mmr/sr
*tries to match the player similar rank
*check average queue time
*if queue time > 2 min ā€¦ match the player with whatever it finds just make it quick!

If the game was blooming with millions and millions players (35 like blizzard like to gloat about) we would have no trouble finding players in all ranks and match them equally. It is clear as day that this isnā€™t the case, ow2 might have had a huge drop in the player base recently and the MM is struggling to balance queues times and fair matches.


cope cope cope cope cope blizzard shill


90 percent of the time? I call bull. Because you say this directly after:

Gee, look at this here. You blanked everyoneā€™s name cept yours. So we can see how you played. You did absolutely no damage, played heal bot. Obviously you did better healing than your moira, but thatā€™s not hard. The rest of your team has decent stats.

Thatā€™s how itā€™s supposed to be though. The matches are supposed to work out to around 50/50 Wins vs losses over time.

I donā€™t see a problem with this game. Other than their tank pick was atrocious.

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I would absolutely love to go back to 5-10 minutes for queuing if it means getting properly matched games. Yeah, the queue for about 2 minutes is fine and all, but at what cost? What cost?!

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Thereā€™s no matchmaking in this game anymore.

I keep getting t500 players in my gamesā€¦ and Iā€™m borderline silver/gold. Whatever the system thinks my MMR isā€¦ Iā€™m flattered but that ainā€™t it.

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Wheres the shill?

The ā€œcopeā€ is the people blaming the match maker because they lost a game.