Matchmaker needs to be fixed

Theoretically that could work however, if there just aren’t nine other players at your skill rank, that are on right now, and close enough to you to have a reasonable ping, you won’t get a match.

im in a losing streak ,it all started 3 days ago, im still losing.

(im gold 5 in both tank and support btw)

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Yes, this is true, but according to Blizzard the game is as lively and populous as ever. If it ever gets to this point, they’d have to acknowledge it and relax the matchmaking again.

Blizzard has a long track record of simply lying to us. It’s just not safe nor reasonable to take them at their word.

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it is fixed. as in rigged.

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its not broken , all its flaws are made on purpouse

I played against a top 500 yesterday… believe me when I say, it’s not fun for me to get dominated by someone at the literal opposite end of the skill tier from me. I’m silver/bronze over here. Why am I getting put with these people? What am I supposed to learn? It’s just respawn simulator.

This matchmaking is literally the worst in any game I’ve played. It’s just unbearable when you know for a fact you can’t win the game, or in the case of having higher level players on my team, we can’t lose.

I think we just need to accept that Overwatch is no longer a top of the industry game, and set our expectations as low as possible.

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