Matchmaker needs to be fixed

Theres no reason why I as a GrandMaster player should be playing with Low diamonds.

A low diamond support cannot keep up with a GM tank.


Yep, matchmaker is still a mess.

Though don’t be surprised to see diamonds on your team after it eventually gets fixed. They apparently need to do it to pad out the high level games. Not enough players at that level to have palatable queue times.

I’m GM5 going onto GM4 and I just played with an entire team of plats crazy HOW??


i have seen hundreds of reports of this over the last week. it’s driving people crazy


This just raises serious questions about how honest Blizzard are being on how many people are actually playing.

I’d understand throwing masters in with gm. But low diamond or sometimes plats? Really? This wasnt needed in OW1 so why is it needed now when OW2 is supposedly significantly more popular and requires 1 less player per team?

I’m absolutely furious playing this game because I’m doing as much as I can getting like 50 elims as tank with 22k damage 2-3ks every fight

And my team mates are barely pushing 5-5KD with 5k damage its absolutely infuriating I would rather wait 20 minutes for a queue like OW1 than this absolute mess.


it’s extremely exhausting isn’t it?


I am gold-plat at best. My brother is bronze-silver. Last week we were both queued for DPS.

We’re on Havana, an excellent sniper map, and I got the great honor of having the ever-loving crap beaten out of me by a rank 10 Widow.

Rank 10. The 10th best DPS player in North America.

The quality of Blizzard’s game has nosedived. They don’t care. Not about quality - they’re all about the quantity, and it shows every single game.


How do you know if they are actual diamonds? Do you see their actual MMR?
I have gold and plat accounts that are forced to play in gm and even in top500 lobbies, just because I have 4.3 peak on my main and it sees the performance.
This matchmaker boosts MMR like crazy and it is absolutely detached from displayed rank - that is the problem.

I see them playing like diamonds, and I see their rank and all their previous rank history is diamond and below.


It’s so hyper-blatantly obvious when matchmaker has chosen it’s your “turn” to lose

and you are carrying harder than you ever have in your life, got 3x your entire team’s elims combined,

but every enemy is your same skill level and of course you easily get stomped.


it’s extremely obvious

you can feel the pain literally


Relatable. I just logged out earlier after a similar game but on dps. We somehow managed to hold despite me being the only person on the team with more elims than deaths…Easily. Checked some profiles and the entire team was diamond and from their performance I refuse to believe that the tank was even that :roll_eyes:

But in the end 1 person cant make up for a team clearly mismatched so we lost. Fun.

I don’t even think it’s deliberately rigged…Just stupid and the devs dont seem to understand that having such a massive variation in ranks cant be a thing.


And then I always make it worse somehow by sitting at spawn and spamming “group up”

just sitting there…waiting for a full 5 before pushing, but people have their W keys glued down and run in and die

And then someone inevitably types that I’m throwing and being afk


jesus if they are staggering they like golds, not even

You can’t tell who is who by just watching them 1 match, and I bet you won’t go for replays, right? I get that comment a lot on my fake plat account, because ppl just see the icon and go insane. While actual insanity is the way MMR detached from SR now.
However, when they see something like 80%+ winrate on my end they usually become silent. Look at these profiles carefully if they are available, most of the time those ppl are hard smurfing and gaining tons of win rate which boosts their MMR with performance considered. I understand that sometimes you can actually tell like “This guy is a hecking wood tier!” but most of the time it is biased.

I suspect overall population is solid, but competitive population isn’t great, particularly at high ranks. There’s been a lot of issues since launch that may have driven the comp population down:

  1. The move to the hidden SR.
  2. Requiring 7 (now 5) wins for a rank update.
  3. The numerous stability issues in season one.
  4. The bronze 5 error in season one.
  5. The introduction of universal rank decay in season two.
  6. The fact that your rank decayed, but you were still facing people from your old rank.
  7. The fact that comp stats STILL can’t be viewed by lots of people. (I can’t).

Couple all that with some questionable balance decisions, and I think a lot of people are avoiding comp until some of this is straightened out. I known a few comp diehards who have peaced out until season four at the very least. Bet you know some too.

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i think its more the timing that makes it break.

in ow1 it would lets say add 20sr (idk the real number) to the mmr range for both sides (up and down) for every minute and after enough time in queue you could potentially end up with a 3800 support in a 4500 lobby.

but in ow2 it seems that it ticks up alot faster and it doesnt even give it enough time too find a match normally. so the diamond+ lobbies end up being filled with gold/plats and the GM lobbies get diamonds and sometimes gold/plats.

they need to find a balance between the ow1 method and the ow2 method. so that if you have plenty of people on at your skill level then you dont need to worry about anything, but if you are playing at 4400 you might get a masters or two on your team but alot faster just so that you dont have a 30minute queue.

There is a reason. And that reason is Blizzard’s killing the game and driving player counts down. They can have the perfect matchmaker but if there’s no one at your rank they’ll never match you with them.

Blizzard’s just been driving players away, and now there aren’t enough for smooth matchmaking.


We could ask them to do something like this.