Masters & GMs incapable of getting out of gold

There are lots of information provided by Mikosan from Kabaji hard carries… GM are trapped that you’ve chosen to ignore… One example of my statement 'any data that doesn’t fit… Are discarded. I guess you read the beginning and the end of papers and consider yourself well versed…

A quick google search will tell you what Mikosan is. Very mature.

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Based on what evidence?

How does he not know what he’s talking about?

Are you his servant? He is petulant and goes off of a top streamer’s performance for his arguments. But this thread isnt about him ; its been derailed and i feel bad for OP who wanted actual GMS to answer, not twitch chat.

I’m calling Bull, I manage to breeze through gold even on my off roles

No. Don’t have servants where I live - personal attack… nice. Your servant comment demonstrates who is the petulent one. For ‘his’ arguments? Mikosan stayed on topic (i.e.relates to the title provided by the OP). If they don’t, then neither does the majority of the posts under this thread, including yours.

But I am sorry, I should stop, catch myself from this downward spiral.

I have never seen this, outside of my other account i keep around Diamond-plat so i can play with my friends.

I think i understand you, he was outperforming hard, and even then he looses, the thing is, that everyone has stated that there are ow matches that you cannot win no matter what, maybe for a gm is 1 out of 10 in gold and for a diamon is 1 out of 4 (dont know just trying to explain a point) but even with that ratio, a gold to gm looks like a breeze for a gm.

BTW thanks to everyone to share their thoughts this helps a lot.

If the Master or GM player is playing their strongest heroes, which they used to stay in their current ranks. Then that player will destroy in any plat or below rank games.

He may not win every game. But he will win a lot.
This video does not prove anything. But you might get an idea about the difference in skill gap.

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Master DPS/Support.
I mostly don’t believe it, however there are possibilities that could have happened:
-The Master/GM player expected it to be too easy, was in for a bad awakening, got frustrated, blamed teammates, stopped playing after 2 games
-The Master/GM is a Main Tank/Support main, excepted their team to be as aggressive/supportive as good teams, ended up feeding, got frustrated, stopped playing
-The Master/GM only played Off Meta heroes for some lulz, didn’t take it seriously, underestimated the power of counters even at that level, got frustrated, stopped playing afzer some losses

As you can see, they mostly have to do with ego and not respecting low ranked players. That’s not a bad system, that’s some hurt egos.

There is one possibility that would be the system’s fault though. There currently is a streamer (saw him on Freshnuts, sadly forgot the name) who’s in Diamond with an alt and gets like 2 SR for a win. I mean, you can play like a god and there’s nothing you can do if you don’t get SR for winning lol

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Smurfing definitely isn’t what it used to be. The game has evolved to become so noob-friendly that carry heroes are barely able to solo-carry a game anymore. Tanks are the exception.

I had a 90% Tank, 65% DPS, 60% support winrates from gold > masters on my smurf i made when role queue released so i definitely lost alot of games.

It wouldn’t be a one sitting job but the fact remains that they would undoubtedly have an overwhelmingly positive winrate. They’d have to gain 2500sr with what would probably be somewhere in the 30sr per win range.
You can’t win every game, some are just not possible, you hinted at it with the kabaji comment but you have to remember that there is more to the game than just getting kills. Lower ranks don’t know how to act on an advantage and he was playing an off meta pick at the time, arguably making it harder for his teammates to know what to do. I have also seen the vod, he got to gm with an overwhelmingly positive winrate. It shouldn’t be easy to get into the top 1% of the player base.

I dont really have an issue with it.

That’s definitely not true.

By design a fresh account gains (or drops) SR more quickly.

After a few dozen games the SR gains are more normal.

Take a gm player and give him or her a account that’s been hard stuck in low gold for many seasons hundreds of games and they’ll struggle. They’ll probably climb out, but they’ll struggle. The reason they’ll climb out, is because they’re many tiers above their competition. A legitimate low platinum player, barely being a tier above their competition will struggle hard to climb out of gold. Point is, if being tiers above the competition is required to climb, do we now see why the majority of the playerbase is in gold and platinum? It’s actually insane the amount of carrying required and it goes directly against what the concept of the game was supposed to be. Fact, get good enough to be tiers above the competition and you’ll climb, FACT, it shouldn’t be this way.


Anybody who is genuinely in Masters or GM is not going to get stuck in gold.

In gold i can play with a controller and get out. If a player in masters cant get out of gold they are not masters. Simple as that, gold players have so many problems you can abuse over and over again and they never learn. I mean, you can do the same thing 30 times and they will fall for it over and over again. They are constantly out of position, waste ults, get greedy, poor aim i mean people need to stop trying to find excuses to why they cant climb.

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LMAO. not at all. That account would be out of gold within 15 games.

Bruh i can play with my feet and get out of gold

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calm down…